Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 930 Treasure?

Chapter 930 Treasure?

An unlovable expression filled his face, and the little guy's voice came from a distance, saying that they were all hidden, let Pepe find them.

Ling Yun and An Qing smiled wryly at each other!

"In the future, apart from her, there is no need to let the envoys of the demon race come, Tai Chi Yin? I don't know." Ling Yun ordered to the East God, shaking his head, with an attitude of refusing to admit it!

The Taiji seal is the little guy's private property, it is impossible to take it out, she is not easy to fool around now.

The Taiji seal is his spoils of war, why should he exchange it back.

"Old boy Bei, are you ready? Let's go." Ling Yun stared at Bei Shenzun with white eyes. The latter was like eating a dead mouse. After knowing that he went with the empress An Qing last night, he couldn't laugh. rise.


There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, accept his fate, there should be no accidents if he goes with the empress, will the emperor allow it?
"How many people do you arrange to go in?"

"Isn't it the old man and Meng Luo?" Bei Shenzun asked.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched: "Just a few? Going on a trip?"

"If there are too many people, they will die."

"Ahem..." Ling Yun's face turned dark, what he said was too negative.

"Then you arrange it." Bei Shenzun spread his hands.

It's the first time Dongshenzun and the others have seen such a rascal Beishenzun.

Ling Yun ordered Rex to arrange five divine guards who understand the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams formation, so that it would be decent.

The ancient came again, followed by Emperor Guapi and Qianye.

"Dijun, I did it." Guapi laughed as soon as he came.

"En?" Ling Yun raised his eyebrows!
Qianye pointed to Gu Gu, who said, "I brought it with me, and I haven't been able to figure out what's inside it all this time."

Word down!

Gu Gu took out a special box, which shone brightly after opening it.

The light immediately attracted the little ones, and they came in a flash, but Pepe didn't know it, and was still looking for them.

After the light disappears!
The little guy saw something that looked like a stone but not like a stone.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he saw it, treasure?Pooh!

Emperor Guapi and Dong Shenzun were all speechless. Is this a treasure?Also studied and preserved for so many years.

"Aren't you particularly surprised? It's such a treasure, it's so mysterious." Gu Gu snarled.

Beibei curled her lips, and said in a childish voice, "Grandpa, you are the poop of a giant blue whale, I hate you."

The little guy immediately pinched his nose, and little Irene laughed out loud.

At the same time, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Impossible, Gu Gu still licked it, the little guy couldn't bear to look directly at it, Beibei was about to vomit.


It's still a little fragrant. After tasting it in ancient times, he shook his head.

Beibei and the others thought it was a treasure, so flashing, the result really opened their eyes.

Dong Shenzun wiped off his sweat, and said, "Uncle Gu, why don't you read Pisces Collection."

"Don't read it, don't read it, what's so good about those books." Gu Gu shook his head.

Xi Shenzun smiled and said, "Uncle Gu, your piece is really shit."

"Bah! What shit, I don't know much about it." Gu Gu was still a treasure, kept in his arms all the time, brought out from the sealed field after a narrow escape, or handed to him by his grandfather himself, could it be shit?
Dong Shenzun laughed so much that his stomach cramped, he took out a book from the storage ring, flipped through it, and handed it to Gu Gu, who vomited after reading it!
The Pisces Collection is a book that records the types of big and small monsters on the Pisces star, and there is an introduction to the giant blue whale in it.

Beibei read it right, it was the stone formed by the feces excreted by the giant blue whale sea monster.

"I...I actually licked..."

Gu Gu looked like he was about to die. The old man was still crying. Beibei comforted him: "Don't cry, it's just shit. Grandpa will eat more in the future, and he will know that licking is nothing."


Gu Gu rolled his eyes and passed out.

Beibei turned around, and then a little milk dog appeared in her palm, Ling Yun was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped again.

He could tell that the palms of Beibei's palms had been remodeled by herself. In the past, he helped to make them, and they couldn't store any living things. Now she puts the little milk dog, Flame Tiger, in it.

Everyone is not surprised, anyway, they all know that the little guys have secrets, which are basically given by the emperor.

"Little Huzi, do you want to eat?" Beibei pointed at the piece of feces!

Flame Tiger is a tiger, not a dog. Hearing this, its face turned black, and its eyes were full of contempt.

"Boss...I don't want to be a pet anymore, I want to go back to the Yaozu." Lie Yanhu communicated with Ling Yun's spiritual consciousness.

"No, but I allow you to become smaller in the twelve domains and restore the original body. In other cases, you have to turn back into a little milk dog."

"Then... okay." Raging Flame Tiger could only take one step at a time, and temporarily agreed.

The little guy stroked the little milk dog's head, and said in a childish voice, "It's delicious, even dogs like it."

What she said was right. The stones synthesized from the feces of giant blue whales are very valuable and have great medicinal value.

"Wow, woof, woof..." The little milk dog shook his head desperately!

Ling Yun looked at this stone and meditated for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"When you go to the Pisces Continent, first look for a giant blue whale, drink its blood, and don't kill it if you don't have to."

"Why?" An Qing asked puzzled.

Everyone had the same question as An Qing.

"If the emperor's guess is correct, what Gu Tongxuan means is that this stone can undo the curse of people coming out of it."

The so-called curse is the strange spontaneous combustion of the members of the Gu clan who escaped from the seal.

"That should also be eating..." Chiba pointed to the stone.

Guapi nodded, with an ugly expression on his face, he almost threw up, the son of the century clock... Trick!

"Ahem..." Everyone shook their heads, eating raw?Don't dare... If you have to eat it, you have to deal with it, such as refining the elixir.

Ling Yun shook his head and continued, "Its blood is the same, but you'd better drink the blood of a giant blue whale above king level, that's even better."

Everyone's eyes lit up!

Especially Bei Shenzun, seeing the hope of being alive, if he encounters fatal danger inside, he can still escape, and he doesn't have to die when he comes out.

Emperor Guapi was thinking about how to find a lord giant blue whale.

Beibei questioned, what are they talking about?Is there any share for her?

"Handsome, I...we will go too."


"elder brother."

Ling Yun was speechless: "Psychedelic Mountain and Pisces Continent, you choose."

He knew very well that Sissy would choose Magic Mountain, so he wasn't afraid to give a choice.

Pisces Continent?

Beibei frowned slightly, fishing?Don't go, don't go, it's better to go back to the river next to the villa to fish.

"My father and I." The little guy raised his hands, like a little adult.

"My brother, my sister." Little Irene blinked and blinked.

Suddenly, Beibei's eyes lit up, and she said in a childlike voice, "Let's go to the Pisces continent first, and then to the Mishan mountain."

This kid is so greedy...!
(End of this chapter)

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