Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Yamata no Orochi stared at the little guy, his sixteen eyes were full of anger.

Ling Yun looked disgusted, and said again: "You are not as good as a beast, you look so ugly when you are angry."

The little guy covered Ling Yun's eyes, curled his lips and said: "Father, no swearing is allowed, Grandma Zhang said it, and those who swear are pugs."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Puchi..." Andy was amused by her cuteness, and then she said nervously: "President, hurry up, I can see clearly, it's too scary."

Got it!

Andy's words are tantamount to pronouncing Yata no Orochi's death sentence.

Ling Yun said: "Aren't your brows flickering?"

"It's flashing..."

"Then relax!"

The little guy shook Ling Yun's head and shouted: "Dad..."

She listened to Ling Yun's words, and when she relaxed, a burst of red light shot out from between her brows, and it shot at the awesome Yamata no Orochi, covering everything.

Andy stared dumbfounded.

"Ah...don't...I know I was wrong..."

Yamata no Orochi's last words, in the blink of an eye, it was swallowed between the eyebrows by the little guy's blood dragon yuan, the latter let go of Ling Yun, then covered his forehead with his hands, and died of cuteness.

She looked at the shocked Andy, shook her head innocently, and said in a childish voice, "It's not me, it's not me..."

"I saw!"

"It's dad, bad dad..."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Take your hands away, I want to touch the center of your brow." Andy blinked and asked curiously.

The little guy did the same, put his hands down, and Andy couldn't see it at all, and actually touched the little guy's eyebrows, it's normal.

"What's going on!" Andy couldn't figure it out, he clearly saw the snake being sucked in.


The old men on the high platform were so frightened that they were half dead just now, they came back to their senses and crawled down to Ling Yun, begging for mercy on their knees.

If you don't beg for mercy, you will die. The powerful Yamata no Orochi is dead, what else can they do.

"Ants!" Ling Yun shook his feet, and the old men were so full of blood that it seemed that their heads were filled with blood.


Several old men covered their heads, in great pain, and would not cry out except for screaming.


Ling Yun said calmly!
A death is like power, summoning thunder and lightning from the sky!
As soon as Ling Yun and the others left, all thunder fell, and the entire shrine was devoid of survivors, and there were charred corpses, whose expressions showed that they had been tortured before birth.

After this happened, the island nation could no longer be arrogant this time, and they tried to block the news. There is no wall in the world that does not leak.

After the Huaxia Dragon Team learned about it, they were so happy that they clapped their hands. This night was exciting.

Ling Yun sent Andy back in person, and gave her a talisman before leaving, asking her to wear it if she had nothing to do.

Back to the villa!

Ling Yun chopped off his feet, and a three-meter-tall native popped out of the ground!
"Go to the capital and break Bai Baichuan's legs."

"Yes, my king."

Immediately after the clay man got the order, he burrowed into the ground.

The little guy blinked his eyes and asked curiously: "Father, could it be Grandpa Land just now? It's so ugly..." She looked contemptuous and disgusted...

No one said yes!

Ling Yun shook his head speechlessly: "No!"

The little guy laughed, it's good to know if it's not, recalling the monster with eight heads just now.

Her question came: "Dad, what is that monster? Why is it so ugly and has so many heads?"

Ling Yun was dumbfounded, how should he explain it?

think about it...

He said in a deep voice, "That little earthworm is..."

The Nine-Headed Insect is a descendant of a sinner in the heavenly world, so his origin is very humble.

But because of his high skills, he came to the mortal world to become a monster, and married Bai Longma's wife, who was very kind to his father-in-law.

The Nine-Headed Insect stole the orb from the pagoda of Jinguang Temple in order to offer it to his father-in-law, and married it to the monks of Jinguang Temple.

So Monkey King found the Nine-Headed Insect and fought a battle. Although the Nine-Headed Insect has some skills, how can it be Monkey King's opponent.

In the end, the Nine-Headed Insect lost a head, reluctantly came to the small island of the East China Sea to live in seclusion, and gave himself a lofty name called Baqi Dashen.

After Ling Yun finished talking, he thought for a while that the clothes were seamless, no matter how the little guy turned his eyes, he couldn't tell that it was fake.

The little guy widened his beautiful eyes, and asked again: "It's so ugly, how could it marry a wife? Did Dad lie to me?"

"No, haven't you listened to Journey to the West? Isn't there a nine-headed worm in one episode?"

The little guy recalled Journey to the West, then thought about what Ling Yun said just now, and then nodded his head.

Ling Yun continued: "This is called radish and green vegetables. Everyone has their own love, do you understand?"

The little guy responded blindly: "Yes, I understand. If you eat too much green vegetables, you will get angry."

Ling Yun: "..."

Back to the living room!

Beibei and little Irene are recording a video, and the recording is still about games.

"Ahem...Little Irene, why are you still playing games?"

"My sister played, but the baby didn't!" Little Irene replied in a childish voice while holding the phone.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he thought he was blind!
Beibei responded, "It's time for her to play, now it's Xiaoxue's time to play, and she will play Sissy's game time later."

Ling Yun vomited blood in his heart, shook his head and went upstairs to take a bath.

Beibei asked Long Yanran to help record the video, and then waited for Sissy to turn on An Qing's laptop and log in to the latter's live broadcasting station.

Leave the rest to Long Yanran, release the video, and click the button, you can tell that you are a familiar hand, Long Yanran is familiar with the road.

After finishing everything, Beibei played the video repeatedly for the little guy, and the two kids kept giggling.

After Ling Yun came out of the shower, she was about to drive them to sleep, so she watched the video out of curiosity!

The background of the video content is the canyon of the cow who played the game they played!
The voice inside is Beibei's funny voice, she said...

Just now, Little Liu, a bear child who dropped out of school and was at home, ran to the electric tower of Lu Mou's house to wreak havoc, but was caught by Lu Mou, who was also a ruffian.

The two immediately wrestled, but unexpectedly, Lu missed for a while, resulting in his death.

After hearing the news of his son's death, Liu suddenly lost his mind, rushed to Yu Lu's house with a water gun and killed him.

Losing his mind, Liu continued to rush to Lu's house, and killed his wife, Diao, who came out to see what happened.

At present, Liu has been controlled by the police, and I hope that all heroes will take good care of their bear children, and don't be impulsive when things happen, otherwise...!It was followed by a barrage of laughter from her and little Irene.

Ling Yun couldn't help smiling, and felt sorry for them. After An Qing came back and found out, they must have known that they were wrong. That was a fan live broadcasting station, and An Qing paid special attention to it.

Beibei hummed a song and went back to Long Xingtian's villa to sleep, Qin Xianglian had already returned.

The little guy calmly closed his laptop and went to bed.

Long Yanran was worried about little Irene, so she slept with her!

The clay figurines sent by Ling Yun to interrupt Bai Baichuan just in time for a good show.

(End of this chapter)

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