Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 947

Chapter 947 Massacre of the City (Part [-])
Ziran outside trembled, and the messenger was injured!
What's going on inside?
Queen Yaoyue swallowed hard after running out.

The group of immortal emperors who had just gang-beaten Qixian didn't even have a reaction, and were wiped out by the golden light emitted by Ling Yun's body, screaming in a horrific way.

If Ling Yun didn't want to start the first god form if he didn't want to fight quickly, it would be the fault of that roc.

Under Qi Xian's nose, Ling Yun had disappeared!

There was a scream in the distance!
He looked up and saw the other wing of the roc flying over, with a strong smell of charcoal.

The Flaming Tiger smiled wryly, this is brutal killing.

"It is impossible to have such a powerful person in the realm of the god of death or even the death spot." The roc said weakly. Its body is broken and incomplete, and it can't even use the strength to resist.

"Let's go in peace."

Ling Yun strangled its bird's head, absorbing the memory instantly, and the roc struggled in pain, destroying a lot of memories by itself.

In a few seconds!

The roc was dead, its body was thrown by Ling Yun casually, the flame tiger turned back into a small body, and immediately jumped onto Ling Yun's shoulder.

Ling Yun narrowed his eyes, he was sorting out his memory.

Interesting culprit!
Those who sealed this world back then were all gods, and it can also be said that the death spot is the place where the ancients were exiled. The ten thousand dragons in the center are dry, and the most powerful death spot is Zhu Jiuyin, the ancient evil dragon.

The Dapeng bird doesn't have any memory about the god of the underworld, maybe when the Dapeng bird was exiled, Ling Yun was not famous.

The little guy has successfully robbed a few immortal emperors here, and the storage ring is a bunch of good things. The little guy doesn't know him yet, so he is a treasure.

Zhaxing City has completely become a dead city, Zi Ran can hardly believe it, but facts are facts, not just a dream.

She shook her head and smiled wryly, Lord of a city?Is she worthy?

Ling Yun came back with a calm face, as if nothing happened.

"Papa, I got a lot of things." The little guy showed off happily.

Zi Ran didn't dare to move, and she didn't dare to look directly at Ling Yun, it was scary, and she didn't know who was better between him and the Grim Reaper.

"Separate me?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

The little guy's eyes are gloomy, he doesn't know, he doesn't know!
Ling Yun took out the beast pill of the roc bird, it was shiny golden, the little guy and Beibei stared wide-eyed, this is a treasure.

Zi Ran swallowed her saliva, the messenger is really dead, the god of death will be angry, the guardian is coming.

Queen Yaoyue looked east and west, but she didn't seem to see her cousin Qixian.

Seven strings?

My feet are weak, I can't walk, and I'm in the city to relieve it.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, will you share with me?"

"No distinction, no distinction." Ling Yun joked.

Long Yanran laughed loudly, and teased the little guy: "You, hello."

"Handsome, don't be so stingy." Beibei's eyes turned gloomy.

Little Irene said: "Brother, what is this, the baby likes it so much."

The animal pill is so shiny, how could she, a dragon, not like it.

There is only one beast pill, Ling Yun said: "Only one, how to divide it? Or you don't want it."

The little guy said in a milky voice: "Papa, only Papa is good in the world..."

Beibei said: "Only uncle is good in this world..."

Little Irene: "Brother, brother, it's the best."

Ling Yun laughed out loud, he was kept by Long Yanran, it really hurts my head.

Queen Yaoyue was speechless, it was really a waste to give them such a beast pill like this.

The hell blood in Pepe's body is boiling!

Zi Ran hesitated to speak, until Qi Xian came out slowly, the latter's face was still pale, he swallowed a lot of pills, and he didn't recover completely.

Queen Yaoyue looked at Ziran, and she asked: "Girl, you are quite smart, you know how to turn from darkness to light, but it's a pity that your city lord can't do it."

"City lord? If it's gone, it's gone." Zi Ran didn't feel much.

Ling Yun said: "Tell me, your purpose!"

Oh... that's too straightforward. The Queen Yaoyue looked curious.

Zi Ran shook her head, and suggested to leave here first, the Dharma protector might be coming soon, it was such a big fluctuation just now.

Lingyun and the others had no direction, so they followed Ziran for the time being. The latter looked at the immortal emperors who had been robbed, and killed them with all his heart, leaving no one alive.

Queen Yaoyue and Peipei were stunned, secretly thinking that Zi Ran is really cruel, is that her subordinate?Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart...!
Not long after they left, the remaining four major protectors and a large number of people arrived, and everyone was furious, vowing to let Ling Yun die without a place to die.

There was no life at all in Zhaixing City, there were a few corpses left, and there were still outside the city. The most unacceptable thing for them was that the envoy died tragically!

The bull monster sage was furious, this was his territory, the momentum seemed to drain the air around him, very depressing.

Qingfeng clenched his fists!

Zhaxingcheng is the city lord of Ziran, and he wants to avenge him. The situation is very serious. Three guardians died, and Zhaixingcheng was slaughtered. The beast is so powerful, but it still died tragically.

The titan was too big and was stomping his feet, like an earthquake.

The faceless man seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his face changed into Ziran, and then into a breezy one.

When the god of death found out, he was already furious, and he was no longer calm.

He ordered to kill Ling Yun with all his strength, and the bats released black flying insects, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sun, just to find Ling Yun and his whereabouts.

Poisonous insects are even more infested...

Zi Ran and Ling Yun did not take the usual way. They took a boat and went down the river to the blood field.

Ling Yun wanted to go to the realm of endless sea of ​​fire, but Zi Ran said it was no problem, she would lead the way.

From his memory, Ling Yun guessed that An Qing must be in the realm of the endless sea of ​​flames, and that the Pisces Continent and the Psychedelic Mountain must have a space to connect.

Everything here is beyond Ling Yun's expectations, An Qing and the others can be said to be no different from sending them to death.

on board!

The little guy and Beibei are playing in the water, and the little feet have been put in the water!

Zi Ran was taken aback when she saw that there were poisonous fish in the water, and they were very fierce. Anyone who fell was eaten up in an instant.

Hearing this, Long Yanran didn't dare to let them get close to the boat. Ziran's path was well planned, but the Death God was too stupid to notice.

Ling Yun closed his eyes and rested his mind, while Queen Yaoyue asked about Zi Ran.

Ziran said a lot, including the realm of the god of death, Ling Yun knew all about it.

In the following words, she said that she herself had lost her memory, but she had a few deep memories, that is, an old man kept telling her repeatedly, "Buy the Dragon Pile, Bury the Dragon Pile!"

What else is the fire phoenix, the egg... go out, the dead hole is broken, it is very messy anyway.

She knew that this should be the mission she had to protect all the time, but she didn't know why her memory was lost.

And the reason why she voted for Ling Yun was because she found out that the bloodthirsty madman in the blood domain can swallow other people's memories, and her memory might just be swallowed.

If she wants to get it back, she must face the bloodthirsty maniac.

There is a prophet in the blood field. Before he died, he predicted that a person with an ice mask would be a bloodthirsty nightmare!
From the moment she saw Ling Yun, she had decided to bet everything on Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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