Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 895 Violent Solution

Chapter 895 Violent Solution (Part [-])
this price!

It has changed!

Even lower than before.

Fuck, who is this man? It's fine to know his secret, and he can rewrite the numbers on the paper at will.

He has heard of such people, and they are very mysterious.

"Brother, don't be kidding, it's the price just now." Zhang Tinguo had a heartbroken expression on his face, just like his dead parents.

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Son, you think too much."


Being called a child, Zhang Tingguo is angry!

"Then I, then I'll sell." Zhang Tingguo compromised, and if he continued to fight with Ling Yun, there would be no good results, after all he knew his secret.

"You're smart." Ling Yun said with a smile, don't use any means to help Qin Lan, rely on her?When will the Guanghua Group be settled.

At the very least, it must be as safe as Stephen's shares. Qin Lan can also have no pressure, which is what Ling Yun can do.

As for Stephen?
Let Qin Lan have fun with him. The agent in Asia should have some strength, so let Ling Yun see how Qin Lan is.

After Ling Yun completed the transfer, he took them away. Zhang Tingguo sat in the office, listless, and then dialed a mobile phone number.

"Hey, what do you want from me?" It was a man's voice on the other side.

"Little cousin, I seem to see the person you told me about." Zhang Tinguo said recalling Ling Yun's appearance.

"Ling Yun? Where is he? What did he do?" The other side was a little excited.

"Don't get excited! I'll tell you slowly." Zhang Tinguo wiped off his sweat, and it was exactly what he thought.

His cousin is Song Haojie, one of the three heroes who escaped from the Song family.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, Ling Yun? You did everything, otherwise our Song family wouldn't be destroyed, you are dead." Song Haojie hung up the phone, and smiled coldly, with a bit of ferocity in his eyes.

"Brothers, assemble, let's go!" Song Haojie yelled, it turned out that he had been in the magic city all the time, and had never gone out.

Lingyun here...

He and the little ones went to the office on the top floor, where the acting chairman Liang Rui lived.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?"

The secretary's younger sister bowed to Ling Yun and asked, looking at him, she didn't dare to stare at him, he was so handsome, her heart was moved, and she noticed the little guys.

"I'm looking for Liang Rui, he's inside." Ling Yun walked straight in.

The little secretary was startled, and dared to call their chairman by his name, who the hell is this handsome guy?

Although she doesn't like Liang Rui, but she is a secretary, she must stop Ling Yun.

"Sir, sir, you can't go in without an appointment."

"Sister, sister!" The little guy grabbed the secretary's younger sister in a childish voice, but the latter didn't stop Ling Yun, but was held back by the little guy and Beibei.

"What's the matter, princesses." The secretary girl lowered her head and asked.

"Aha..." The little guy let go immediately after seeing Ling Yun go in, very cooperative.

Beibei shook her head and said, "Oh, it's all right."

Secretary girl: "..."

In the office!

Liang Rui had heard movement outside a long time ago, and was waiting to see who was brave enough to barge in without an appointment.

Guanghua Group's stock has plummeted recently, and he is already in a bad mood.


Liang Rui looked up and found that he didn't know Ling Yun.

"In a word, sell your shares to me, and this agreement is signed."

Ling Yun got straight to the point, and threw the agreement in the file bag onto the desk in the office.

Liang Rui was taken aback!

"Haha, haha, are you out of your mind?"

"Oh?" Ling Yun hooked his lips into a smile, a little sinister.

Liang Rui swallowed, feeling a little afraid of Ling Yun.

"Security, security."

He immediately picked up the landline to dial the number, Ling Yun blew, the landline exploded, Liang Rui screamed, his face was injured.

This movement immediately attracted the little secretary and little guys outside.

"Chairman, chairman!" The secretary girl ran up immediately, with a look of astonishment, almost unbelievable.

The little guy ran into Ling Yun's arms, and said in a childish voice, "Dad, what's wrong with him?"

"I'm so excited, I got hurt, it's none of my business." Ling Yun touched the little guy in his arms and shrugged.

Bei Bei asked, "Does he need to call a Hu Hu Hu car?"

"Yes!" Ling Yun frowned and said, "But if he doesn't sign, he can't get out of this door!"

"Boy, just wait, the ambulance and the security guard, will you be a secretary?" Liang Rui covered his face, grinning in pain.

"Okay, okay..." The secretary went out immediately, leaving Liang Rui here alone.

"Come back, use your mobile phone and call here." Liang Rui shouted.

"Ah... oh... oh..." The secretary girl immediately complied.

But Ling Yun sneered and shook his head, want to make a call?Have you asked him?

"Chairman, there is no signal here, it's a big deal." The secretary girl wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. Usually, the signal is full, but now there is no half.

"No more beatings." Ling Yun walked over and kicked Liang Rui several times, causing the latter to vomit blood and scream continuously.

The secretary girl was dumbfounded...

"Stop, stop, don't hit me." Liang Rui was in pain, so painful that he was going to die.

"Sign or not?" Ling Yun didn't intend to play any more, so he just clicked, and the solution was violent!

"Sign, sign, sign!"

Liang Rui rolled to the ground and vomited another mouthful of blood.

Beibei pouted and said, "He really is a bad guy."

The little guy muttered: "Really?"

Ling Yun nodded: "That's right, many girls who graduated from college have been harmed."

The secretary's younger sister swallowed her saliva, and was afraid after a while, because what Ling Yun said was true, but fortunately she has a military background, otherwise she would have been murdered.


If Ling Yun did this, wouldn't he be afraid of being retaliated by Liang Rui?The little secretary was worried.

The little guy hummed and got down from Ling Yun's arms.

What he muttered in his mouth suggested that this kind of bad guy must let the bees bite him.

Beibei shook her head, she said, throwing him out of the window, the little guy laughed and covered his eyes, thinking about that scene, he couldn't bear to look straight at it.

Liang Rui was resentful in his heart, and finally had to sign, and he vaguely had a plan to deal with Ling Yun in his heart.


Just after signing, Ling Yun didn't transfer the money to him. Just when he was about to ask...the police took him away, and he was still stupidly at a loss. What's going on?
Didn't he catch Ling Yun?

The little secretary was shocked!
Now the Internet is full of Liang Rui's scandal and those criminal evidences, if he is not arrested, who will be arrested?

The police also arrested Zhang Tingguo along the way. His tax evasion was very serious, and he had many illegal crimes, enough for him to spend the rest of his life in it.

After the office is quiet!

The little guy and Beibei are playing, and Ling Yun is thinking about how to arrange it.

In the high-rise building opposite, there is a very long sniper rifle, aiming at the little guy!

He also saw Beibei, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. As long as he pulled the trigger, his mission would be completed, and the other party would send money to his designated account.


The sound of the bullet after the muffler is almost inaudible, and when it penetrates the glass window...

The little guy and Beibei stared at the bullet in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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