Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 917 Ending the Battlefield

Chapter 917 Ending the Battlefield
Brother Xiong Biao saw with his own eyes that the old monk blew himself up and died, but he couldn't pull out another one, and it was useless at all, so he was very angry.

"Wait! I want to fight him one-on-one!" An Qing saw that the Eastern God Lord wanted to come over to help, so she immediately stopped her.

Dong Shenzun and the other gods looked at each other before nodding, but they all surrounded them from a distance and were on guard.

Long Yanran carried the little guy and little Irene to the ground, and began to appear to appease the injured beast. Everyone was paying attention to the battle, not the little guy and them at all.

Beibei was suspended in mid-air, like threads of chaos falling down, like flowing water in the Milky Way, and she also showed up to watch the battle.

For the punch just now, she could look up at the sky at 45 degrees.

"Within three moves, I will definitely kill you!"

Brother Xiong Biao yelled, and a golden ocean rose up behind him, blood was surging, surging, a forbidden technique that burned life.

Even the Eastern Gods began to panic...

Beibei looked disdainful, her eyes dimmed, her lips curled up, and she spoke wild words?She felt that she could hang and beat each other.

At this time, the ten thousand zhang blood light suddenly bloomed from the natural space, and blood-colored thunder and lightning flowed out from the void, like flowing water.

In the blink of an eye, there were bursts of killing intent and fierce aura, and various visions appeared in the void, intertwined in a huge formation.

The array was in motion, shining bright light, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earths, forming several thick chains, which locked Brother Xiong Biao's limbs, making him unable to move, trapped in the flowing thunder and lightning.

"Damn it... what the hell is this?" Brother Xiong Biao was terrified, punching and punching, struggling to get away.

Dong Shenzun muttered to himself: "Who did it?"

Bei Shenzun frowned slightly: "It always feels like the emperor made it. Look at the beasts below, they are very cute, which means he is here."

The God of Fortune smiled and said, "No need to guess, he is indeed here, look there." He pointed to a place below, where the little guy was playing basketball with the beast.

Several gods suddenly laughed...

"No... you're going back on your word, this isn't a one-on-one fight at all." Brother Xiong Biao began to despair, he was like a prisoner, unable to do anything.

An Qing was not happy anymore, and she also had a fighting spirit in the one-on-one agreed upon.

"Ling Yun, let him go, I want to kill him alone!"


Not here, the little guy did it just now, just to let An Qing fight well.

"Sister, Aunt An is angry." Beibei ran down and said in a milky voice.

The little guy blinked, and immediately raised his beautiful eyes, Long Yanran said: "Qi Qian, let him go quickly, be obedient."

It could be seen that An Qing was serious, the little guy pursed his lips to dissipate the force when he heard the words.

"What are you doing?" Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched, why did he let it go?Such a powerful move just now, if it is like setting off fireworks, it is also drunk.

Bei Shenzun responded: "Who knows, he has a measure."

As soon as Brother Xiong Biao was released, his power exploded instantly, almost catching An Qing off guard.

"Drink, come again, Wanyue!" Changing An Qing's clothes again and again, that power was born immediately.

Brother Xiong Biao smiled coldly, looking like he was crazy, his eyes were red with a sneer, his eyes were full of greed, and he didn't hide it at all. He was greedy for An Qing's sword technique.


The sound of the An Qing sword resounded, and it sounded long and distant, as if it came from ancient times, bringing with it a cold aura that sealed everything in ice.

Void trembled!
Both of them are shocking and unique, with incredible power, any one can smash a mountain, but now they are gathered together, it is really creepy.

The waning moon passed by!

The sound and power shook the nine days!
These methods, which have long been lost in the long river of time, were used, and the shocking power broke out, and everyone stepped back a distance to watch.

Dong Shenzun didn't feel good suddenly, if he continued to fight like this, he might shatter the void, but fortunately, this time the victory was decided with one move.

Heaven and earth calm down!

After everything returned to nature, An Qing stood in mid-air panting, almost overwhelmed, almost fell, Han Yue and Empress Linglong immediately supported her, and at that moment she really collapsed.

Brother Xiong Biao had long been wiped out, and his body was still there.

The little guy and little Irene clapped their hands and kept shouting, "It's amazing, it's amazing."

Beibei ran down and asked the little guy for divine power, the latter said with a childish smile, "Not much more, Nuo, pet your head."

What Beibei wants is this kind of feeling, the look of resurrection with full blood in an instant, but unfortunately she can't, no matter how much she touches her head, she won't have that warm feeling.

Meng Luo Tianzun got up again, and Bei Shenzun found him. The latter healed him and asked, "Why are you so miserable? Who did it?"

Meng Luo Tianzun smiled wryly and shook his head: "I don't know, that power is too powerful."

Bei Shenzun was unbelievable when he heard the words, even Meng Luo felt that he was strong, and he shouldn't be an enemy. Now the battlefield is turned off.

An Qing also saw the little ones, swallowed a few pills, and she recovered a lot.

"Mama, Mama, aha, I'm here." The little guy was so excited, she stayed where she was, waiting for An Qing to hug her.


An Qing was exhausted, so she didn't hug her, but Qianye behind her hugged her, she didn't dislike her.

"Sister Qing, are you alright?" Long Yanran asked with concern.

"It's okay, just rest for a while." An Qing waved her hand, and said indifferently: "Why did you come here? Why didn't you see him?"

Pointing at the little guy in Qianye's arms, Long Yanran helplessly explained: "It's not because of her, but if he insists on seeing you, he doesn't know where to go."

Beibei said in a childlike voice, "I know, I know, it must be fun for Shuai Shushu to play."

After hearing this, the little guy didn't want Qianye to hug her, but instead quarreled with An Qing: "Ma Ma, where did Dad go? Let's go find him, okay?"

An Qing replied: "No, I'm exhausted, there is like you, as energetic as a cow."

"Aha..." Little Irene followed, "Just like a cow."

The little guy also suspected that she was a cow, why she was so powerful, like a bull devil, she laughed for a while.

Beibei murmured to her a few words, she tilted her head, not looking for Ling Yun, Long Yanran became curious about what the two of them said, and became so quiet.

The little guy thought about it, the beast that Ling Yun asked her to look after is still here, and it will definitely come back later.

"Empress, look at Meng Luo. He almost died in the line of duty. Is there any more advanced medicine?" Bei Shenzun helped the injured Meng Luo to come to everyone, and asked cheekily.

The little guy immediately lowered his head when he heard the words...

Long Yanran had black lines all over her head, why did she die in the line of duty?If it weren't for her, Mong Luo would have returned to the west.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Is there any black elixir, I have it."

She took out a dozen Peiyuan Pills from her pocket, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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