Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 899 Alternative Approaches

Chapter 899 An Alternative Method (Fifth Watch)
What else does an adult eat, really, so Beibei ruthlessly despises it.

Little Erin finished licking the plate...

Ling Yun coughed twice, he guessed what the little guy meant.

"Bad dad!"

"Come here, I want to teach you alchemy!"

Little Irene's eyes lit up, and little stars appeared in her beautiful eyes!
Beibei exclaimed: "Wow, Shuai Shushu is the best."

She was still hugging Ling Yun, this child is acting like a spoiled child!
Ji Wuxue is also very interested, she is a person with different fires, she can easily learn alchemy, and she is taught by the best person in the twelve domains, don't you want to learn?She is a fool.

The little guy pursed his lips, shook his head, did not learn, did not learn, lied to the children, and was struck by lightning!
Her mother is going to the Twelve Regions, so it's fine if she doesn't take her there, her father said yes, but even lied to her, her little mouth is crooked, as if she is about to cry.

Ling Yun sat on the sofa, hugged her, and pampered and rubbed her little head: "It's been a day or two since what happened last night, and it's not time yet. Your mother has passed, so let her play for two days."

If we go to the God Realm now, we still need to stay for a few more days, since the black hole sent An Qing there last night, we will know what time it is there.

"OK then!"

The little guy just nodded his head.

Little Irene scratched her head and asked, "Did you go to the God Realm again?"

She feels the same when she goes there...

Ling Yun said: "Little Irene, you are not allowed to play so many games, just enough is enough, you can only play for three hours a day."


Little Irene curled her lips, she listened to what Ling Yun said, so she nodded, not playing games, she can also play other games.

Beibei said happily: "You can go play again."

"Okay, okay, be quiet, I'm going to start teaching you the basics, this alchemy depends on your comprehension and flexible use."

In the following time, the four little guys were all immersed in the ocean of alchemy knowledge.

Ling Yun directly taught them to refine from the eighth-rank elixir, below the seventh-rank?He doesn't like it, scum, scum, what are you doing here.

What they have to memorize are the very common pills and formulas in the eighth grade pills.

Ling Yun took out four copies of six guardians' drawings of fairy grasses and medicinal materials in the Twelve Domains from the space, and asked them to memorize them by heart.

The painting level of the Six Protectors?

That's it!

The corners of the little guy's and Beibei's mouths twitched as they watched, it wasn't bad, but the level of black and white, which wasn't pretty.

The little guy was holding the picture sample, his eyes were turning gray!

She thinks again, do you want to remember?
In the end, she shook her little head lightly, remember what a fart, she has an encyclopedia illustration book herself, and when she talks about a certain medicine, she can get the answer immediately.

It's just a little troublesome, every time you need it, you have to take it out, so that you will be discovered, she is afraid that her father will find out.

Beibei and the others memorized it honestly and very seriously, Ling Yun was very satisfied.


Seeing that the little guy was not paying attention, he sighed slightly in his heart.

"Dad, I'm tired."

The little guy yawned and blinked.

"go to sleep."

Ling Yun didn't force her, let her sleep.

"Yeah, yum."

The little guy was very happy and jumped back to the room very happily.

Once in the room!
She lay on the bed with her hands and feet in the air, hummed for a while, and then her eyes started rolling again.

She used her mind to communicate with the encyclopedia illustrated book, and found that the encyclopedia illustrated book was too heaven-defying to communicate without taking it out.

Do you want to memorize it by rote?

Hearing her sister tirelessly reading aloud in the front yard, she shook her head desperately, her mouth pouted, very cute.


The little guy's eyes suddenly lit up!

She took out the picture material that Ling Yun gave her just now, a thick book, and then made a high-level soul, because that book recorded fairy grass and medicinal materials, so it was named Xiaocao!
"Xiaocao, your task in the future is to memorize the knowledge in it, and I will test you at any time." The little guy raised his hands and said in a milky voice.

That book has a soul, it has life, and it has wisdom, how to deal with this book?A piece of cake.

What the hell!

When Ling Yun found out later, his jaw was so shocked!

Forbidden technique, soul law can be used by her like this, Ling Yun has never tried it, and that's right, because he doesn't need it.

That book doesn't speak, it's just taking shape, and it still needs time to understand.

The little guy rolled his eyes again, and pointed to the center of her brow: "You don't know how to say it, just hide it here, and tell me like this in the future, do you understand?"

The book trembled with fear, because the little guy's brow was too strong.

The little guy was very satisfied with her masterpiece, and even drew some beautiful ones on the paper, and finally threw it between his eyebrows, right under the supreme demon lotus!

As long as the little guy senses the little grass, he can immediately know what is in the book, and all such bugs are discovered by her.

After finishing everything, the little guy yawns. He is sleepy and sleeps happily!

"Sissy, go downstairs for dinner!"

Ling Yun yelled on the first floor, and Beibei and the others stopped reciting. Ling Yun said that they should combine work and rest.

The little guy slept soundly, she had a set of dreams, and her saliva was on the pillow, she must be dreaming of delicious food.

A few honks, B! B! B!

"Brother-in-law, I'm here!"

An Xiao's voice sounded from outside the gate.

Beibei ran out and curled her lips at An Xiaoxiao who was dressed in a uniform. They were not familiar with each other!
"Oh, little Beibei looks so cute." An Xiaoxiao spoke the truth, and it was true.

"Little aunt, why are you here?" Beibei asked calmly, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, as if she hadn't seen An Xiaoxiao for a long time.

"You little heartless people, are you forgetting about me?" An Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry, and poked Beibei on the forehead, and the latter looked confused.

An Xiaoxiao came here only after seeing Ling Yun's Moments at noon. She usually goes to Yuexia Hotel, and she works in a branch office in Jiangbei City.

Little Eileen ran out at this time: "Hey... aha, is that you?"

"Wow, this one is cute too."

"Aha!" Little Irene covered her eyes, and hopped back to the living room.

An Xiaoxiao took Beibei and wanted to go back to the living room. There was another blast of loudspeakers in the back. The two of them looked back and found that it was Qin Lan.

An Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes again and again, thinking to herself that she came to eat by herself, but she didn't expect that there were people so smart that they also came to eat.

When Qin Lan got out of the car, she took off her sunglasses, and then she was taken aback when she saw An Xiaoxiao's eye contact with her.

stranger?She didn't know who Ling Yun was, and she didn't dare to ask.

It was the first time for the two of them to meet, and there was a hint of hostility.

Beibei's eyes moved back and forth between the two of them: "Auntie, Beibei misses you so much."

Qin Lan walked up quickly, bent down and rubbed Beibei's face, and said softly: "You, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

"Ha ha!"

Beibei was praised again, she smiled openly, she was embarrassed, her face was flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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