Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 918 Who Is Doing It

Chapter 918 Who Is Doing It
An Qing had a headache, she went there to get the elixir, so she could only shake her head, while Dong Shenzun took out the alchemy made by the alchemy king, although it was not as good as Ling Yun's, at least it could slowly recover from the injury.

"Beibei, put yours back, and then play with Sissy and the others." Long Yanran tugged at her braids, pointing to those ferocious beasts.

At this time, Xi Shenzun kicked the fierce beast beside him for some reason, and complained: "It's you, it's you."

Xi Shenzun lay on the ground, missing a single tooth, and everyone found out that the little guy did it. Although the power was not strong, Xi Shenzun was defenseless.

Bei Shenzun gave a fierce shock, wondering in his heart that Meng Luo's injury could not have been done by her, right?
The corner of Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched, this fierce beast treated the little God Master just like it treats the little master, everything is clear, there is no need to ask more questions.

Xishenzun rested his chin, he had nothing to love in his life, he didn't dare to ask what he did wrong.

I only heard the little guy's childish voice saying: "Don't beat them, or you will be beaten."

Beibei let out a sigh of relief against her little fist: "It hurts, so I asked you if you are afraid."

The two little guys spoke very seriously, so no one dared to hurt these ferocious beasts that surrendered.

The little god master spoke, and several gods took orders to help her give orders, and everyone should treat fierce beasts like friends.

Dong Shenzun immediately thought why the little guy did this, and it had something to do with Jiuyou Abyss.


A certain ferocious beast roared in a low voice!
The little guy and Beibei heard it, they were hungry, so they started feeding with little Irene, they are so big, what do they eat?
I only found out after asking Dong Shenzun that they were herbivores.

The little guys thought they were eating meat, so they were going to let them help eat the corpses of monsters on the ground.


Where is there any grass for them to eat in the bare surroundings?

"Sissy, let's go back to the Shrine." An Qing regained her strength and walked over to hold her hand.

"No, no, no."

"Oh, are you still running?" An Qing laughed, the little guy threw off her hand and hid behind Bei Bei.

"Come here, what are you hiding?" An Qing's head was full of black lines.

Long Yanran shouted: "Bebe, bring her here, be good."

"Don't listen, don't listen, bastard chant." Beibei shook her head, protecting the little guy.

The little guy said that she was going to wait for Ling Yun here, only then did Long Yanran realize that it was indeed the case.

An Qing looked around, there were so many people there, let her wait here, she went back to the shrine first.

Qianye didn't linger either, she went back to Yuexia City, and Emperor Guapi came to see her for something.

Several gods stayed here on purpose, waiting for Zai Lingyun to return.

When Long Yanran didn't pay attention, she let the little guy out of her sight. When she came back to her senses, the little guy took out his fishing rod and was fishing by a big pit.

"Qi Qian, what are you doing?" Long Yanran's head was full of black lines.

The little guy said in a baby voice: "Aunt Long, are you blind, can't you see?" She was still shaking the fishing rod.

The corners of Long Yanran's, Beibei's and little Irene's mouths twitched, there are no fish in this pit.

"Little God Lord, there are no monsters or fish in this pit." Fa Cai Shenzun explained with a smile, while the other gods smiled and said nothing, it was so cute.

"No?" The little guy was embarrassed, and immediately retracted the fishing rod, pretending to be indifferent.

Everyone was amused by her...

Little Irene waited intently for Ling Yun, Beibei and the little guy ran to get close to the beast, Meng Luo Tianzun looked at the little guy and his legs trembled, this little pervert was really the one who hit him just now, he was sure.

"You line up one by one."

"No jumping in line, call me, 1234...2234..."

Listening to the words of the two little guys, flocks of crows flew over Long Yanran's head.

The fierce beasts were very obedient, forming a big circle, and all the fierce beasts joined without exception.

Ling Yun came to the Nine Nether Abyss and was very busy, it was really against the sky for all the beasts to attack him.

The riot almost destroyed all the trees in the Nine Nether Abyss, and some even killed each other and scuffled.

After suppressing the fierce beasts in the Nine Nether Abyss, he also set up a violent lake to prevent the riot from happening again. Needless to say, it must be the gas from last time.

Ling Yun didn't know who was against him, he clearly knew that his origin was related to Jiuyou Abyss, so he planned it, and he couldn't deny that the other party knew about Qianye.

for safety!

After he returned to the God Realm, he had to imprison Qianye. Even if this would make Liuxian Palace riot, there was no other way to let others take advantage of Qianye.

After the Qianye Phoenix bloodline transforms into its main body, it becomes a deputy demon emperor, and its destructive power is astonishing.

"Boss, I can go and investigate, and I can kill all those who don't know how to live or die." Phoenix said in the space, Ling Yun opened a window for him, and he can see a little bit of the outside world, which he witnessed just now.

"You? Your strength is the 16th level of the Immortal Emperor in the outside world. It's useless. Stay inside and work hard."

"Ugh!" The phoenix was speechless. If it hadn't consumed so much power in the seal, it would only be 16 weights?
Think about it!
The phoenix suddenly smiled, but luckily Lingyun didn't agree, although the outside is good, but here is also good, a bunch of fruits are planted by it, very proud, and the little guy drinks those Wangzai and sugar.

Ling Yun wanted the Six Protectors to go, but who knew he didn't want to go either, the reason was that he could tell stories to the little ones when he was bored.

Just returned to God Realm!

The little guy ran over to give her a hug, and she wanted to sit on Ling Yun's neck, overlooking everything, and the latter was very spoiled.

"See Emperor!"

"Get up, you are doing well."

"There, there..." Dong Shenzun became humble, and his old face did not blush.

Beibei grimaced and said he was shy...

The little guy said in a childish voice that these beasts were protected by her, and Ling Yun exaggerated it, laughing from ear to ear.

Ling Yun asked: "Why are you all waiting for this emperor?"

"Oh yes!"

Dong Shenzun, as the representative of the courtiers, must be the one who answered first, and he wanted to complain about Ling Yun, didn't he wait for him, did he wait for him to come to eat? Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

"Well, let's talk about something later." Ling Yun shook his head lightly, not in a hurry.


Dong Shenzun nodded a few times...

"Huh? How did Monroe get hurt so badly?"

Ling Yun frowned and asked, these people are the ones he valued the most, and his strength is also recognized by him. Now a battle was so fierce just now, now?Some let him down.

The little guy quickly changed the subject: "Dad, I went fishing just now, but there were no fish."

" seems to be...yes..."

Dong Shenzun replied tentatively, but Ling Yun really ignored it, and instead asked Qian Qian funnyly: "Why are you so stupid, you can catch a few space fish if you put a few space fish down." After speaking, Ling Yun laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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