Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 900

Chapter 900 Everyone Comes To Chow Meals (six more)
An Xiaoxiao was startled!
Beibei calling the other party's aunt?
Suddenly remembered, it should be Qin Xianglian's younger sister, Qin Lan!

I didn't expect people to be so beautiful, oh my god, she still has no makeup, if she were a man, she would love it.

"Hi, I'm Qin Lan."

"Oh...I'm An Xiaoxiao."

"Oh, you are An Qing's younger sister, right?"

"Yes, let's go in."

An Xiaoxiao didn't have any hostility, maybe she didn't think she had anything to do with Qin Lan.

While talking, the two of them came to the living room, Ling Yun was still short of the last soup, but they can also serve dinner.

Little Erin started to help the little guy feed the piglet, who kept kicking her feet to show that she was hungry.

"Godmother!" It was a rare time for Ji Wuxue to see Qin Lan coming.

"Xiaoxue! A gift for you." Qin Lan took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag, which were made for children, and she found that Xiaoxue was especially suitable for this type.

Ji Wuxue liked it very much, her beautiful eyes widened, she immediately put it on to show off, and said thank you to Qin Lan, very polite.

"Little aunt!!" Beibei blinked, and stretched out her hand like Sissy.

Qin Lan couldn't laugh or cry, the gift was only for Ji Wuxue, not for the other little ones.

Beibei's small hands can only catch the air.

"Brother-in-law, when does my sister get off work? Are we waiting for her to eat now?" An Xiaoxiao looked at a table of rich dishes, and asked with a slobber, not knowing how much she swallowed.

Beibei pursed her lips: "Food, food!"

Ling Yun arranged the chair and replied, "I'm on a business trip, and I won't be back until some time."

An Xiaoxiao nodded, and said "Oh, it doesn't matter if her sister is here or not, as long as Ling Yun is here, I will eat a lot tonight, and I won't go home if my stomach is not full.

"Where's Sissy?" Qin Lan hugged little Irene at the dining table, looking around but couldn't see where she was.

Little Irene pointed to the upstairs, and said in a childish voice, "Sleep."

Ling Yun yelled again: "Qiqian, come down quickly and eat."

"She'll startle if you're that loud."

Qin Lan kept rolling her eyes at Ling Yun, and said that he didn't care about Qian Qian at all, and that he was too lazy to go upstairs to call, and the latter was speechless.

Qin Lan took a bite of little Irene, and put her on the chair by herself, and she wanted to go up in person.

Second floor!

The little guy hasn't woken up yet. The weather is a bit hot. She sleeps with the door closed and the windows closed, so the air doesn't circulate very much, so there is a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Qin Lan gently opened the door, fearing that the noise would make a big noise and scare the little guy.


It's so cute when he's sleeping, Qin Lan smiled at the corner of his mouth, then squatted down and wiped the little guy's sweat with a tissue.

Qin Lan kissed the little guy on the cheek, and she frowned slightly.



The sound grew louder, and the little guy opened his eyes, blinked, and then closed them again.

Qin Lan smiled without saying a word, and shouted again: "Cissy wake up, it's time to eat."


The little guy immediately opened his eyes again, and sniffed the air, and found that the air had a fragrance...

"Aha, what a fuck, I love you to death."

"Oh, don't jump, look, you're sweating again." Qin Lan was surprised and wiped her sweat again.

The little guy couldn't wait to pull Qin Lan and was about to go downstairs.

First floor!
Everyone was waiting for this live treasure, Ling Yun said, let them eat first, but they just refused to move their chopsticks.

"Aha, here I come."

The little guy started to climb up the chair clumsily, maybe he hadn't fully woken up yet, and slipped a couple of times on the way, and it was Qin who carried her up.

"Wow, so many delicious foods!" The little guy was dazzled, and kept clapping his little hands.

"Qiqian, call someone!" Ling Yun said indifferently, and started adding vegetables to the little guy's bowl while she was not paying attention.

The little guy looked around, saw An Xiaoxiao blinked a few times, and said, "Auntie, aren't you fat yet?"

The corner of An Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched...

"I won't be fat even if you are fat." An Xiaoxiao put a piece of fat into the little guy's bowl.

The little guy is furious!

She never eats fatty meat, even the Dongpo meat made by Ling Yun, which is so delicious, she doesn't eat it.

"Give it to you, give it to you, give it all to you!"

The angry little guy pouted, and used a spoon and fork to get several pieces of fat into An Xiaoxiao's bowl.

An Xiaoxiao laughed: "Thank you, my lord, this is delicious, I don't dislike it."

The little guy kept humming: "Eat, you won't be able to run away when you're full."

"Okay, eat quickly, it won't taste good if it's cold." Qin Lan patted her butt, and she was not allowed to help her if she was asked to eat by herself.

After eating...

Of course Ling Yun has to clean up the dinner table, and An Qing is not here, Long Yanran wants to help little Ailin and the others take a bath.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Dad, I'll wash the dishes for you, Shua Shua Shua..."

"Can you clean the floor?" Ling Yun asked.


"Then you wipe the floor."


Ling Yun just wanted to get rid of the little guy, wash the dishes?It's almost the same as playing bowls, but it's really a disservice to help.

She still doesn't want to take a bath so soon, Ling Yun understands, she just wants to hear the story, there is no story for Long Yanran to help wash.

in the kitchen!
Qin Lan took the initiative to help Ling Yun clean the bowl.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ling Yun knew that Qin Lan had something to ask him.

"Tonight's dinner is delicious. I didn't plan to come. On the way home, I passed a road and saw a girl on the phone..."

What Qin Lan was probably talking about was that the girl's family was in urgent need of money, but she didn't have it, and she couldn't do anything about it, but she kept saying to me on the phone for three days.


When she was listening to the phone, feeling powerless, she saw a piece of paper on the telephone pole!

It says!

Need money urgently?Find me!Mobile phone 13……Any amount, interest interview, no ID check, because you need it, I happen to be a professional!
Qin Lan heard her tell the person on the phone, no problem, I will send money tonight.

Then he hung up the phone in a hurry, looked at the number on the telephone pole, and prepared to call.

Qin Lan immediately got out of the car to stop her, and angrily tore off the advertising paper. That number was a bottomless pit, usury.

"Sister, you can't go on the road of no return at a young age."

"Beautiful sister, I... I have nowhere to go, I can only rely on it." The girl almost cried, pointing to the broken advertisement on the ground, her words deeply touched Qin Lan.

"Then you can't go to the doctor indiscriminately. These are high interest rates. Once you borrow them, you won't be able to pay them back." Qin Lan explained.


The girl wanted to say something else, Qin Lan opened the car door and took out her business card.

"Here is my business card. Call me tomorrow and I will help you with this."

Now that this incident happened, Qin Lan was kind, so she couldn't just let it go, watching a good girl go nowhere.

She is capable, and she can give her a hand if she can, so she is not in a good mood tonight because of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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