Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 926 Plan

Chapter 926 Plan
Ling Yun was a little uneasy when he heard the century clock, after all he knew where it was.

Didn't expect the little guy's magic weapon dream to be shattered by the demon king's golden lion?
Xi Shenzun frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Is the century clock going to be born? That's right, the Tai Chi Seal is coming out."

Speaking of the Taiji seal, God Venerable Xi still has to tell Ling Yun that although the Great Demon King has resigned, he must return the ancient artifact. He has sent envoys several times to discuss it, and the price he paid was also very high.

Emperor Guapi and Qianye felt their scalps tingling for a while. It is rumored that the ancient artifacts are all against the sky. If they are unsealed, it will be fine.

The two of them didn't know that the Taiji seal was suppressed by Ling Yun and given to the little guy. If they knew, they wouldn't know how shocked they were.

Emperor Guapi asked: "Little silly tiger, do you know where the century clock is, let's go and play together."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched...

A group of monsters can't do it, and you still want to face the golden lion?
Qianye rolled her eyes again and again, said big words without looking at the place, and Emperor Guapi was not embarrassed, anyway, after drinking two cups, the God Realm dared to say it belonged to him.

Raging Flame Tiger looked contemptuously, and replied, "I don't know, you think I'm as brave and foolhardy as you are."

Emperor Guapi: "..."

An Qing laughed, this little milk dog is so funny, no wonder he was so shrewd in Blue Star back then.

Xi Shenzun smiled and said: "Do you want to think about it, the emperor?"

What he meant was that he wanted Ling Yun to seize the century clock, so as to avoid falling into the hands of people like the Demon Emperor, which would only make life miserable.

It's best if the emperor gets it, and then he can still fight against Hades, Xi Shenzun thought in his heart.

Except for the Demon God Sea, the most recognized in the Twelve Realms is the Ancient Pluto, the Immortal Emperor Eighteenth Layer whose strength is limited, and his methods are strange and numerous, everyone is terrified.

"I'm going!" An Qing immediately expressed her opinion, afraid that Ling Yun would say no, so she covered the latter's mouth.

Xishenzun smiled and said nothing, Emperor Guapi and Qianye looked excited, ready to form a group for an adventure.

Ling Yun was speechless, he didn't have time, the day after tomorrow is the opening time of the Magic Mountain, the little guy has been thinking about it all the time, so don't lose faith in Sissi.

"You guys go, bring more people, the demon king's golden lion is hard to beat with four fists." Ling Yun shook his head and refused.

"Aren't you going?" An Qing curled her lips, lacking confidence.

"Dijun! Go, it's fun." Guapi Dadi was fooling Lingyun like a kid, who rolled his eyes with Lieyanhu.

Chiba doesn't speak...

An Qing said: "If you don't go, I'll go with my daughter." She planned that Ling Yun would be with her, but she was wrong.

"As long as she is willing to be with you." Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly.

Xi Shenzun said: "Then who else should we send?"

"Meng Luo and you." Ling Yun said.

"Ah..." Xi Shenzun was a little dumbfounded, he seemed to have tricked himself.

"Later, you will spread the location of the century clock, let more people know, and completely disrupt the plan of the Golden Lion." Ling Yun's mouth curled into a sneer, and his eyes were deep and black.

An Qing's beautiful eyes lit up, this method is good!

Emperor Guapi nodded secretly, this is a great suggestion, and now the Golden Lion will have a headache.

Just do it!

Xi Shenzun immediately got in touch with the people of Shenfeng, trying to spread the news as soon as possible.

The location of the Century Clock is in Pisces, the deepest part of the Pisces Continent, which is the basement of the ocean. This is what Lie Yanhu heard. However, Ling Yun's news is somewhat different. Its map is specific to the underground of a certain island in the ocean.

Anyway, they are all within the Pisces Continent of Pisces.

Lie Yanhu was delighted to get Ling Yun's immortal brew, bowl after bowl, the corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth twitched when he saw it, what a waste!
Just when they were having a good talk, the little guy rubbed his sleepy eyes and came over. As soon as she came, she squeezed Ling Yun's ears, and then patted the flame tiger's head.

I only heard her childish voice saying: "Bad dad, you don't tell me that little tiger is here, and this... stinky..."

As she said she grabbed the Flame Tiger and wanted to tear it away, Emperor Guapi laughed so hard that his stomach cramped.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The Flaming Tiger kept shouting, it was saying: "Little master, let me go! I can still drink..."

With that heartbroken expression, even An Qing couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

The little guy could hear what it said, so she replied: "No, no..." She pouted, and continued to pat the little milk dog on the head!

"Sissy, that's right, pull it away, haha." Emperor Guapi laughed loudly, unable to stop.

The little milk dog refused to leave, staring eagerly at the bowl of fairy wine not far away, his mouth kept barking!

Emperor Guapi smiled and said: "You silly tiger, you don't meow anymore, who are you talking about?"

The little milk dog bared his teeth, despising the melon skin emperor, who still didn't look into his eyes.

The little guy is helpless!
She tied up the little milk dog, threw it aside, and hugged Ling Yun.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

As soon as they hugged her, she let go of Ling Yun, and then pinched her own nose with her hands, with a look of disgust.

An Qing was amused, tugged at her braid, and replied, "It doesn't stink, take a sip!"

"No, you are not allowed to drink, or... hum!" She waved her small fist, stared at An Qing with her beautiful eyes, and pursed her mouth, she was extremely cute.

Ling Yun replied: "Your mother asked you, do you want to go on an adventure with her?"

The little guy blinked and asked, "Is Dad going?"

Ling Yun shook his head!
"Hmph, I won't go with you, who will be with you...I love Dad." The little guy immediately hugged Ling Yun, acted like a baby, arched Ling Yun's waist, and chopped his feet all the way.

An Qing's face turned dark, who gave birth to this little heartless child.

"Haha..." Qianye smiled: "Does the little princess feel insecure with the empress?"

The little guy shook his head and continued to lie on his stomach.

Emperor Guapi looked speechless, the little guy couldn't be fooled.

"I'll go with Dad, it's fun." The little guy is very smart, and being with Ling Yun is exciting and precious, and it's also very fun, and there is food to eat.

Looking back at An Qing, the little guy curled his lips, feeling speechless, her mother doesn't know anything, so what are you doing with her.

The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched, and she tapped the little guy's forehead, with a sad expression: "Sissy doesn't love me anymore, no one wants me anymore."

"Aha, I love you." The little guy replied to An Qing without looking back.

Ling Yun patted the little guy's head, and said, "Sissy, give me a sip."

The little guy immediately raised his eyes and looked at Ling Yun. She shook her head vigorously, and refused to bang, saying that Ling Yun had just drank wine and smelled...

An Qing joked: "If you don't poo, I will poo!"

As she said that, she stretched her head over. The little guy was in a hurry, and piled up An Qing, angrily, but refused to let An Qing and Ling Yun po.

The couple couldn't laugh or cry at this living treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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