Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 911 Giving Gifts

Chapter 911
After going to the bathroom, the little ones were still playing in the water. There were small water faucets all over the bathroom, and the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched watching it.

His best spell...

Ahem... let's not talk about it, anyway, he said he was very hurt.

After the little guy put on the beautiful clothes, he asked Ling Yun to tie her hair and ask for a new hairstyle, her little eyes were gloomy.

After Ling Yun finished his work, he sat on the sofa without Ji Wuxue watching TV. The little guy felt uncomfortable, and kept letting Ling Yun hug her.

Beibei and little Erin are playing Rubik's Cube, they are competing.

The news is what the TV shows, and it's urgent, reporting that there's a spate of murders happening all over the country.

Ling Yun frowned when he saw it, he didn't do these things, someone actually took advantage of the chaos to commit a crime.

"Yanran called Long Xingtian and asked him to arrange some manpower to find out who did this."

Ling Yun's words are obvious, these people use his name to kill people, they can't be left alone, and at the same time, they also ask questions for the dragon group.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to explain?" Long Yanran had already taken out her phone.

"Kill them all."


After Long Yanran made sure that Ling Yun had finished speaking, she immediately went out to make a phone call.

Five minutes later, Long Yanran returned to the living room: "Brother Ling Yun, my brother hopes that you can help him solve the prisoners who are trapped in the Dragon Prison."

"Huh? Didn't those people run away?"

"It's troublesome if you run away early. Some of them committed crimes in China, and some committed crimes in allied countries. Many countries have accused China." Long Yanran shrugged.

After these prisoners were rescued by those cyborg organizations, not only did they not repent, but intensified, murdering, robbing, and committing all kinds of crimes.

Ling Yun thought for a while, it seems that he also had a part in this matter. At that time, he took his fourth uncle to the Dragon Prison and killed Lin Haifeng, which led to the empty shell of the Dragon Prison, which was taken advantage of by others.

This is a trivial matter, Ling Yun agreed and asked Long Xingtian to give him a list, he was useful.

After getting the list, Ling Yun asked the undead to execute the order, so he didn't want to run around.

For those who appear on the list and continue to commit crimes after they come out, Ling Yun's order is to die with one word.

After coming out, Ling Yun was kind enough to be a human again, and ordered the undead to capture them and hand them over to Long Xingtian. As for what Long Xingtian did, then he didn't care.

The little guy ran up to the second floor, and when he came back again, he had a small treasure chest in his hand.

Ling Yun tapped her cheeks and said with a smile: "What treasure is inside?"

The little guy laughed: "There are green ones, some red ones, and some glow."

These words immediately attracted little Irene, she likes shiny things the most.

"Sister, are they all for me?" Little Irene immediately ran in front of her, her eyes shining with golden light.

"No, this is for you." The little guy shook his head, but still took one out of the box and gave it to her.

Little Irene put it away immediately.

"No more, you go and play." The little guy immediately closed the box, not showing it to little Irene, lest she miss it.

Ling Yun laughed and said: "Don't be so stingy, look at the eyes of little Irene, can you bear it?"

The little guy looked at it, and it was true. She looked eagerly, so she took out another one: "Not many more."

"Aha, um." Little Irene happily accepted it, and then returned to Beibei's side.

"If you take it out, you don't want to share the spoils. Why do you take it out?" Ling Yun was curious, and this daughter was very smart.

Long Yanran was speechless when she heard that, share the spoils?She personally helped Sissy choose those stones in the God Realm, and they were all exchanged for spirit stones. They thought it was a robbery, and they were divided into points! !

"Father, I'm going" Grandpa's house.

"What are you doing there?"

"Just go, okay?" The little guy started acting like a baby again.

"Well, no wonder I want to tie my hair." Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The little guy is holding her little treasure box, happily following Ling Yun to settle down.

The magic capital settles down!

In the living room, Mr. An and the others are watching the news.

Fortunately, he didn't speak, otherwise Ling Yun would have heard it.

"Aha, here I come, grandma, grandpa, huh? You? Don't remember."

The little guys greeted each other one by one, but they didn't know what Mr. An's name was, which was embarrassing.

The corner of Mr. An's mouth twitched: "I'm your grandpa..."

"Oh, isn't he dead yet?" The little guy thought it was Lin Jinhu from Jiangnan, the one who likes to explore.

Mr. An's face turned black!
"Why is Qianqian here? Do you miss grandma?" Gongsun Qing teased her new hairstyle and changed the subject.

"Think about it, grandma don't touch my hairstyle, it won't look good."

"Ha ha…"

"All right!"

An Guomin asked happily: "What is in your hand?"

"This? But baby, it will shine. Grandpa will definitely like it." The little guy immediately opened the box, and it was filled with beautiful stones, which are emeralds in Blue Star.

Mr. An and the others opened their mouths wide, where did she get so many high-quality imperial greens.

An Guomin asked uncertainly, "Is it for me?"

According to the little guy's previous greed for money, he didn't believe that there would be such a big frog jumping along the street.

The little guy closed the box, and An Guomin was immediately disappointed. Unexpectedly, she immediately handed the whole box to An Guomin.

Then she said in a childish voice, "I'll give it all to you."

"Haha, Sissy is such a good girl." An Guomin praised, and at this moment he was very moved.

"Yes, yes." The little guy nodded, then looked at Gongsun Qing: "Grandma, Sissy will bring you a gift from now on."

"No, no, grandma can't ask you to give it to me. It should be me."

"No, I've already thought about it." The little guy pouted, and his little head began to dangle.

Gongsun Qing gave up when she heard the words, touched her head and said: "Okay, then I will wait for your gift."

Grandpa An asked, "Cissy, do you have grandpa's?"

The little guy pondered for a while, and then said: "Yes, there are all of them. What does grandpa like? Is it really a black elixir?"

She dug into her pocket and took out a Pei Yuan Dan refined today.

"Pillion?" Mr. An became excited, trembling all over: "Give it to me?"

"Yeah, yum, this is a bit bitter." The little guy looked disgusted.

Ling Yun opened his mouth and explained: "This is Peiyuan Pill, which strengthens the body and has a great effect on warriors."

"Okay, okay!" Mr. An laughed.

Only after receiving one from his granddaughter at the last birthday banquet, he knew that pills were rare.

It was getting late, the little guy chatted with them for a while, and Ling Yun took her back to the villa.

Just came back in less than ten seconds!
A person flew into the front yard, Ling Yun pouted the little guy and looked back, it was an islander with a samurai sword, and he was talking to himself.

"That's right, the breath that the patron saint gave me is here."

Naito Takeshi looked at Ling Yun, his brows gradually frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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