Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

This girl is not hurting in vain.

"We'll buy it later, go back to Blue Star!" An Qing squatted down, hugged the little guy, and smiled happily, full of happiness in her heart.

The little guy um, um, responded.

Ling Yun walked over, and he said: "It's getting late, they are all waiting for you."

An Qing replied: "Let me hug her for a while."

The little guy scratched his head, looking cute, and didn't know what they were talking about.

"My lord, the Eastern God Venerable and the demon messenger are here." Rex walked in to report.


Ling Yun frowned, their envoy came here to look for him?

"The emperor go out for a while."


"Stay here."

On the huge square of the Jingu Temple, Ling Yun opened the barrier, Dong Shenzun and the others came in immediately, behind them were three demon envoys, all dressed in black robes, with their heads lowered so that they could not see their appearance.

Interestingly, Ling Yun's blood was boiling, and he was sure that the messenger in the middle was the little witch who disguised herself as a man, the one who inherited his hell blood.

"The emperor is very busy, so I have something to talk about." Ling Yun became a little impatient.


Everyone is speechless!

"Ahem, this is Enpei, the envoy of the Demon Race!" Pepe said in a rough manly voice.

"I am the Demon Race Wanzu Ying, I have long admired the name of the Supreme God." The demon envoy on the left raised his eyes, his face was uncertain.

The one on the right may be out of arrogance, he didn't introduce himself, Ling Yun didn't care.

"Emperor, they came here to discuss the return of the Taiji Seal." Dong Shenzun explained at the same time.

"That's right, we came here under the orders of the Great Demon King, and we would like to ask for your convenience, Lord Taishenjun." Peipei said.

"What Taiji seal, this emperor didn't listen." Ling Yun shook his head, very indifferently.

Wan Zuying's brows gradually twisted into a ball: "Great God, who believes what you say?"

"I never imagined that Taishang would be such a covetous person." Another demon envoy sneered, with a heartbroken expression on his face.

Pepe thought about it...

Dong Shenzun was displeased: "You demons don't even look at who this is, whose land you are stepping on, and what is yours? Come and make a joke."

Hear it!

Except for Pepe, the faces of the two of them are quite ugly.

Ling Yun said in a deep voice again: "Tai Chi Yin, this emperor doesn't know, so get out."

He directly issued an order to evict the guest.

Pepe said: "Wait a minute, I am willing to trade at any price."

Ling Yun jokingly replied: "Oh? Little girl, can I exchange it with blood from hell?"

As soon as this word comes out!
Everyone looked at Peipei in shock, but Dong Shenzun realized that something was wrong, and immediately lifted the black robe hat of the god Peipei with momentum.


The gods and the others twitched their mouths, but they didn't notice it at all. If Ling Yun hadn't reminded them, they would still be in the dark.

Pepe's eyes widened, but she hadn't reacted to her revealing her identity.


"Hehe, you guys go, if you stay, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." Ling Yun shook his head and smiled, turning around to leave.

"You two return to the Demon Race, I'll stay." Pepe's tone was almost commanding, she had to figure out how Taishenjun would know.


Recalling Ling Yun's words just now, Dong Shenzun swallowed his saliva and distanced himself from Pepe and the others for a while.

"Young master! No way!"

Wan Zuying's tone of refusal, but Peipei glared at him, and the latter didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Another emissary of the Demon Race said: "Could it be that the Taishang Lord has a ghost in his heart and is in a hurry to leave? The Taiji Seal is clearly in your hands, and now we are discussing it."

"Deliberate? What are you? You dare to discuss with this emperor." Ling Yun was displeased, and turned to look at the Demon Race who had just spoken. Those eyes were very cold, revealing traces of murderous intent.

"Stop talking, I'll take care of it, you guys go." Peipei waved her hands again and again, wondering if her grandfather's subordinates are all idiots, can't you see that the Lord Taishen is going to be angry.

"Yes yes yes..." Wan Zuying replied submissively, he is a smart person, not like the other one, who is arrogant, weak and supercilious, he looks like he deserves to be beaten.

Dong Shenzun pointed to another demon envoy, and said angrily: "Wait, you can go, but! He must stay."

Peipei said: "Master Dong Shenzun, this is inappropriate, after all, we are messengers."

Xi Shenzun let out a bah, messenger?How can you do it without paying a little price if you are a bear foot and a fool.

"Don't go? Let's all stay." Dong Shenzun looked at each other coldly, not paying attention to the demons at all.

With a wave of Ling Yun's hand, before Pepe could save him, the demon envoy was killed by Shenguang, and the remaining body was in the square, surrounded by silence.

Wan Zuying never thought that Ling Yun was really not joking, and would kill people if they disagreed.

Pepe's face was ugly, but she couldn't get angry.

An Qing came with the chattering little guy in her arms, and the latter kept saying, "Mama...mama."

The little guy immediately stared at Pepe, and after a while, she ran down.

"Aha, sister...hug!" The little guy stretched out his hand to Pepe, feeling familiar with the blood in Pepe's body.

"Cissy, come back, she's not your sister." Ling Yun was speechless, too bloody.

Is not it?
The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment, and lowered his head, so cute.

Pepe looked at the little guy and was blinking. She couldn't feel the blood flowing in the little guy's body at all.

"Cissy, come here quickly." An Qing frowned slightly, she knew that she was not a good person when she saw the other person, how could she just pass by casually.

The little guy looked at the surprised Pepe before running back to Ling Yun.

"Ha ha!"

Beibei's Thunder Gate came, and the moment it appeared, Bei Shenzun was in a daze, couldn't react quickly, and immediately fell down.

The little guy immediately laughed, and kept saying that the old man Bei Shenzun was stupid.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, no wonder the Jingu Temple was so quiet, it turned out that Beibei and little Ailin had sneaked away to play.

"It's so cute." Pepe saw the two little guys all of a sudden, her eyes popped out, twinkling with little stars.

Bei Shenzun managed to climb up from the Thunder Gate, his hair was disheveled, making Bei Bei laugh.

"Aunt An, give me a hug." Beibei immediately kissed An Qing so that Ling Yun would not scold her. He is such a smart child.

Wan Zuying was sent back to the Demon Race, and Peipei stayed behind with a lazy face, Ling Yun forbade, but the little guy spoke, and everyone had to listen to her.

"Sister! Let's play hide-and-seek, you come and catch us." The little guy's eyes turned gloomy.

Beibei said: "Let's go hide, you are not allowed to peek."


The three little guys ran away without a trace, and Peipei was in a mess in the wind. Did she say anything?Didn't you say play with them?Still the most boring little baby has a show...!
Spit blood!

(End of this chapter)

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