Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 894 Beibei's Likes

Chapter 894 Beibei's Likes

Ling Yun took out the storage ring that An Qing gave him, saying that it was all used for the An family to set up the spirit gathering array.

After a sweep of his consciousness, he was stunned for a moment, this girl is taking care of her mother's family, so many spirit stones are given to An's family, and he is not allowed to take them, even if she wants to enrich her own pocket.

So many items in the auction house are all his... Ling Yun is speechless, An Qing is darker than the little guy!
As for Lingshi, An Qing thinks it's useless for Lingyun to ask for it.

After setting up the spirit-gathering array, Ling Yun took out the god-level exercises suitable for Tianlinggen, and asked them to practice hard, striving to cultivate immortals and become enlightened as soon as possible.


Ling Yun took a ride to Guanghua Group, the little guy and Beibei must be there!
Along the way, Ling Yun told them stories, such as Tian Long Ba Bu, Nezha Nao Hai, and Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Ling Yun was thick-skinned, he insisted on calling other people's things his own, and he didn't even blush when he said it.

After listening to the story, Guanghua Group also arrived!

"Sir, don't brag, Zhonghua Road is here."

The driver reminded that he had stopped for a minute, and Ling Yun was still chatting with the little guys, so he didn't pay attention.

The story of Ling Yun along the way was also heard by the master driver, maybe he is middle-aged, or maybe he doesn't like it, just listen to it, that's it.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched. If this driver wrote a book about one of his stories just now, even if it wasn't the original book, it would be popular all over China!

The little guy curled his lips and retorted: "My dad is not bragging, hehe, I will ignore you, and I won't take your car."

Beibei made a funny face, just to prevent others from saying that the story Ling Yun told was bragging, it must be true, because the Twelve Domains are so big.

Ling Yun was taken aback!
What did the little guy call him just now?
"Sissy, say it again!"

The little guy scratched his head, huh huh?He looked dumbfounded.

"Boy, aren't they princesses?" The driver finally recognized them.

"Good vision." Ling Yun nodded in response, and at the same time opened the door to let them get out of the car first.

"In this case, then I won't charge you." The driver replied with a smile: "My children like them very much, can I ask for an autograph?"

"Beibei, write a few words!" Ling Yun said.

Beibei and the little guy immediately signed their two names on the book handed over by the driver master, and they were flying around.

The driver happily accepted it, but he didn't know how valuable this book is now.

One more!

None of the staff of Guanghua Group went to work, and Ling Yun was sitting in the lobby on the first floor.

"Bebe, do you still remember Tianlongbabu?"

"Yeah, yum."

Beibei nodded speechlessly, she just heard it just now, how could she not remember!

The little guy asked: "Father, what is Tian Long Ba Bu, does it sound good? Sissy wants to hear it."

Ling Yun heard again that his daughter finally changed her mind.

But her words...

It really gave Ling Yun a headache, did she not listen carefully just now?
Beibei patted the little guy's head and said, "The Babu of Tianlong is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Snake, the magical skill of escaping."

The little guy laughed out loud when he heard it, she remembered it right away!

Ling Yun was ashamed!

How many times has he explained that it is a dragon and not a snake, but Beibei wants to talk about snakes, what can he do, he can only let them.

"What about Legend of the Condor Heroes?"

The little guy shook his head, but she couldn't remember: "Dad, have you told me?"

Beibei patted the little guy's head again, and said in a childish voice, "It's the dog-beating stick method!"



Ling Yun was ashamed again!

"Let me ask you, who do you like most in Tianlong Babu?"

The little guy directly said that he likes Xu Zhu, because he is a stupid bald donkey, unlike Jiumozhi, this old monk is very bad.

"Where's Beibei? Who do you like the most?" Ling Yun couldn't help laughing at Beibei's pensive look. Her eyes were still blinking, and her thoughts were still so adorable.


Beibei summed up what she wanted to say, put her hands on her hips, and spoke in a serious manner.

"I like Kumoji!"

"Qiao Feng? The one who hit the snake has a full level at the beginning!"

"Hitting girls everywhere, and only running away and cheating on the way!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, that was Duan Yu, but he didn't interrupt.

The little guy kept laughing, and the hall was filled with her laughter.

bebe continue...

"Little bald donkey's hacking account reached the full level, Murong Fu recharged in the early stage, and after getting a recharge gift bag, he wandered around."

As she spoke, she sighed, her gestures were very funny, the little guy really never stopped laughing.

"He only cares about the guild, tsk tsk, he didn't reach the full level in the later stage." After she finished speaking, she still had a heartbroken expression, hating that iron can't be made into steel.

"Only Jiumozhi, he leveled up by slashing monsters with one blow."

The fascinated expression on her face is simply the belief of all ordinary players!

After Ling Yun heard this, flocks of crows flew over his head...

How well said, I almost applauded.



You yourself just hung up halfway through, okay?

After listening to this, the little guy thought it made sense, and suddenly she also liked this bad monk.

The staff of Guanghua Group finally went to work. Once they arrived at the hall, they could almost surround the little guy and Beibei.

Almost all the female staff took pictures with them, and they asked for autographs, but that was fine. Bei Bei and the little guy chose to take pictures with them.

Close to work!

Holding a file bag in his hand, Ling Yun led them to a manager's office. It was a somewhat bald man with a fat stomach.

"Who are you, go out, go out, the personnel department is downstairs." Zhang Tinguo shouted, pointing at the door.

"Aha, so fat."

The little guy smiled and clapped his hands, showing a mouthful of small teeth, so cute.

Beibei scratched her head, not knowing why she came here.

"Sit down and talk to you." Ling Yun took the lead to sit opposite Zhang Tingguo.

"Who are you?" Zhang Tinguo was displeased!

After Ling Yun said something, Zhang Tinguo's face changed drastically.

"Brother, brother, don't tell me, I'll give you whatever you want." Zhang Tinguo was sweating nervously.

"I don't want money, but I want to send you money."

"What do you mean? Brother, don't tease me."

"Hehe, I signed this agreement."

"What?" Zhang Tinguo opened his eyes, his eyes widened.


Is this a strong buy and sell?

Such a low price is like buying his shares in Guanghua Group?
He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent it, and he didn't dare to show it, so he could only clench his fists tightly.

He had to force a smile to face Ling Yun, who sneered, this kind of scum, it's fine to crush him to death, still want to be angry?
What if he doesn't?
Ling Yun blew his breath and killed him, death is not a pity!
"Can you add some?"

Zhang Tingguo knew that the deal was done, so he could only ask for more money.

Ling Yun sneered, and pointed to the agreement on the table: "You think too much, take a look."

Zhang Tingguo was puzzled, and opened it again. When he saw the transaction price, his legs trembled.

(Audit problem... other websites have been updated)
(Let’s update it tomorrow)

(It will be updated in 5 minutes, I hope it will not be like last night...)
 I only found out yesterday that the exemption is restricted, so let’s update it after the exemption is restricted, and don’t procrastinate...

(End of this chapter)

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