Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 932 Failed to Break into the Tower

Chapter 932 Failed to Break into the Tower
The little guy said that in the next level, she will sit on the ground and drink milk powder, and she will never touch it.

Beibei had no objection. After putting away the golden statue, a door appeared in front of him, leading to the second floor.

Second floor!
This time Ling Yun arranged not a simple character, but a magician with a powerful fire element.

As soon as the little guy and Beibei arrived, they felt so hot that they were surrounded by flames, like roasting pigs.


The little guy was surprised, a person suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, coming out of the fire, she saw it for the first time, she was very curious, and her eyes widened.

"Stay! Fairy!"

Beibei yelled, still not admitting defeat, with her hands on her hips, really cute.

"Haha, you guys are so ignorant, so young? Do you want a reward?" Pyro asked with a rough voice.

"Yeah, yeah." Beibei nodded, it's that simple?She doesn't believe it very much, after all, she has been deceived a lot.

"Really?" The little guy asked innocently, foolishly.

Burning Man sneered in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Really, pearls are not so real, what reward do you want?"

The little guy believed it right away, it was really simple: "It's a lot, a lot of babies."

Bei Bei stared at it, always feeling wrong, there was such a good thing.


Pyro spewed out a big fire in one breath, the little guy didn't react quickly, and there were fires all around.

"Go away, go away," cried the little one.

"Let go of my sister, I'll beat you up." Beibei was furious.

She blew on the fire in one breath, but the more she blew, the more she blew.

Burning Man laughed loudly: "Don't waste your energy, little baby, do you want a reward? You must defeat the invincible me, haha."


Beibei frowned slightly, she is the most powerful, what fireman?She is not afraid, she is not a violent woman, besides, she even broke the first level.

"Hmph, I'll let you know how powerful Lao Bei is."

She took out the Jingu sword, and came to sweep away thousands of troops, and it turned out that the burning man was acting.

"Ah! I'm so scared, I'm going to die, please forgive me!"

Beibei has black lines all over her head, do you think she is a fool?

The little guy really didn't make a move, those fires?It can't hurt her at all, so she sits on the ground drinking milk powder and watching a play.

"Aha, my sister beat him, it's necrotic, just like a bad old man."

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched...

Burning men rushed out and immediately surrounded Beibei. The latter curled his lips. As soon as Bai Yan came out, Burning men were instantly stunned.

"This... this... no... impossible, I don't want to disappear."

Its last words, because it was swallowed by Bai Yan, Beibei is happy, because she sensed that Bai Yan is stronger.

"Sister is so amazing." The little guy clapped his hands and applauded, his eyes twinkled with little stars of admiration.

Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and said in a childish voice, "Have you learned?"

"Yeah." The little guy nodded his head half-understood, what did he learn?She was confused and knew how to nod.

A statue appeared in the room, the corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, and the little guy was happy, it was her!

Finally got the golden statue, so she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Ling Yun was not very satisfied with their two checkpoints, and did not control their strength.

the third floor!
He intends to make it stronger, that is, the spirit monkey, which is exactly the same as the one in Jingu.

Beibei was dumbfounded when she saw the spirit monkey on the third floor.

"Brother Monkey?"

"Why is Brother Monkey here?"

The little guys had doubts at the same time, but none of them suspected it was fake.

Ling Yun was tired outside, so he reclined on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Linglong? Hanyue? Luyao?"

In a moment!
Empress Lu Yao is here.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"Go get a cup of spiritual water from Shenfeng, the emperor wants to make tea."

Ling Yun closed his eyes and opened his mouth to order that his previous Wannianling mineral water was almost used up, so he had to replace it with others.

Lu Yao nodded, and immediately followed suit, Ling Yun had a good day.

The little milk dog didn't know where he went just now, but now he came back, he was really smart, knowing that Ling Yun wanted to make tea, so he came back to drink.

"Boss, do you want to drink?"

"Don't drink, drink tea."

"I heard that drinking tea goes better with drinking."

"Stay aside if you don't want to drink."

"Oh!" The little milk dog stopped talking immediately, afraid that he wouldn't even have tea.

Ling Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with it, he still had to pay attention to the movements of the little guy and Bei Bei.

In the third floor!

The little guy took out the lollipop, and said in a childlike voice, "No, here you are, and you give us the baby too."

Why is this kid so naive.

Beibei excitedly said: "Brother Monkey, hurry up and play with the stick."

The spirit monkey gave it a contemptuous look. It has a stick, which is a fairy weapon that can grow bigger.

"Look! Youkai." It treated Beibei and the little guy as monsters.

Beibei's head was full of black lines, the little guy just laughed and covered his eyes, it was so funny.

"Brother Monkey, don't make trouble." Beibei still thought it was the one from Jingu.


The spirit monkey was angry.

Hitting Bei Bei with a stick, the latter shivered violently. If she hadn't moved so fast, she would have been turned into meatloaf.

"Sister, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you, I know, it is fake, it is a six-eared macaque."


Ling Yun sprayed all over the floor while drinking tea, while Lu Yao was dumbfounded, not understanding why the emperor lost his composure.

"Master Dijun? Is the boiling water too hot?" Lu Yao asked worriedly.

"No... no, you can leave if you have something to do." Ling Yun said.

Lu Yao didn't leave, because she had nothing to do and was wondering what Ling Yun was doing here.

The little guy stared blankly at the spirit monkey, is it really a six-eared macaque?But didn't her father say that Journey to the West is a fake?

Beibei explained that it was true, because there were Brother Monkey, Pig, and Grandpa Land!The bald Tathagata is a monk.

Ling Yun was speechless, he would not take the blame.

Next, the two little guys fought against the spirit monkey. They used all kinds of moves, and they couldn't do it because they were tired. In the end, the spirit monkey was still the same, nothing happened, and even laughed at them.

Beibei was furious, Bai Yan used it, shenwei used it, she used her random swordsmanship, she used her petrification, in short, she used everything Ling Yun gave her again, and the spirit monkey was still unscathed.

The little guy was also helpless, she asked the ghost beads, the encyclopedia illustrated book, and the six guardians, shaking her head one by one.

The spirit monkey shook the ground with a stick, and the ground instantly shattered, and the two little guys were teleported out.

Bei Bei hugged Ling Yun immediately, and cried, "Handsome, there is a bad monkey brother who bullies the children."

The little guy wanted to be hugged, she thought she would not see her parents just now, so she was very clingy to Lingyun at the moment.

"Papa... Papa!"


Ling Yun was speechless, she wouldn't be frightened, why did she change her words again?

"Don't cry, just let it go, come back next time." Ling Yun patted the heads of the little guy and Beibei, and kept comforting.

Beibei was not convinced: "Handsome sorghum, help us beat it."

This child still doesn't know that all of this was arranged by Ling Yun, so stupid, the latter is secretly proud.

(End of this chapter)

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