Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 919

Chapter 919
The old men looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes full of helplessness.


The little guy thought about it, and realized that it was really the case, so he laughed out of embarrassment.

Ling Yun didn't forget to wait for the gods' answers... "Did she do it?"

" should should be." Dong Shenzun could only answer uncertainly.

"Okay, take this elixir." A gleaming golden elixir suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun's eyes, and he knew it was extraordinary at a glance.

The little guy, Beibei, and little Irene stared at each other, and said in unison, "It's baby!"

In their eyes, everything that Ling Yun brings out is good if it shines.

The little guy is also trying to move the elixir, and he is going to steal it under the watchful eye.

Beibei jumped up and tried to catch...

Ling Yun tapped the void, and then a golden light appeared next to it, I don't know what it is.


The little ones went to catch it, Ling Yun's method was amazing, Meng Luo Tianzun got the pill and swallowed it.

After a while, he was alive and well, lamenting that the emperor's elixir was awesome, and he wanted to stay, but Bei Shenzun let him deal with the results of the battle.

He thought about it for a while, and went crazy.

Mainly because he is afraid of the little guy...

Xi Shenzun's little injury has recovered at this moment, and he has a particularly white tooth, and he keeps laughing, saying that the little God Lord pulled out his tooth decay.

The fake elixir kept flying in the air, but the little ones couldn't get it, and they were so angry that they refused to admit defeat.

Ling Yun and the gods were communicating, during which his brows gradually frowned.

What God Venerable said was basically that in the almost three months since Ling Yun left, the monster clan was in chaos!

And the God Realm has been affected for a month, and they didn't have the time to close the gap until An Qing came to organize and join the battle.

At first, they simply thought that there were not so many monsters and ferocious beasts, and if they killed it for a few days, maybe the other side would not be killed.

Who ever thought that more and more, killing is not the same as playing.

Ling Yun already knew that this matter was definitely related to Qianye, there must be a huge secret hidden in her body, which he did not know.

At this moment!
Emperor Guapi and Qianye also came out from Yuexia City.

Emperor Guapi just smiled...

Ling Yun nodded, as a response to his greeting, and then he said to Qianye: "You know?"


Qianye responded, Mrs. Fu had told her a long time ago that she was the one who caused the monster clan chaos.

The gods and lords looked at Qianye in unison, and thought to themselves, is there something that these old men don't know?
"Dijun, do you know the reason?" Bei Shenzun asked.

Qianye wanted to confess everything, she knew that maybe the gods would not let her stay in the God Realm after they knew the truth.

Emperor Guapi grabbed her: "Don't say it, I don't believe it!"

Qianye smiled lightly, seemed to look away, and replied: "You don't believe it? Why don't you let me tell? The emperor already knows, what do you want from me?"

She also knew that she couldn't hide it. Instead of keeping it secret again and again, it would be better to be honest about everything. Last time in Liuxian Palace, Ling Yun's words all implied that at least he knew something.

"Let's all sit down and talk. In fact, the emperor really doesn't know."

A long stone table appeared in front of Ling Yun, and there were stools beside it, all of which were formed suddenly from the ground. This method made several gods envious.

Dong Shenzun sat down after Ling Yun, and he said: "Dijun, I'm thirsty, tea... tea..."

Everyone was speechless...

He dares to say that!

Ling Yun nodded, where did he make tea!
Bei Shenzun looked at Qianye and asked, "Then what shall we sit down and talk about?"

"Let me tell." Chiba bit her pale lips.

"Don't...Before that, the Emperor wants to know one thing."

Ling Yun interrupted Qianye's words, but he had already filled up the tea for them.

This treatment... tsk tsk tsk...the faces of several gods blushed.

"Dijun, you can ask, the Lun family will know everything."

"Don't guess that the emperor knows everything. You said some things when you were drunk before, and with the information I checked later, you can guess a little bit." Ling Yun shook his head and explained.

"Well... I know..." Chiba lowered her head shyly!
Emperor Guapi: "..."

Dong Shenzun took a sip of tea and asked, "What does the emperor want to know, why are you looking at me?"

Do not!
To be precise, Ling Yun looked at several godly old men.

"Four hundred and seventy thousand years ago, I heard that the Supreme Demon Emperor, Helian Wenzhong, suddenly died suddenly. The Phoenix clan lost its leader, and all of them started killing other races in order to fight for supremacy. Do you all know that?"

Since Ling Yun fought against the gods initiated by Nan Wutian, he has been sleeping in the Nine Nether Abyss, knowing nothing about what happened outside.

Dong Shenzun nodded. This incident caused great turmoil in the Twelve Regions. No one knew that the demon world was blocked at that time, so now no living people enter the demon world.

This one is hundreds of years old!

Bei Shenzun replied: "Dijun, we have heard of this, but we have never been there. We don't know the details."


The five old men shook their heads in unison.

Qianye's expression froze, and she heard from her mother Fu that Helian Wenzhong was her grandfather, the demon emperor who ruled the demon world at that time.

Emperor Guapi listened with great interest, he didn't know where his mother was at that time.

Ling Yun said: "Do you believe it?"


"Helian Wenzhong died so suddenly."

Dong Shenzun half-closed his eyes, he was really surprised.

Who is the demon emperor!

The head of the clan, he was the man who had dueled with Nan Wutian, how could he die easily, and his opponent was not Pluto.


Sudden death?

This statement sounds false, but Helian Wenzhong was really dead, and the Phoenix family was also exterminated, and it was said to severely punish the culprits.

Qianye's eyes were full of tears, the little guy ran over to pat Ling Yun after he left, and murmured her dissatisfaction in a childish voice: "Bad dad, bullied her again."

"Did you catch up?" Ling Yun asked with black lines all over his head.


"Keep chasing, and I'll give it to you when I catch it."


The little guy responded and ran away, visibly excited.

"Qianye, it's up to you." Ling Yun looked at her and said.

Qianye wiped the corners of her eyes and choked up a little: "Ms. Fu said that the destruction of the Phoenix clan was planned by the current Demon Emperor."

"He? The king of demon kings back then! The golden lion!" Dong Shenzun's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"If it's really him, it's impossible for Helian Wenzhong's old department to obey him." Bei Shenzun was a little surprised!

Chiba gritted her teeth, and her tender hands were clenched into iron fists. One can imagine how angry she was.

At this moment, Ling Yun frowned, and immediately picked up a petal on the ground, and a sharp voice suddenly sounded, carrying terrifying power, directly cutting the air flow.

(End of this chapter)

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