Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 941 Search

Chapter 941 Search
So is the ghost saint who is stronger than Death Knife careless?

"Come on up, let's chase after the fight." Ling Yun looked at the distance with his eyes, and his face was serious.


Queen Yaoyue nodded her head. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let her two cousins ​​agree to come in. If she could do it all over again, she would definitely choose to be alone.

Talk about catching up...

The Flaming Tiger walked slowly, and the Yaoyue Empress became angry in a hurry.

Ling Yun closed her eyes and rested her mind, little Irene secretly played the single machine, the little guy was curious about the surroundings, Beibei was pampered by Pepe and Queen Yaoyue, pinched her legs and beat her shoulders, living a good life.

"Papa, that... that..." The little guy stood up excitedly, bouncing and pointing at a certain plant on the side of the road.

Ling Yun opened his eyes, looked at the little guy, he smiled and asked, "What's its name?"

The little guy scratched his head, then said: "Pig-headed woman."

"Puchi!" Long Yanran laughed, that cocklebur that seemed to be Blue Star was as big as a football here.

Ling Yun nodded: "It's a good medicinal material, and people here don't know how to use it."

Queen Yaoyue gasped, how big are medicinal herbs like Zhutoupo?A lot of years!

The little guy said, at least 500 million years, the jaws of Queen Yaoyue and Pepe almost dropped in shock.

Beibei and her have become treasures, and they are all collected into the space in the palm of their hand, planning to sell them, but Ling Yun and the others have no share, which makes them dumbfounded.

Here comes the question of Queen Yaoyue!

"What the hell is this place?"

Ling Yun smiled indifferently, and replied: "The great world sealed by the ancients."

Anyway, he has no memory, only knows this...

"Ah!" Queen Yaoyue widened her eyes, feeling even more flustered.

Ever since the Phantom Mountain appeared in the world, she always thought it was ancient, but it was just a little more mysterious. Now, it really shocked her three views, so is there any hope for what she hoped for?

No one knew that 10 years ago, the Psychedelic Mountain appeared once, and just once, the parents of Queen Yaoyue stepped in and never came out again.

This is also the reason why she firmly believed that her parents were not dead, so she went to the Magic Mountain to find them regardless of opposition.

After coming here, she discovered that this place is full of dangers. It has been 10 years, and her parents may have long since passed away.

"Little Huzi, turn left." Ling Yun smiled mysteriously.

This smile was seen by the little guy, and her eyes turned gloomy.

It turned out that Ling Yun found a hidden elixir field, which was naturally conceived, and it was not bad.

It's just that Ling Yun took a little of everything, and the rest was taken by the little guy.

Ling Yun hopes to collect materials here to help his family refine spiritual roots and fill up the space he lacks.

Queen Yaoyue and Peipei are also extremely hot-eyed.

"Small, why not?" Queen Yaoyue winked.

"You are so young, don't be so greedy!"

Pepe tugged at her braid and said, among the three little guys, she dislikes the little guy the least. I don't know why, and it's not that she hates it, so don't make her love her.

The little guy shook his head cutely and refused!She made up her mind, and if she asked again, she would just give it away to Kecao.

As the Flaming Tiger continued to advance, the sound of fighting in the distance became louder and louder, the sky gradually became dark, and the air was very oppressive.

Queen Yaoyue couldn't wait, she couldn't wait any longer, her anxiety was getting stronger and stronger, she took the lead and rushed away.

The little guy looked at the sky, speechless for a while, and the weather was not good.

"Papa, do you like it? Is there any baby here?"

She raised her hands and looked around. If it wasn't for the fact that her Blood Dragon Yuan couldn't be used, she would find it by herself every minute.

Ling Yun was speechless, if he knew what the little guy was thinking, he would be even more speechless, according to her laziness?It would be strange to take the initiative.

"Handsome Shushu, you are so stupid!" Beibei found a corpse on a huge stone on the ground, all turned into fossils, closely connected with the stone, with a storage ring on its finger.

"Aha, I saw that too."

Although the little guy saw it, she and Beibei didn't move in place, their eyes turned gloomy, and they looked at little Irene who was blinking in a daze.

Little Erin started to scratch her head, why look at her?She didn't dare to ask.

"Little Irene, go down and get it, we'll give you some." Beibei said in a childish voice.

The little guy nodded, the two of them...

Little Erin is a little excited!


Long Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she said: "Little Irene, don't go!"

She couldn't bear Beibei's always fooling little Irene.

"Bad aunt." Beibei muttered, she was afraid to go on, but wanted again.

Ling Yun laughed and said: "Beibei, you are so powerful, what are you afraid of, go down quickly, I am the stupidest."

When Beibei heard this, there was nothing wrong with her words, she is the strongest child, why are she afraid of a white bone, what a joke!

"Okay, my sister is going down, I will share with you little Irene." The little guy cheered up and danced.

Beibei: "..."

Is this the opposite?
I saw her approaching cautiously, and poking her sword forward, just to scout the way, acting on tiptoe.

The little guy and little Irene kept laughing.

Beibei pouted, what are you laughing at?She is the bravest.


Just approaching the fossil bones, the ground Beibei stepped on fell like quicksand, and Beibei cried in shock.

Long Yanran couldn't laugh or cry, could she not be so flustered when something happened.

The little guy and little Irene hugged together immediately, and shouted for help, help.

Pepe's head is full of black lines, why didn't the Taishen Lord make a move?
That storage ring is so obvious, it's a trap at a glance, why is it so stupid.

Ling Yun shouted: "Beibei, find a way by yourself."

"No, no, I don't want it anymore, quickly... pull me back, wow."

This child is cowardly!

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly, walked step by step through the air, and directly mentioned Bei Bei, who was smirking after he was saved.

Stepping into the air?

It was only then that Pepe discovered, how could it be possible for the Taishang Lord to miss here?Isn't it restricted by the array?
"Handsome, you are here, get the ring!"

"So timid." Ling Yun patted her on the back strangely.

With a gesture of hooking his fingers, the storage ring of Fossil immediately floated over.

Beibei looked at Ling Yun's feet, and burst out laughing, she seemed to be able to step on the ground here.

She carefully grasped Ling Yun's hand, and slowly tried to step on the air. When her feet stepped on the air, she found that it really worked.


Beibei ran around Ling Yun, little stars appeared in the beautiful eyes of the little guy and little Irene, with expressions of admiration on their faces.

Pepe opened her mouth wide, and she should be able to stuff an egg. She tried it, but it didn't work. Is there anything special?
Ling Yun was dumbfounded, was she imitating him again?If you take the time, you have to ask. The space in the palm of your hand can hold living things, and now you know his uniqueness. It's really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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