Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 901 Borrowing Software

Chapter 901 Borrowing software (seventh update)
Ling Yun nodded after listening, and probably understood what Qin Lan meant.

"You want me to donate all the money and be a good person."

Ling Yun said speechlessly, this is impossible, it will be impossible in a lifetime, human nature is too complicated, how can he help?
Qin Lan was dumbfounded, she didn't mean that, did Ling Yun really have water in his mind?
"I...I'm not...I just! Can you wait for me to finish?"

"you say!"

"Don't you know how to make software? You make a powerful loan app."

"That's it, no problem." Ling Yun patted his chest for assurance.

"I have some credit for this matter. I don't need shares, but I must participate." Qin Lan was not very relieved.

After all, it is a lending platform!
"Okay, I'll finish it later, and apply for authorization along the way."

Qin Lan nodded, a little surprised that an app could be made so easily?

As soon as Ling Yun came out, the little guy ran over and said in a childlike voice, "Dad, I'm done." Ling Dong looked at Ling Yun with big eyes, expecting his praise.

Ling Yun looked around, his face turned dark, and Qin Lan behind him smiled and said nothing.

The little guy is really a disservice, the floor gets dirtier the more it is mopped.

"Oh, you have to praise after your mother comes back, now go take a shower."

Praise what praise!
Let's wait for An Qing to come back and criticize her.

Watching Ling Yun go up to the second floor, the little guy waited on the sofa instead of taking a bath.

"Qiqian, it's time to take a shower." Long Yanran said.

"Don't go, don't go."

Beibei and the others were all sitting on the sofa, each of them was clean and refreshed, and she was the only one missing.

Qin Lan wanted to know why she refused to take a bath so late?It was only after asking Long Yanran that this child became dependent.

Qin Lan smiled and patted the little guy's head, and said softly, "Can I help you take a bath? I haven't even given you a bath before."

The little guy looked at the second floor, curled his lips and nodded.

in the bathroom!
Although the little guy doesn't have to listen to the story, he has a lot of water toys to play with.

"Washing so fast?"

Qin Lan frowned and asked, she didn't play for 3 minutes.

The skin of the little guy's whole body is so slippery, as silky and smooth as blowing bombs can break. Qin Lan kept rubbing her back.

"Damn it, I want to hear a story."

The corner of Qin Lan's mouth twitched, and it really came!

"Play these?"

"Don't play."

"Okay, let me tell..."

As soon as he spoke, the little guy shook his head, don't listen, it's not good!

Helpless, Qin Lan thought of a way, called Ling Yun, and told the little guy about it!

It's not work for Ling Yun to go upstairs, it's just a cover-up, so that the smart zombie can finish it. Now the story requested by the little guy will be told through the mobile phone immediately.

When Ling Yun came downstairs again, the little guy put on his beautiful clothes.

"I've done it, you can download it now!" Ling Yun said!

"So fast?" Qin Lan was surprised: "Where can I download it? What's the name of the software?"

Before Ling Yun could answer, Qin Lan subconsciously said according to Ling Yun's company naming habits: "Moon Xia loan?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Ling Yun blinked his eyes with a confused face.

Qin Lan rolled her eyes, secretly thinking in her heart that this is indeed the case.

After the download is complete!
Qin Lan glanced at it briefly, the two words are perfect, and the interest rate is super low!

"Who's managing it? And manual customer service?"

Qin Lan has doubts. It is obviously the software I made just now, so how come there is customer service?Is there no customer experience at all, or is it just a button.

"You don't look at me too much. Now that someone borrows money and lends it immediately, don't you believe it?" Ling Yun said calmly, with dimples on his cheeks.

Qin Lan definitely didn't believe it, she must be lying, so she shook her head like a drum.

"You can try it!" Ling Yun smiled again, looking confident.

Qin Lan immediately verified that the loan needs an ID card and a mobile phone number?Her brows gradually frowned, is this okay?Not very safe.

Immediately after she entered all the information, 1 yuan was credited to her account immediately, and she needed to bind a bank card to withdraw cash.

"This... this..." Qin Lan was stunned, and began to suspect that it wasn't the newly made software.

Niubi also set up a free interest rate for the first month for new users.

"How? Can you continue watching?" Ling Yun asked.

"It's okay, it's just... this is the information, I'm afraid that others will not return it after borrowing it, what should I do?" Qin Lan expressed her worry.

"You don't have to worry about this problem, I will take care of it."

Do not pay after the time limit?

Ling Yun has plenty of ways to deal with them.

The first is of course to force them to pay back the money, and take the initiative to pay back the money from the bank card under their name.

The second is that if the above situation has not been paid off, his property will be frozen and his name will be called on TV.

There are still many tricks, such as blowing up his mobile phone, and letting Xiao Niubi invade their social software, telling their friends that Ling Yun is the originator of the whole thing.

"Since it's Yuexia Industry, I'll help you contact the office building tomorrow and buy the next floor as the headquarters." Qin Lan said seriously.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Ling Yun smiled.

Qin Lan checked the time, it was getting late, she was going home, An Xiaoxiao told Ling Yun and left.

It's almost eleven o'clock!

Ling Yun sat on the sofa and made a few cups of tea. Originally, Long Yanran wanted to go to sleep, but when she saw him making tea, she continued to watch TV with the cheek.

"Here you are, one cup each!"

The little guy pinched his nose and said, "It's so bitter! I don't have to."

She drank this tea before, it was rare for Ling Yun to make it, it was green tea, a bit bitter.

Beibei is not afraid of suffering, she can drink Chinese medicine as candy.

Little Irene doesn't care, anyway, she knows that her brother's items are all good, so just obey.

Ji Wuxue acted like an adult, she tasted it slowly, sipping it, as if she knew the tea ceremony, but she didn't know anything about it.

Only the little guy's cup is left, and Ling Yun doesn't force her.

"How are you all doing?" Ling Yun asked them.

"Bebe remembers a lot."

"Aha, I forgot." Little Irene smiled awkwardly.

Ji Wuxue is remembering...

The little guy blinked and blinked. Is her moment of pretense approaching?

Is it cheating?

Her heart was pounding.

Long Yanran listened in a daze, she didn't know what Ling Yun said to them, she guessed that she must have missed something.

Ling Yun nodded and began to assess them. He also took out a book of medicinal materials and flipped through them casually.

"Do you see what it is?"

Ling Yun pointed to a tree on a certain page and asked them all to come and see it!

The little guy will know it right away, but he can't show it so quickly, the soul book she made, don't listen to her!
That little grass was completely integrated into the book, the book is it, it is the book, so when the little guy saw the tree Ling Yun was pointing at, he immediately gave the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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