Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 925 The Little Milk Dog Chapter Is Here

Chapter 925 The Little Milk Dog Is Back
After Ling Yun saw it, he was speechless, just playing around.


He was also shocked by Beibei's learning ability, he was really understood by her.

Originally, he planned to improve Beibei's comprehension, but the result really surprised him.

"Handsome, look..." Beibei was very excited, her face was like a flower blooming.

"I've seen it all, don't mess around." Ling Yun was ashamed!

"Yeah, yum." Beibei was dancing bouncingly. As for Ling Yun's words, I don't know if I listened to them or not.

The little guy was also very happy, and kept saying that she had credit for it, and it was all taught by her.

Little Irene blinked, she didn't seem to know, what should I do?Do you want to learn!

The little ones went to bed very early tonight, maybe they were tired all day.

Ling Yun was on the edge of the shrine and the lower realm, he and An Qing looked at the moonlight together, the couple were waiting for the melon skin to arrive.

as predicted!

After the Guapi Emperor recovered from his injuries, he came with Qianye, and there was a Xishenzun behind him!

The celestial artifact in his body was taken out by several gods, and he swallowed a few pills, and there was no problem.

Emperor Guapi smiled wryly at Ling Yun, he was not angry with Ling Yun anymore, everyone has a position, not to mention that everything is his own will.


After all, no catastrophe was caused, and Chiba was fine.

"Guapi, have you figured it out?" An Qing spoke first, breaking the silence.

"I figured it out." The corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth raised a smile, and he stretched out a hand.

Ling Yun understood very well, he also stretched out one hand, and shook both hands, friends are still friends.

"Don't be so impulsive in the future." Ling Yun smiled slightly, and increased his strength in the hand he was holding, as if he was carrying the melon skin emperor.

Emperor Guapi laughed loudly: "I'm laughing, I'm laughing."

Chiba and An Qing smiled at each other...

"Dijun, you should trap me, I'm afraid the golden lion will come again." Qianye was a little worried.

"No need, the golden lion doesn't dare." Ling Yun shook his head, there was no need to do this at all.

Emperor Guapi was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Xi Shenzun rolled his eyes at him, shook his head and replied: "Guapi, why are you so stupid? What the king of Hades said? If he dares not listen, he will die."

Emperor Guapi's eyes suddenly lit up...

"I'm sorry, Chiba, I have a difficult time, and I'm really sorry about what happened before!"

Ling Yun suddenly felt that he was too sorry for Qianye. Fortunately, An Qing was able to understand him and give him advice, otherwise he really didn't know how to end it.

Qianye smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, no matter what choice you make, I will stand by your side."

"Hey..." Ling Yun sighed, looking at An Qing, he just shrugged.

"Dijun, the three of you have returned from your friendship, please be good." Xi Shenzun smiled, his beard was particularly white under the night.

Emperor Guapi raised his eyebrows lightly, and winked at Ling Yun: "Dijun, it's such a beautiful night, why don't you have a drink?"

Xi Shenzun laughed, this trip is worth it for him, if the emperor wants to drink, then he will naturally have a share.

Ling Yun nodded directly, and responded, "Okay."

An Qing also took advantage of the situation and sat at the temporary table arranged by Ling Yun, quietly waiting for Ling Yun's delicious wine. She couldn't forget it after drinking it. Fortunately, the little guy wasn't here, otherwise... Humph!
The little guy is very strict now, so it's not easy to fool around.

Emperor Guapi said: "Dijun, what purpose do you think Pluto has?"

This question has always been in his mind, and he can't figure it out after much deliberation. He doesn't know Pluto.

Qianye looked at Ling Yun again, and suddenly found that Pluto's eyes were very similar to his, and she didn't know if it was a hallucination, so she rubbed her eyes.

An Qing noticed her every move, and quickly changed the subject: "Hey, never mind him, he's not in the God Realm anyway, maybe he's bored."

Ling Yun: "..."

Xishenzun thought for a while and said, "Guapi, the old man thinks he likes to play, it is rumored that he has always been like this."

Ling Yun said: "Yes, Old Boy Xi is not bad, and this Emperor also thinks so, so, Guapi, don't think about it, forget about it tomorrow, why mention him."

An Qing covered her mouth and snickered...

Emperor Guapi thought for a while, and he was right. Putting aside his doubts, he drank heavily.

The divine beast Flaming Tiger is right behind, with a face full of pain, waste...waste...


who is it?
An Qing immediately saw the flaming tiger, which was drooling in a daze, but she had never seen it before, so she almost drew her sword.

The mythical beast Lie Yanhu immediately regained consciousness, turned into a little milk dog in an instant, and quickly flew to Ling Yun's neck, and that seat was its own.

"Little Tiger!" An Qing exclaimed, isn't it in Lanxing's countryside?Immediately, she looked at Ling Yun with dissatisfaction.

Ling Yun rubbed his nose and explained: "It's a divine beast, it went back to the demon clan before."

Xi Shenzun asked: "It turns out to be Lord Divine Beast, what do you look like...? Pfft..."

He couldn't help laughing, this little milk dog is too cute, it doesn't match the majesty and arrogance of the Flaming Tiger at all.

The little milk dog rolled his eyes and ignored Xishenzun. In fact, he didn't care about it, saying so much?It's better to drink two more sips, these fairy wines can make it greedy.

The eyeballs of Emperor Guapi almost popped out, this silly dog ​​is actually the mythical flame tiger.

To tease him?

He still loves to drink so much, he doesn't believe it.

"Hey, hey, you bark twice..." The Guapi Emperor held a jug of wine and poked the little milk dog's head with his finger!
The flaming tiger immediately breathed out fire, and the melon skin emperor was so frightened that he fell from the stool to the ground.

Qianye smiled: "You, if you can't drink it, don't drink it. You're already drunk. Didn't you see that the Flaming Tiger is deformed?"

Emperor Guapi stood up, embarrassed...

"You can talk now, what happened in Yaozu, you came back suddenly." Ling Yun asked.

Lie Yanhu said: "I'm done with it, and organized many races to rebel against the Demon Emperor."

Xi Shenzun asked: "Why did you resist the golden lion?"

"Golden Lion?" Guapi Dadi gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and rattled.

Qianye also pricked up her ears to listen, while An Qing poured wine for Ling Yun, what a good wife and mother.

"The golden lion killed other races and took away the treasures of other people's clans. His plot was exposed, and many monster clans were not convinced."

Lie Yanhu said truthfully that it still did not forget to drink the immortal wine, and it would not speak unless An Qing poured the wine, and everyone could not laugh or cry.

Ling Yun smiled indifferently, and he asked: "What is he going to do, he insists on killing himself and taking those town treasures from other people."

The Flaming Tiger replied: "The Century Bell, that ancient artifact with invincible defense, its whereabouts were known by the Demon Emperor Golden Lion, and the news was completely blocked."

"You know?" The corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth twitched, didn't he say that the news was completely blocked...

Qianye said with a smile: "Don't talk too much, just look at it, and it will make you roll your eyes."

Emperor Guapi was speechless, he was actually despised.

(I don’t know what you think of the chapter, but I can read all three chapters)

(End of this chapter)

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