Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 922

Chapter 922
The remaining gods looked at each other in blank dismay, they still had something to discuss, why did they just break up like this.

The Guapi Emperor and Qianye who ran out of the God Realm were hunted down all the way, and five of the top ten demon kings dispatched by the demon emperor Golden Lion had been lurking in the endless sea for a long time.

I have to say that the Golden Lion is super smart.

I really want to capture Qianye alive, those five demon kings are equivalent to five Mengluo Tianzun, and there are groups of densely packed monsters behind them.

Emperor Guapi and Qianye are doomed!
When Ling Yun returned to the Shrine, he was restless when he was cooking. He still owed melon skin all his life, and how could a single token be able to offset it? He was the man who stopped Ye Lingyun.

An Qing saw that Ling Yun had something on her mind, and when she was helping him wash the vegetables, she asked, "If you're not happy, just tell me, let me tell you something."

Ling Yun roughly talked about things from ancient times, and didn't want An Qing to understand and give him a direction.


An Qing actually understood, she smiled: "I know, the ancient Pluto is you, right? I also checked some of the previous things, and I don't think you are wrong."

"It's just that fate arranged it that way."

"It's playing tricks on us."

"You're not wrong, she's not wrong, and Guapi is even more right."

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is what you do."

Listening to An Qing's words, Ling Yun also smiled, how happy it is to have someone who loves him and understands him.

Embracing An Qing, Ling Yun's mood at this moment slowly relaxed, as if he had everything.

"Although I declared that you will give me a grand wedding, I am not afraid."

"Hey, why are you bothering? Once Pluto's identity is made public, even you will be accused, and the empress can no longer be empress." Ling Yun really didn't expect An Qing to be like this, and he even smiled at An Qing.

"Bo... um..."

Let the young couple kiss...

"Go, do what you want to do. Didn't the Golden Lion say that the Supreme God should not interfere with the demon clan? Then you are still the King of Pluto."

"Guapi is very nice, he is the benefactor of our family, we must not be ungrateful."

As An Qing said, she encouraged Ling Yun to take a step forward.

"Thank you!" Ling Yun's eyes turned red once in a while.

An Qing smiled and said nothing, feeling that Ling Yun at this moment is not an old monster, but like a child.

"Father...are you alright?" The little guy ran in and stroked her withered belly again, with an aggrieved expression on his face, which made An Qing feel distressed.

"Okay, it will be fine soon." An Qing comforted her by hugging her.

Ling Yun handed over the rest of the work to the little guy. He smiled at the little guy and said, "Qiqian, if you cook today, Dad will definitely finish it."

The little guy got excited, she was finally in charge of the cook, she was very happy, An Qing helped her fry, but she was still clumsy.

Ling Yun left quietly...

Endless sea!
Emperor Guapi fought until the sky was dark, but none of the five demon kings made a move. Just letting the monsters play with him, the latter almost exhausted his true energy, and swallowed a lot of pills during the period.

Qianye couldn't bear it and said: "Guapi, let's go, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, you can't finish killing."

She knew very well that the two of them could not escape without support.

There are so many monsters around, who will support them when they see them?I was scared and ran away.

"Don't talk, okay? It's too noisy." Emperor Guapi knocked back the monsters with palm after palm, causing the endless sea to turn bloody.

Not far away, the North Sea Dragon of the Endless Sea North Territory is watching. He is the younger brother of the King of the Sea. There are a few people next to him, and he leads a group of sea soldiers behind him, all of whom are crab soldiers and crab generals.

He admired: "Who is that man, he is really brave."

Someone nearby replied: "Your Majesty, he is a businessman from the God Realm, a good friend of the Supreme God, Emperor Guapi."

Bei Hailong nodded, and continued to watch this hearty battle. If it was him, he would have died in the mouth of this vicious monster.

The iron wolf demon king said: "Tsk tsk tsk, you are indeed a friend of the Supreme God, your strength is really not to be peeped at."

The black-hearted tiger demon king said: "Will you kill him?"

The spotted leopard demon king yawned, pondered for a while, and then said: "Kill it, anyway, we didn't do it, he wanted to die, and he insisted on protecting that dead phoenix."

The other demon kings nodded, acquiescing...

Emperor Guapi was beaten by a group, and it was still difficult to get out of the tight encirclement after all, Qianye also began to help him.

"I'll use the forbidden technique later, you find a chance to return to the God Realm." After thinking about it, Guapi Emperor still felt that there was no good way, so he could only suggest Qianye to return to the God Realm.

"No, let's advance and retreat together." Qianye was not like a melon skin emperor, and the two faced many monsters back to back without fear.

The black-hearted demon king said: "Fenghuang, you'd better be obedient and just grab it, we demon king has his own decision."

"Bah... get out!" The Guapi Emperor dismissed it, hating in his heart, monsters have been fighting with him all the time, what is it!
"It's tough enough, I like it." The spotted leopard demon king sneered, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The melon skin emperor stopped talking, and with a rush of blood, he transformed into a bolt of lightning, shuttled through the void, and came to a certain demon king in the blink of an eye, clenched his fists with both hands, and attacked at the same time without hesitation!


The blood mist surged, and a certain demon king fought back and screamed again and again, and was directly punched and seriously injured.

"Emperor Guapi, you are courting death, hmph!"

"He's fine, let's get rid of the idiot Guapi Dadi first."

The other monster kings made their moves one after another, and the monster beasts came back and surrounded the Guapi Emperor.

The corner of Chiba's mouth twitched, why did she look down on her?None of her opponents!

The moves between the melon skin emperor and the demon king collided, and something earth-shattering happened.

The heavens and the earth were pierced through, and the might of the gods spread for tens of thousands of miles. The sky was hazy, shrouded in chaos, as if it had been shattered.

The cracks in the sky were densely packed, the scene was extremely terrifying, it was extremely dark, even the light was sucked in by the cracks, and the sky and the earth were suddenly dark.

"So strong, is this world about to be overturned?"

"It seems that the melon skin emperor is different, is it a secret technique?" Bei Hailong muttered to himself in the distance, and he and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him were all shocked.

Several demon kings started to get nervous!
Guapi Dadi was full of blood, completely different from the one with clenched fists. He was extremely terrifying. His whole body was burning like a big sun, the light was dazzling, and the heat was unstoppable.

His vitality was too exuberant, his physique was mysterious and powerful, exuding a vast ocean of blood, surging and sweeping towards all directions.

Several demon kings were at a loss for a while, and they had no choice but to command the army of monster beasts again, forming multiple formations, and once again consumed Guapi Great Emperor's true energy.

At the gate of the God Realm!
Xi Shenzun has been watching there for a long time, and has no intention of making a move, or he is waiting for Ling Yun's order.

(End of this chapter)

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