Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 931 Exercise

Chapter 931 Exercise
Ling Yun laughed loudly, Beibei is really not the one who suffers, as long as he thinks of it, he is not afraid to say it.


"Why?" Beibei asked.

An Qing laughed and said, "Because I don't have time, you idiot."

Beibei said angrily: "I'm not stupid, the most stupid is my aunt, she is the most stupid."

Long Yanran is cultivating... I don't know that Beibei is slandering her.

"You guys wait outside the God Realm." Ling Yun ordered.

At this moment!
Gu Gu woke up, indicating that he would also go, the stone?It was given to the Eastern God, and with a look of disgust, the Eastern God was given to Ling Yun.

As long as he can go again, the nightmare should be over.

Don't worry about An Qing's safety, Ling Yun, she has been given more means to save her life, such as a set of sword skills.

And Ling Yun has also improved An Qing's cultivation, it still hasn't changed from outsiders, but in fact she has reached the seventeenth level of the Immortal Emperor.

They were led by Ancient Immortal Emperor and Anqing Seventeen, Beishenzun and Mengluo Tianzun, Guapi Great Immortal Emperor Sixteen, Qianye Immortal Emperor Sixteen, and five divine guards accompanied them.

This formation can destroy Xin Zhao's sanctuary.

The little guy was still crying and saying goodbye to An Qing, but the latter was speechless, and it wasn't life and death, so why cry.

Beibei also told An Qing that she should bring back all the treasures.

Ling Yun didn't have the time to waste it, today he was going to take the little guy and Beibei to the death tower for training, lest their strength be accidentally tyrannical.

Pepe and little Irene started playing because the latter attracted her by playing stand-alone games. After all, she was still a child at heart.

Death Tower!
Just on Shenfeng, it is full of dangers, but they are all fake, to exercise skills and control strength.

The little guy asked childishly, "Dad, shall we come here for dinner?"



Ling Yun's head is full of black lines, he is really a snack.

Beibei was even more exaggerated, thinking how to eat more, and even asked Ling Yun to order.

Want meat...

A pile of meat!

Green vegetables do not.

She also ordered desserts and asked for two servings. She was afraid that one serving would not be enough, because Ling Yun was drunk.

"When you go in and play, rewards will be dropped for clearing the first level. There are many, many treasures." Ling Yun's tone was full of temptation, and his eyes were coaxing and deceiving.

The Tower of Death has a total of [-] floors. The higher the number of floors, the more difficult it is. There are no rewards, but Lingyun will change it, and it will drop from the first floor to the [-]th floor, just like the game levels.

"How many?" The little guy asked with his mouth wide open, his little eyes full of disbelief.

Ling Yun imitated her by hooking her fingers, she was still hooking all ten of them, the little guy and Beibei were smiling from ear to ear.

"Go, go, it's all your world inside."

Ling Yun opened the gate of the death tower, a burst of golden light shot out, and the formation inside was opened, suppressing all cultivation bases as immortal emperors.


They didn't see anything, they just stood there in amazement.

level one!
What Ling Yun arranges is a violent female loli with a sickle, also known as the Unfeeling Tree, without any feelings, just to prevent sympathy for the little guys and release the water.

As soon as the little guy and Beibei entered, the door was closed immediately, Beibei looked back, and immediately pouted.

Both children looked at the girl floating quietly in the room. Her eyes were closed at the moment, and her body was full of momentum.

Beibei patted the little guy's head, and said in a childlike voice: "Sister, rely on you, half of the reward will be given to you."

The little guy was immediately excited, there were half as many, and he danced and danced, very excited.

After that, Beibei sat on the ground, sucking carefully with the bottle, looking at the little guy.

The little guy is not afraid, because the other party did not open his eyes.

But the moment Rueqingshu opened her eyes, she was frightened and cried and hugged Beibei.

Those shocking eyes stared at the little guy and Beibei. The latter also swallowed, but she comforted the little guy: "Don't be afraid, it's all fake, and you won't hit us."


Beibei was wrong, the Unfeeling Tree really has no feelings, when a scythe goes down, the room is broken, it is so terrifying.

"This is my territory, who is breathing?" Jueqingshu stared at Beibei with cold eyes, and raised his sickle again.

Beibei was trembling with fright, the violent girl is so scary, she immediately cuddles with the little guy.

The little guy's legs trembled when he heard the sound, and he jumped into Bei Bei's arms. The latter couldn't catch it, and the two rolled on the ground. Ling Yun outside covered his eyes.

Unfeeling Tree cut down the sickle again, and the terrifying aura spread around. The two little guys shivered, and they were most afraid of violent women.

Beibei's feet were trembling, and she stood up to protect the little guy, who was shaking on the ground.

"Hmph, don't come here, beat you up." Beibei said in a childish voice, pretending to be calm, afraid of the violent woman in front of her.

"Jie Jie... still breathing!" Jueqingshu's eyes are not working well, but those eyes are very scary, comparable to the heroine of a horror movie.


Beibei immediately pinched her nose, and squatted down to pinch the little guy's.

He thought to himself that she was smart, but Unfeeling Tree was not a vegetarian, and the moves just now hadn't been released yet.

The sickle cut across the air again, and the two little guys were blown away by the impact.

This time Beibei was angry, and the supreme suppression came, but it didn't work.

She started to use a lot of divine power again, but the heartless tree on the opposite side still didn't move.

"Wow, it's so scary, I won't play anymore." Beibei hesitated.

The little guy stood up, groaning, running in circles with short legs, and the Unfeeling Tree actually chased her. This IQ is no one, it's just a room, what are you chasing?
Beibei's eyes turned gloomy, and he began to think of a way.


Her eyes lit up, thinking of an idea.

"Violent woman? Do you dare to promise me?"

"En?" Juqingshu looked back and saw a gourd pointed at her, wondering what to do?


"Humph...huh..." The little guy stopped and took a deep breath.

"Everyone who breathes will die." This time, the unfeeling tree moved for real, and a wave of death scythe attacked Beibei.

Beibei laughed loudly: "Come on, goblin!"

She firmly pointed the gourd at the Ruthless Tree, all the latter's moves were absorbed by the gourd, Beibei was fine, the little guy clapped his hands and applauded.


The energy in the gourd sprayed out and shot straight at the Heartless Tree, which immediately disappeared without leaving any traces.

Beibei laughed out loud, very proud, and was waiting for the reward Ling Yun said to come down.

The little ones were the happiest because they could get half of it, but they were speechless after seeing the fallen things.

Ling Yun's reward for them was a statue depicting Beibei, which was so wonderful and beautiful that it was very influential.

For a moment the golden light shone brightly, Beibei was happy, she found that it was real gold, she liked it.

The little guy curled his lips, why was it cut in half?She dare not.

Beibei comforted her, giving the little guy half the reward if she passed the next level, and she became happy again, especially easy to fool around.

(End of this chapter)

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