Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 912 Advent to the Island Country

Chapter 912 Advent to the Island Country
He didn't seem to notice that there was anyone in the yard just now!
"That aura is you?" Naito Takeshi immediately took a few steps back, looking at Ling Yun vigilantly.

The little guy scratched his head, looked at the islander in kimono, and felt like he had seen it there.

"Death!" Ling Yun frowned!
Tsuyoshi Naito's body suddenly surged with energy and blood, and before he died, he took out a signal flare in fear and let it go!
After doing everything, he screamed in pain, and then disappeared.

Ling Yun frowned, and immediately flashed to the side outside the gates of the villas.

A black off-road vehicle started immediately, wanting to run!
Lingyun is here, it is impossible to run, so the two islanders in the car get out of the car.

Shinichi Nishitani hijacked Andy from the back seat of the car, and the little guy exclaimed: "Auntie!"

Andy worriedly shouted: "What are you doing here, leave quickly."

It would be fine if it was An Qing, but it was Ling Yun and Qian Qian, she didn't think Ling Yun was capable of saving her, and Qian Qian might be able to, but she was too young to be reliable.

The three islanders who went to Huaxia this time are all members of the island shrine.

Their patron saint Yamata no Orochi needs Andy's flesh and blood to break through the seal, and the body of the true spirit is a huge supplement for it.

"Don't come here, I'll kill...kill her if I come here again." Shinichi Nishiya said in a panic.

The other islander next to him was dumbfounded, andy can't die, is he dead?The Patronus will be angry.

"Andy closes his eyes." Ling Yun smiled, that smile was full of death.

Andy gritted his teeth, closed his eyes immediately, and the little guy followed suit.

Nishitani Shinichi's eyes were blurred, and within a breath, he was indifferent and nothing remained, his flesh and blood were separated from the world.

Another islander called out: "The devil, the devil..." and fled in a panic.

Andy opened his eyes, and what he saw was a big mouth suddenly protruding from the ground, swallowing the fleeing islander in one gulp.

The surroundings are quiet, and the atmosphere looks very scary...

The little guy laughed, she opened her eyes, blinked a few times, and asked in a childish voice, "Auntie, why are you here?"

Andy swallowed, thinking to himself that the president is not an ordinary person, he is really a family! !

And I want to understand, that is, what is she afraid of?
"Oh... I'll come to see you." After calming down, Andy smiled.

The little guy rolled his round eyes and rolled his eyes, I believe you a ghost!

andy embarrassed...

"Why do those islanders want to arrest me?" Andy finally asked the question in his heart.

Ling Yun also explained to her!

After listening!
Andy cried softly: "Then I will always be like this for the rest of my life."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, isn't he here!
"It turns out that Andy is so courageous. He was not afraid of death just now, but now he is afraid of being caught." Ling Yun joked.

Andy is really worried, there is time to joke with Ling Yun.

The little guy seems to be infected too: "Auntie...don't cry..."

Ling Yun said again: "Okay, I'll help you kill that ugly earthworm."


She thought about it, earthworm?Is it that ugly snake?
Andy replied half-believingly: "Can I go?"

She is a little interested, how to kill it?There is also what is the patron saint of the population of the island country.

"You can follow if you are not afraid." As Ling Yun spoke, a black hole appeared next to it, so black that it almost melted into the night.

The little guy climbed up to Ling Yun's neck and sat on it with ease. This kind of vision is good.

Andy swallowed, a little afraid of the spiral black hole, only heard the little guy say: "Follow me."

She followed step by step, and suddenly there was a light in front of her eyes, which was very dazzling. After she got used to it, she was dumbfounded.

Where?It's really an island country!
There are bright lights in front of you, and there is an altar on the high platform.

Not far away, several islanders knelt down to worship.

There was only a sound from the back, the crisp sound of drawing a knife: "Who are you!"

Some ugly language immediately alarmed the surroundings. The little guy turned his head and blew. The man didn't know where he flew. If nothing happened, he would not die or be disabled after landing.

For a while!

A lot of people from the shrine emerged and surrounded Ling Yun and the others. There were so many people on the opposite side, and their morale was soaring. Facing Ling Yun who came here suddenly, it seemed that they were too many but redundant.

Andy was afraid, and kept holding Ling Yun's hand.

Ling Yun said, "What are you afraid of? These bastards are not even as good as ants."

A Supreme Repression!
Except for a few dead old men on the high platform, all the people in the shrine were pressed to the ground, bleeding from the corner of their mouths, and everyone began to fear.

Andy is dumbfounded!
The little guy yelled, "Daddy is amazing." Then her eyes started to roll.

Was this done by Ling Yun alone?It looks so awesome.

Andy said that he couldn't calm down!

Several old men on the high platform looked at each other in fear, and then began to chant spells tremblingly.

"It's really annoying, you guys want that little earthworm to come out, I'll help you."

Ling Yun sneered, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and then wisps of black smoke rose from the altar. This was Yamata no Orochi's body.

The faces of the old men on Gaotai were happy, and then they muttered to Yamata no Orochi about this.

"Who disturbed me!!" The voice was full of anger.

The smoke dissipated!

The whole picture of Yamata no Orochi was very clear, and Andy looked panicked, this is a monster.

A snake more than 30 meters high, coiled in the air, it has eight heads.

Was it last time in Australia?At that time, she seemed to pass out, but she didn't see it!
The little guy exclaimed, and also opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect this ugly snake to be so ugly.

"Master Baqi, your people have brought you what you want." Several old men knelt down and pointed at Andy.

"It's you, haha..." Yamata no Orochi looked at Andy, smiling proudly.

Andy recalled Ling Yun's words before coming here, the corner of his mouth twitched, is this a little earthworm?

"Huh..." Yamata no Orochi blew out a puff of black smoke, which was extremely smelly.

Fortunately, Lingyun raised a barrier, otherwise the little guy would cry and pinch his nose.

The black smoke is also poisonous, and many islanders near Lingyun died.

"You can see clearly, it's just so ugly."

Ling Yun became speechless, if it wasn't for satisfying Andy's curiosity, the earthworm would have been able to get a box lunch long ago, and there was still time to perform there.

"Looking for death!" Yamata no Orochi was furious. How dare it call Ling Yun ugly when it heard Ling Yun?

is it ugly
It is a symbol of God, and the consequences of mocking it are very serious.

The little guy's eyes lit up, and he said in a milky voice, "Yo ho? Dad, it seems to be angry. It looks so ugly and runs out to scare people, then it is wrong."

Andy was sweating profusely, and thought to himself, can you stop stimulating it, father and daughter, don't make fun of it, can you be more serious?
Yamata no Orochi is a bit familiar to hear this voice, with eight heads and sixteen pairs of eyes, it is actually myopic.

After blinking many times, the figure of the little guy was blurred out.

What the hell!

It's her, a remnant soul that swallowed it a few days ago!
I must die, I didn't expect that its group of stupid subordinates were not bad, and they found her so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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