Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 921 Fall Out

Chapter 921 Fall Out
The little guy immediately shook his head...

"Hmph...bad dad!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" cried beibei, does not care about many people here at all.

Everyone was at a loss, and the wind was chaotic!
Qianye pulled her away, they were talking about something, they couldn't be messed up.

"Princess Beibei, I'll give you some spirit stones, go play."

Beibei Lingshi accepted it, but she refused to leave.

Ling Yun was helpless, and said into her ear: "Bei Bei behaves well, I will teach you."

He intends to fool around, he really can't teach the Gate of Thunder, he can only rely on Beibei to comprehend it by himself, what Ling Yun can do is to try his best to interpret the definition of Gate of Thunder.

Beibei stared at her round eyes and said happily: "Really, don't lie to me."

"I won't lie, and I won't lie to you if I lie to other children." Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


This time the two little ones became excited, and little Irene blinked, did she miss something?If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't continue playing with fire.

Dong Shenzun looked back and was dumbfounded, the forest was burning, probably it was little Irene who did it, and it was the fact that the latter tiptoed to hide behind Beibei, fearing that some gods would blame him.

Ling Yun waved his hand, and the rain was extinguished in a burst, and little Irene stuck out her tongue.

"Let's get down to business, this emperor has summed it up, Qianye, I plan to take you into custody."

She was already threatening the God Realm, and this time the monster beast attack explained everything.

Chiba's body, the chaos of the monster clan, this secret Lingyun doesn't know what it is, but this is the best way to deal with it.

As soon as this word comes out!
Emperor Guapi almost refused to believe that he heard it, Qianye gave a wry smile.

"Are you crazy, Dijun?" Emperor Guapi rushed forward and punched Ling Yun, who fell to the ground without saying a word.

Qianye rushed up and slapped Emperor Guapi hard, and shouted: "What are you all doing? Can you calm down? Let's see what you look like."

Tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

The melon skin emperor hesitated, I...I...I...!
The little guy ran over and yelled, "Daddy, Daddy."

"You go and play." Ling Yun didn't choose to stand up, and the corner of his mouth still curled into a smile.

The gods were helpless for a while, and could only watch how the situation developed.

The little guy was dragged away by Beibei and Long Yanran, she was not happy, she kept looking at the melon skin emperor with her mouth pouted.

"This emperor is doing this for her own good, you don't understand melon skin."

"Dijun, you are capable, why..."

"You have to understand that this emperor already has my position, and it is impossible to protect her forever like before. This is the only thing this emperor can do."

While Ling Yun was speaking, the figure disappeared, followed by the sound of earthquakes, the little ones couldn't stand, they were on the verge of falling, thanks to Long Yanran holding the three of them.

The god swallowed his saliva, looked at the thousand-story pagoda that suddenly appeared, and was speechless for a long time.

"Dijun..." Emperor Guapi almost roared, grabbed Chiba who was stunned and ran away.

Ling Yun, who turned into a thousand-story pagoda, said, "Guapi, what are you going to do? Send her to die?"

The tone was quite angry, and the gods didn't dare to move, they were all thinking about how to reconcile.

"You're crazy, you're crazy..." Emperor Guapi ran back without looking back.

Qianye cried and said: "Let him lock me up, I am willing." She didn't want their brothers to turn against each other, then she was a sinner.

"No, since he hurt you last time because of his daughter, haven't you noticed? The friendship between us has started to change." What the Guapi Emperor said was that he refused to let go. There was a strong wave nearby, and he Know they can't escape.

"Guapi, don't force me!" Ling Yun gritted his teeth.

"No, Dijun, it's you, don't force me!" The Guapi Emperor stopped running, and turned to face Ling Yun who had transformed into a huge thousand-story pagoda.


He took out a token from his bosom, Ling Yun's pupils were big and blinked in disbelief.

Qianye shook her head and kept yelling no!

"Dijun, let her go, if you haven't forgotten the promise you gave me this token back then." Emperor Guapi firmly held the token with the word moon written on it.

This token was given to him by Ling Yun's befriending Emperor Guapi. No matter who the other party is, if they come to him with this token, he must unconditionally fulfill the other party's promise.

"You..." Ling Yun was unwilling...!
"Let's go!" The Guapi Emperor pulled Qianye again, and escaped from the God Realm in full view.

Ling Yun was helpless, and finally said: "Guapi, you are too conceited, Qianye will be killed by you."

The god also knows that this is the best result, at least Qianye is not here.

The little guys looked confused, scratched their heads and didn't ask, knowing that Ling Yun was in a bad mood, no one spoke first.

Ling Yun, who turned into a thousand-story pagoda, looked at the token on the ground, crushed it with his foot, and didn't speak for a long time until the little guy was hungry and called out softly.

"Dad...Dad, hungry...hungry...!"

After returning to his senses and sighing, Ling Yun regained his body, hugged the little guy and smiled.

It's not that he is ruthless, he really can't interfere with Qianye's affairs, the greatest help he can do is to lock Qianye, let her practice with peace of mind, and release it after the chaos of the monster clan is calmed down, wouldn't it be better?
In doing so, the old men of Shenzun have nothing to say, and he can also abide by the agreement with the golden lion.

What happened back then is now!
When Ling Yun was looking for the clues of the reincarnation mirror, Jin Shizi was kind to him. Jin Lion once said that the Supreme God will never interfere with the demon clan. Ling Yun agreed, on the premise that he can't violate the God Realm, otherwise the agreement will be void.

However, Ling Yun's proposal was rejected. In the end, Ling Yun betrayed the God Realm for the sake of the Samsara Mirror, and he agreed.

But the Golden Lion didn't disappoint Ling Yun, the incomplete map was real.

This is also Ling Yun's assertion that this time the monster came to the God Realm, not because of the Demon Emperor, but because of Qianye's own interference.

If Qianye hid in the God Realm, the Golden Lion would definitely come in person, Ling Yun couldn't make a move, and the God Realm couldn't resist the monster army at all.

It's not that the gods are too fake, but that there are too many monsters, two fists can't beat four hands, and crazy monsters are desperate.

The Thousand-story Pagoda is for the good of Qianye, but unfortunately... the Guapi Emperor insists on going his own way.

As long as the chaos of the Yaozu subsides, the Golden Lion can rule the Yaozu smoothly again, and will not trouble Qianye.

The little guy rubbed his belly and said aggrievedly, "Dad!"

"Well, go back and cook something delicious for you." Ling Yun stepped into the Thunder Gate first, followed by Bei Bei and the others.

The gods kept calling, but Ling Yun was in a bad mood, so he ignored them at all.

Dong Shenzun immediately sighed, and said in his heart: "The emperor is probably familiar with the golden lion, otherwise, according to his character, he would never be so cowardly."

The Western God Venerable looked at the disappearing Thunder Gate, but he didn't know what to think. Immediately after he bid farewell to the other God Venerables, he disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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