Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 933 Ready

Chapter 933 Ready
Ling Yun said, wherever you fall, you have to get up.

Beibei understood, and immediately waved his small fist, and said in a childish voice, "Yeah, next time I will beat him until he doesn't recognize me, old Bei."

"Papa, I'm afraid." The little guy was really scared, and the feeling of falling made her terrified.

"Don't be afraid, be good, Dad is with you." Ling Yun kissed her and patted her on the back, as if he didn't want money.

Lu Yao watched in horror, the little princess was thrown into the tower of death at such a young age, she sympathized with them and felt sorry for them.

Back to the shrine!

Pepe finally had the opportunity to ask Ling Yun something alone, and the latter was making food to compensate the little guy.

"I...I...I want to know, how do you know that hell blood is just... on me?"


"Impossible. It is rumored that the Hellblood is in the Demon Race, but none of them can fuse." Pepe shook her head and tried to refute.

"Just guessing, maybe you can treat this emperor as a god, because..."

"Because of what?"

"God? Omnipotent!"

"I believe you ghost, you emperor is very bad, except for the demon god sea, I haven't heard of the existence of gods, just you? Your vision is too low!" Pepe rolled her eyes, and her beautiful eyes showed contempt.

"Oh! Really? Then what about the ones in the sealed land, have you encountered them before?" Ling Yun shook his head and asked.

Peipei was stunned, she really didn't meet her: "Hey, hey, hey... I'm only a teenager, so I don't have as much experience as you old monsters."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"I...huh! There may be a sealed place, but after it comes out, it's not the same as being suppressed? The Demon God Sea is different."

As she spoke, Pepe looked fascinated.

"Really want to know?"


"The emperor guessed!"

Pepe vomited blood angrily: "..."

"What kind of food is so delicious?" Peipei swallowed her saliva, and touched her stomach that was barely eating with her right hand.

"Get out, get out." Ling Yun immediately pushed her away.

After Pepe came out, she saw that Beibei was sweating profusely, so she stepped forward and asked, "Little Beibei, what are you running for? Your head is sweating like it's been drenched in rain."

"Big sister, brother monkey... brother monkey, help me catch brother monkey." Beibei panted heavily, but she must have been exhausted.

The little guy was lying on the ground tired at this time, she didn't want to move, and she stopped chasing him.

"Catch it?" Pepe frowned, looking at the nimble monkey in a daze, just a low-level monster.

"Brother Monkey, don't run, hum!"

Beibei didn't move and said harsh words, but the monkey's ability to imitate was too strong, so he made funny faces just like Beibei used to.

"Haha, this monster is so funny." Pepe couldn't help laughing.

Beibei stomped her feet angrily, and when Ling Yun finished cooking, Beibei began to cry.

"Handsome Shushu, help me make a circle."

"Want to circle? Why do you want to come?"

"Put it on Brother Monkey's head so that it won't be so naughty."

Ling Yun said speechlessly: "Then make a few more."

"En? Not so much." Beibei shook her head, still not understanding what Ling Yun meant.

"Yes, I'll wear the others for you, too, because you're also naughty." Ling Yun teased them with a smile, showing dimples on her cheeks.

"Aha!" The little guy laughed, feeling a bit unbearable to look directly at.

Little Eileen immediately shook her head and refused: "What my sister wants is none of the baby's business."

Beibei's face is green!

Ling Yun said: "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself, do you understand?"

Beibei and the others shook their heads, they didn't understand, what kind of birdsong were they talking about.

Ling Yun arranged for them to eat, explained while eating, they nodded earnestly after listening, Beibei no longer asked the spirit monkey to wear a circlet, Peipei's appetite was comparable to Ji Wuxue's, and she could eat more than her.

After the little guy finished eating, he listened to Beibei tell a story, which the latter insisted on telling.

She said that in Journey to the West, the purple gold gourd of the King of the Golden Horn is actually the brother of the gourd baby, the brother of the gourd on the top of the seven gourd baby, who was separated since childhood.

After hearing this, Ling Yun already expressed that he was defeated by her.

Pepe listened with great joy, it was the first time I heard it, it was hazy.


After Long Yanran came out, Beibei immediately ran over to hug her: "Auntie, you're not here these days, I miss you so much."

Long Yanran: "..."

This child, she only retreated for one day!
"Boom, Bei Bei is ashamed." Long Yanran joked.

"Aha, my sister is ashamed, slightly!" Little Irene grimaced.

"No." Beibei curled her lips to retort, the fight with Long Yanran was really cute.

"Your name is Pepe, the little witch deserves it, you go back, the emperor has something to leave."

Ling Yun is ready for everything.

"Leave? What about them?" Pepe pointed to the little ones.

"Together." Ling Yun replied calmly.

"Ah, then I...I'll go too." Peipei seemed determined to follow Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled playfully, shook his head lightly and said: "Your strength is too weak, you should go back and practice hard."

Peipei pointed to Long Yanran and said, "Hey, what about her? She should go too, the time to pass the tribulation is still close, why can she?"

How can she say that she is an immortal emperor, how can she be said to be bad?So she gave Ling Yun a few rollicking eyes.

"Because this Emperor can protect her." Ling Yun became speechless.

"I don't care, I'll go too." Pepe raised her hands, looking like a stalker.

"Okay, you can just be a maid, pour tea and water for the emperor, and squeeze the arm of the emperor's daughter." Ling Yun joked.

Peipei shrugged and didn't care. When the time came, she would just play, what maid?To hell.

"Papa, is it fun to be a maid?" The little guy's eyes turned gloomy.

Ling Yun has a headache, and she can't change it?

"Fun, fun." Pepe winked.

Long Yanran replied: "Qiqian, maidservant is a profession, it's very hard work, we don't play."

The little guy nodded: "Yeah, yum." She definitely believed Long Yanran's words.

"Oh... let's go, let's go, let's play."

Beibei looked at the Thunder Gate and exclaimed, very excited, as if seeing those babies waving at her.

Pepe suppressed her excited heart, the Gate of Thunder, the demons love and hate it, love it is a kind of martial art that others envy, hate it because every time it appears in front of the demons, it brings death .

Long Yanran shouted from the front: "Miss Peipei, hurry up."

If it wasn't for Pepe holding little Irene, she wouldn't talk too much and let Ling Yun shut it down.

"Ah... oh... oh!" Pepe returned to her senses and stepped into the Thunder Gate step by step.

The laughter of the little ones disappeared in the shrine!

Psychedelic Mountain!
It's on a broken planet, it's just an entrance, it's a mountain but it's not a mountain.

The formation is faintly visible on the entire plane, and the runes are still entwined one by one, which makes one's scalp tingle just looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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