Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 939

Chapter 939
Ling Yun signaled them not to make noise, just watch!
I only heard the dry corpse shout: "My undead army, come, let's enjoy the feast of death together."

From the soil opposite the Yaoyue Queen, monsters with wolf heads and human bodies emerged, holding sticks in their hands.

"I want to see if the so-called immortality is not in name." Queen Yaoyue plucked the strings and took the initiative to attack.

The golden light refracted in all directions, shaking the ground.

Pepe rushed into the undead army and started killing. The tyrannical Hellblood punched a child and knocked down half of the monsters with one kick.

The more they fought, the more frightened they became. They were really immortal. No matter if they broke their hands, feet, or head, they stood up and revived immediately after falling to the ground, just like a plate of sand.

"Are you afraid? Haha, the power of the god of death, the world is ignorant, you deserve to die, everyone who comes here will be buried." The withered corpse looked up to the sky and laughed, and the entire night sky was darkened.

Ling Yun asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

The little guy scratched his head...

"Babe? Tell me, what should I do?"

"Yeah, catch that bad one, the worst one!" Beibei replied in a childish voice, pointing her little finger at the withered corpse that was laughing.

Ling Yun asked uncertainly: "You mean to capture the king first, right?"

bebe nodded...

"What if they are disobedient? What should they do?" Ling Yun asked back.

The little guy said: "Disobedient? It's probably because of habit, just give him a good beating."

"Aha..." Little Irene felt that these words were inexplicably familiar, and the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, speechless.

Beibei's eyes lit up: "Hit it!"

"You have also seen that they can't be killed." Ling Yun asked again.

This question made it difficult for them.

Empress Yaoyue vomited blood angrily, they were desperately trying, and Ling Yun was actually teaching the children.

Pepe couldn't hold it any longer, she yelled: "My God, hurry up, what are you talking about?"

"Damn monster, go away!" Queen Yaoyue was surrounded, her piano skills couldn't give full play to her advantage, and she was not familiar with melee combat.

The little guy hugged Ling Yun's arm, and said in a milky voice, "Papa, it's fine to just pretend to be dead."

Ling Yun shook his head: "..."

With all her strength, she is still cowardly...

"What good idea did little Irene think of?"

Feeling that little Irene was restless, Ling Yun asked.

Little Irene stammered: "Hide... hide behind you... behind your back."

Ling Yun: "!!!"

"Look for their weaknesses."

It was rare for Beibei to think of it, and Ling Yun nodded in relief: "Beibei, you go and help them."


This time she stretched very long, dumbfounded, she is so small.

"Go, I have a reward." Ling Yun laughed.

Beibei has already discovered their weakness, but it's just that they have strength to support them.

"What reward?" Beibei asked, blinking her eyes, not too excited. It feels like a pitfall. If you don't see the reward, you won't go there.

There are groups of crows on Lingyun's forehead, why is Beibei so smart, it's not easy to fool around.

"How about ice cream?" Ling Yun asked tentatively.

Beibei jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Really? Don't lie to the children."

That tone, as if I was afraid that Ling Yun would go back on his word!
The little guy's eyes turned bleakly, and little Irene was drooling.

Does this place have ice cream?I'm really hungry for them.

After receiving Ling Yun's nod of approval, Beibei laughed and rushed forward, with short legs, running and running...


She stumbled halfway, which made Ling Yun and the others in the back laugh out loud.

Beibei stood up and scratched her head, then rushed up again, the Yaoyue Queen was shocked: "Go away, little Beibei."

Peipei panicked for a moment, and she was hit immediately, but she still said, "Hurry up, you brat."

Beibei hummed, turned into a ball of golden light and passed over the undead army, and the latter disappeared in ashes!
In an instant!

She recovered again, still humming, and put her hands on her hips.

This scene stunned Queen Yaoyue and Peipei's eyes, and the withered corpse shuddered fiercely. Where is the undead army?really!

The little guy asked in a childish voice, "Papa, where did they go? Did my sister really do it?"

"Sure, you are too stupid." Ling Yun knocked the little guy on the head with a smile, and the latter covered his mouth in pain.

Little Irene clapped her hands and shouted, "My sister is amazing, and I have something to eat."

"This... this... how...?" Queen Yaoyue was not calm, she looked at Beibei, her beautiful eyes widened.

Pepe said: "Little Beibei, are you so good?"

She still doesn't really believe that a child can have such terrifying power, she must have been hurt by the golden ball passing by her just now.

The withered corpse shook its head, its blood-red eyes brought out a murderous cold light, which made them twitch in shock, and a shivering edge appeared all over its body.

Surging around, the huge saber energy rushed straight into the sky, changing everything in the void, as if the end was coming.

Surrounded by heinous carelessness...

A powerful saber intent emerged from the sky, entangled with saber aura, like a shocking sword!

This terrifying sword intent enveloped the world, as if the whole world had fallen into catastrophe.

Beibei was angry, and the sky and the night were dark and covered with dark clouds in an instant, and there were dozens of bolts of lightning surged in the void, like the end of the world, the situation was extremely terrifying.

Queen Yaoyue stood beside her, feeling at a loss for a moment.


As soon as Beibei Jingu's sword was drawn out, there was no way to make a slash.

Cracks opened in the void, and the sword qi burst into a red lin, and the evil golden sword qi was like a demonized dragon, carrying a frightening and terrifying power, blasting at the big knife of the withered corpse.

The sky was once again surging with thunder and lightning, as if it was about to shatter.

The sword energy was cut across, chopping through the void of hundreds of feet, leaving terrifying sword marks in the air, as if opening up a road.

The withered corpse turned pale with fright, with horrifying eyes and a trembling body, unwilling to believe what it saw.

a child?Why is there such a terrifying power, completely crushed.

In the last struggle of the dry corpse, the power continued to spread, and the sword energy became stronger and stronger!
All in vain!

Beibei's power surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor. The withered corpse could not survive for three seconds, and the knife gang was broken and fell like pieces.

Withered corpse?

There was blood at the corner of the mouth, and the last words: "Death is coming, I am waiting for you!"

Queen Yaoyue's face was pale, is it dead?

Dry corpse dead?

The Eighteenth Immortal Emperor was killed by Beibei just like that! ! !She is not dreaming.

Pepe shook her head lightly: "Senior Queen, let me slap you."

"Go away!" The Yaoyue Queen is awake, this is not a dream.


"You're great."

Queen Yaoyue knelt down and hugged Beibei. She still had a lot to ask her, but the latter laughed and put away the sword triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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