Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 948 Attack

Chapter 948 Attack (Second Update)

To go to the endless sea of ​​flames, the way must pass through the field of blood!

Zi Ran also stated her request, no matter what the price is, as long as Ling Yun can help her retrieve her memory, she will agree.

This issue?Ling Yun shook his head and refused, he just wanted to go to the endless sea of ​​flames, everything in the blood domain has nothing to do with him, people will not offend me, I will not offend others.

Ling Yun didn't look at Zi Ran's expectant eyes!
Queen Yaoyue asked about what happened 10 years ago, Zi Ran recalled it, and she did remember it!

10 years ago, the death hole was opened once, and many people came in, but many of them were killed by the game of death.


Zi Ran also said that many people went to other fields and survived, which gave Queen Yaoyue new hope.

Ziran said, the dragon burial pile in the blood field?It doesn't matter, she found out a little bit, and after she said a few words, Ling Yun immediately said, he's coming to the Blood Domain!
Funeral dragon pile!
As the name suggests, it is the tomb of the dragon, where there is the dragon's majesty and the dragon's breath, which is why Ling Yun doesn't know why little Irene will be like this as soon as she comes in.

Ling Yun is stingy, little Irene must avenge her revenge, and there should be a lot of good things in Longdui.


At that time, Ling Yun temporarily awakens the blood dragon element of the little guy and swallows everything there.

Ziran is happy this time!
The little one sneaks up and she's fishing, boy! !

She caught one, Beibei helped her drag it up, and Long Yanran, who was listening to Ziran's speech wholeheartedly, found out.

"You guys? I'm so mad." Long Yanran was really angry, they were so mischievous if they didn't pay attention, Beibei was the first to be beaten up, her forehead was swollen, the method Ling Yun taught Long Yanran really worked for them.

"It's my sister who wants to eat fish, it's none of my business!" The little guy hung his head, and she sold Beibei.

Looking at such a cute little guy, Long Yanran just scolded her verbally and didn't hit her.

"Aha, eat fish, my sister doesn't hurt!" The little guy smiled happily.

Beibei is speechless, if I don't hit you, it won't hurt, she will eat the fish head later to make up for it.

"It can't be eaten, this fish is poisonous!" Zi Ran was startled, the lionfish is very poisonous.

"Not afraid, not afraid!" The little guy shook his head and patted his chest!
She and Bei Bei are both invulnerable to poison, of course they are not afraid, thinking of the braised fish made by Ling Yun, they began to salivate again.

"Don't worry, the dishes made by this emperor are absolutely non-toxic!" Ling Yun has thousands of detoxification methods, and this fish will not escape tonight.


Ling Yun really planned to have a fish feast, so at this moment he and the little guys started fishing.

Beibei played tricks and competed again. Anyway, it was a parent-child game, Ling Yun agreed.

Zi Ran is always worried...

Queen Yaoyue and the little guy are in a group, Long Yanran and Beibei, Pepe and little Irene, Qixian?He has to be vigilant about his surroundings.

Beibei said, No.1 must have a reward, it needs extra-large ice cream, and the drinks for dinner must be Wangzai. She has thought about all the plans, but she can eat them.

Ling Yun jumped into the pit again!
Whoever comes first, they all have something to eat...

Bei Bei laughed out loud, the fish in this river is really difficult to catch, the key point is that the boat is still open.

It's all ready for dinner, Beibei sighed, except for the one she and the little guy caught at the beginning, they didn't catch any after that.

The little guy curled his lips, the bait has been changed, why is he still not hooked?
Ziran's head is full of black lines, is it good for the fish in this river to eat flesh and blood?What the hell is that bait, it doesn't even smell like blood...!
The little guy may have accidentally hooked it for the first time fishing.

Beibei's eyes are gloomy, she can't catch it, she can only take out a fish, she doesn't believe it, she can't catch it.

"Auntie, I'll leave it to you. I'll treat you to fish tonight." Beibei instructed in a childish voice!

Long Yanran: "..."

"Haha, fish fish fish!"

Long Yanran caught one as soon as she fished it, but it made Beibei very excited.

Ling Yun said: "Bei Bei is also called fishing?"

"Hmph, as long as there is fish to eat tonight." Beibei raised her hand, but she didn't care.

Thanks babe for cheating!

The little guy didn't do it, she said that if her sister behaved like this again, she would also cheat, her mouth was humming, and she pouted.

Beibei scratched her head, embarrassed, okay, then continue fishing!

After being reminded by Zi Ran, they understood, but there was bloody bait there!
Ling Yun joked: "Beibei, let's use you as bait, they really like children."


Long Yanran laughed, and said that it is good to be careful.

The little guy couldn't bear to look directly at her, so he covered her eyes.

Bei Bei angrily beat Ling Yun, saying that he had no conscience, and everyone laughed.

Another surprise!
Little Erin's empty hook hooked a huge lionfish.

It's so big, it's enough to eat, so No.1 is the group of Little Irene and Pepe, and Ling Yun only divides them two lollipops.

After the whole fish feast!

The little guys played poker with the three women, the Yaoyue Queen, and they didn't want to cheat them. All the rules were set by the little guys and Beibei. Can they not lose?

But Queen Yaoyue and the others are also very happy.

The whole night was peaceful!
Ling Yun started having nightmares again, counting for the second time, he woke up with a start, sweating all over his head!
The content of the dream was still that An Qing was married, the groom wasn't him, the background didn't look like Lan Xing, the little guy was crying heartbreakingly.

Ling Yun stopped sleeping, touched the little guys beside him, sat up in meditation, restrained his state of mind.

Silent all night!
Early the next morning, Ling Yun was startled by a violent crashing sound.

Ziran is always ready for battle!
There are densely packed poisonous fish around the boat, if the boat had no protective shield, it would definitely be eaten up.

Queen Yaoyue was the second to come out, and she played the meditation song softly.


Zi Ran shook his head, this lionfish has poor hearing and a keen sense of smell.

Ling Yun said: "You don't need to take action, let's see how this emperor can turn them into dead fish."

Ling Yun threw a elixir into the river, and the river turned black for a while, and the lionfish immediately turned its maw, revealing a white flower.

The corner of Ziran's mouth twitched, it was really poisonous!
Queen Yaoyue has black lines all over her head, and the river water is poisonous, what if they accidentally drank it?What other innocent people drank it?So she despised Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled lightly, are you blind?The river is dark?Who the hell dares to drink?
The boat sailed until noon, when patches of black and hemp insects came in the distance, Zi Ran was shocked, she recognized the flying insects of the god of death, extremely poisonous.

The little guy raised his eyes and got goosebumps just looking at it, she immediately slipped into Long Yanran's arms.

Little Irene laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, the baby can breathe fire."

these bugs?She felt that one fire could wipe them all out.

"Aww, aww... Ha! Ha! The little dragon growled."

Little Irene sprayed a few mouthfuls, the fire was fierce, and those bugs turned into fire bugs.


They are still not dead, they are still attacking Ling Yun and the others, like moths to a flame.

(End of this chapter)

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