Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 940

Chapter 940
Both Pepe and Yaoyue Queen have seen it, that sword is also a fairy weapon, so Beibei is entirely her own power!

This is the evildoer... People are more popular than others, especially Pepe. Only then do I know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

The little guy ran over excitedly, and said in a milky voice, "Wow, that's amazing, sister teach me, teach me!"

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, she just messed around!

Ling Yun also knew that she was messing around, the sky was messed up by her.

Beibei patted the little guy's head, and said solemnly: "You have to work hard, next time it's up to you, use the magic fist, and let out a whoosh."

The little guy laughed...

Queen Yaoyue looked Beibei up and down, she really had a body of three to four years old, it really shocked her three perceptions.


Queen Yaoyue wanted Ling Yun to give an explanation.

"Go to sleep." Ling Yun shook his head, he would not be so boring to explain.

Beibei grabbed Ling Yun: "Ice cream, ice cream."

She is working hard, now?

As soon as she stretched out her hand, she was immediately tired, unable to move, and still not used to it, Ling Yun estimated that she just had to try more.

"Papa, what's wrong with my sister?"

"Are you tired, I will definitely give you ice cream tomorrow, okay? Wait for Beibei." Ling Yun replied.

"Yeah, yum."

Neither the little guy nor the little Irene had a problem.

Queen Yaoyue hugged Beibei, her heart ached, and she kept pampering her: "It's okay, sleep with me tonight."

Peipei was still very curious, and kept asking Lingyun, it was Beibei's business, why she had such terrifying power.

Ling Yun was sleeping again, dismissing it, he was so annoying.

In the middle of the night!
They slept soundly.

A roar came from a dragon-head-shaped mountain in the distance.

"who is it?"

"who is it!"

"Pass the order to Bai Jian."

"Investigate his territory, and also investigate how Sidao died."

"Why? Who is going against this god!"

"Is it him? Or him? Or him?"

In front of the voice are three paintings, which are three middle-aged people.

The person who made the sound was a black robe hanging in the air, which seemed to be a soul body.

"Yes, Lord Reaper!"

It was answered by a bat!
"What do you think?" Death asked.

"Recently, there have been a lot of unknown people in the realm of death, could it be them?"

"Impossible. Although we are locked here forever, it is impossible for outsiders to be that strong. Besides, Death Knife is very strong." The god of death floated here and there.

It doesn't believe that Death Knife has its own power, and the soul is bestowed by it, but Death Knife is dead.

The bat smiled, it shook its head and said: "That's right, the outside is not as good as here, I really don't understand why they come here."

"Hehe, come on... come on, we like playing games the most, don't we?" Reaper sneered, and the laughter made the scalp tingle.

The bat also smiled slyly, and said: "Yes, yes, the death knife was killed by an outsider, and the subordinates think it must be from the bloodthirsty madman's domain."

"Old devil's blood domain?" Death God thought hard, and shook his head in disapproval.

Although it has been fighting the bloodthirsty madman for hundreds of millions of years, it is still not enough to kill the dead knife.

"Otherwise? Lord Reaper, what do you think of the Ice and Snow Domain?"

"Snow Prince? He is even more impossible, that guy never cares about things."

"Then, in the five major domains of the death spot, there is only an endless sea of ​​flames left. After all, our four major domains are all dead!" The bats were flying around, especially restless.

"The endless sea of ​​flames is so far away from us, hey...headache!" God of Death sighed.

"I think so, isn't the century clock sealed in their place! They definitely want to eradicate us."

"I don't know. We have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, and the century clock has come. We don't know what we are fighting for." Death sighed again.

After the bat flew out of Longtoushan, there were sighs inside.

next day!

When Ling Yun woke up in the morning, he collected the memory of the dry corpse.

It is the Death Knife, one of the seven guardians of the God of Death. It is a powerful general who died and was given a new soul. The power of the God of Death controls everything about him.

It stands to reason that the god of death is immortal, it is immortal, but it is a pity that it encountered the power given to Beibei by Lingyun to kill evil.

Bai Jian is also a Dharma protector!

Psychedelic Mountain!

It should be the Achilles' heel, but a huge sealed world in ancient times, so long that Death Knife can't remember it.

In Achilles, there are a total of five domains, Death God Domain, Blood Domain, Ice and Snow Domain, Endless Sea of ​​Fire Domain, and Wanlongku in the center.

They have been fighting and fighting for territory for many years, but they are all loyal to Wan Longku.

Si Dao's memory is incomplete, and he has no memory of what Wanlongku is.

Because he died for too long, his memory has basically disappeared. If Ling Yun had snatched it right away, it would have been more or less the same, but the corner of the latter's mouth twitched, careless.

But it doesn't matter, it's good to know a little bit, this place is more interesting than the Twelve Domains, and there will be an ancient demon god.

Sealing the world is awesome...

A bunch of mysteries are waiting for him, seal?Hehe, it's that incredible person again, Ling Yun is full of expectations for the next journey.

The one who is not afraid of death will come, he is the one who wants to bury everything.

"What did you find?"

While Ling Yun was thinking, Queen Yaoyue's voice came from behind.

"No!" Ling Yun shook his head, not intending to tell her at all.

"Little Beibei is looking for you." Queen Yaoyue curled her lips and said, men are unreliable, the key is to rely on women, Beibei.


Don't think about it, it must be that Beibei wants a reward, and wants to eat ice cream.

After Ling Yun fulfilled his promise, the group of them set off immediately.

Sitting on the tiger's back, the little guy asked in a childish voice, "Papa, why is the little tiger so ugly?"

Flame Tiger: "..."

"This is it, it's not ugly, how can you say that." Ling Yun explained with a smile, and he also wanted to know what Qian Qian was thinking.


Queen Yaoyue signaled the Flame Tiger to stop, she seemed to have discovered something.

"what happened?"

Ling Yun frowned, and half-closed his eyes to watch the actions of Queen Yaoyue, who jumped down and found a jade pendant in the grass on the ground.

"My cousin's." Yaoyue Queen was inexplicably flustered, and a sense of unease welled up in her heart.


The figure of Qi Xian appeared in Ling Yun's mind, the last time they fought, what strength?It's definitely not good against him, but when it comes to the level of Death Knife, it is certain that you will lose. It is still possible to escape.

In the past, the gods always listened to the gods, but it's a pity...only after the emperor became the gods, Jiutian began to separate, and Ling Yun didn't force it.

The domain of the God of Death is huge, it seems that Qixian and the others also landed here, looking at the mess around them, it must have been fighting until the sky was dark at that time.

Ling Yun squinted his eyes and recalled the memory of Dead Knife. This place is where it meets the management range of another Dharma Guardian Ghost Sage.

Because what Death Knife said before his death last night implied that no one survived!
(End of this chapter)

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