Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 949

Chapter 949 Reigns of Blood (Third)
Zi Ran explained that the flying insects are immortal, and they have the power of death in their bodies.

grim Reaper?

It was because the ancient gods could not kill it that they had no choice but to exile it here. It is like controlling life and death, it will not die.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and an absolute protective shield appeared. Queen Yaoyue's piano skills knocked down many flying insects, but they really didn't die.

Pepe suddenly remembered that the undead army of the dead knife probably also wanted to find their weaknesses.

Long Yanran said: "Bei Bei, it's up to you, kill them quickly."

Beibei's eyes were gloomy, and she whispered to the little guy that little Irene was just eavesdropping.

The little guy laughed, she liked Beibei's suggestion.

Little Irene said curiously: "Sister, the baby also wants to join."

Beibei nodded, agreeing that little Irene would also join, tugging at Ling Yun, and said in a childish voice: "Handsome, leave it to us."

Qi Xian rolled her eyes, three little kids, what kind of trouble are they making?

"Oh? Beibei has figured out a solution?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

"Haha, um, one question, three cans of Wangzai." Beibei's eyes rolled round.

Ling Yun was speechless, she figured out that the solution was not to reward, but to exchange with questions.


"Haha, I thought of it."

"any solution?"

"Next question."

"Oh!" Ling Yun jumped into the pit again...

Long Yanran laughed loudly, and saw that Ling Yun was deflated, his face was black as coal.

Losing six cans of Wangzai all at once, Lingyun is about to lose money, and Phoenix can't even pay his wages.

Zi Ran yelled: "Hurry up and find a way, we must enter the blood field as soon as possible, they have notified the god of death, and the guardian is coming."

She thought well, the rest of the guardians and many people have received the news and are rushing over with all their strength.

Ling Yun was not in a hurry, his eyes were clear, and he was not in a hurry, he said: "Beibei, look at you, don't let me down."

"Ha ha!"

Beibei's palm was covered with white flames, Qixian immediately swallowed her saliva when she saw it, strange fire, he was afraid of that power.

Queen Yaoyue secretly said, little pervert...

Peipei's beautiful eyes were full of hot eyes, she didn't even frown, she was really angry.

The little guy bloomed with a ghostly cold heart. Queen Yaoyue and Peipei had seen it before, so they were not excited, but Qixian was excited again.

Zi Ran was numb, which really surprised her.

The little guy also took out his magic wand, which startled everyone, why?

This magic wand is the highest level of artifact, the supreme level!


Their eyes widened, their hearts were shocked, and they were completely speechless!
Even if you have the artifact, it’s still the supreme one, why don’t you hit people like that!
Only then did Beibei realize that her sword...has not been recovered yet!
The little guy used a magic wand to create a small lightning ball in front of her, which was scary just looking at it.

It wasn't over yet, little Irene breathed fire into it, Beibei laughed out loud, released Bai Yan, compressed half of it, and let the little guy release Ghost Han Bingxin.

After finishing all the preparations, Beibei took out the gourd to absorb the terrifying colorful lightning ball.

Ling Yun nodded secretly, basically knowing what they did.

Queen Yaoyue doesn't understand!

Beibei pointed the mouth of the gourd at the flying insects in the sky outside, and laughed loudly.


She also simulates voices beforehand.

The sky seemed to be predicted in advance, and it immediately changed color, and an astonishing force burst out from the mouth of the gourd.

Ling Yun's absolute protection was broken from the inside, the air layer split open, countless flying insects instantly disappeared, and some were sucked into the cracked opening.

God of Death's undead flying insect?Hehe... That's it!
Beibei jumped up and put her hands on her hips: "Am I amazing?"

Long Yanran had to give in, but she said, "It's okay!"

Pepe held back her shock: "It's okay!"

Queen Yaoyue was dumbfounded: "It's okay!"

Ziran has nothing to say, what's the matter with this child, such a strong force?
Ling Yun secretly laughed, Beibei rolled his eyes, so powerful, how could he still say it was okay?Did he bully her for not having read the book?
"Hmph... Wangzai!"

Bei Bei was furious, ignored Long Yanran, stretched out her little hand and asked Ling Yun for six cans of Wangzai.


The little guy and little Irene are happy, now there is Wang Zai at every turn, and it is really delicious to follow her sister.

"Let's go, let's go." Ling Yun asked Zi Ran to move on, the four guardians behind?Ling Yun didn't bother to talk to them, wasting time.

He asked the little guy to set up three water dragons to guard this section of the waterway. Ling Yun estimated that the guardians would definitely arrive in 10 minutes. The three water dragons could last for half an hour, enough to entangle them.
Sure enough, as Ling Yun expected, the four guardians were entangled and couldn't catch up with Ling Yun for a while.

But they are also smart, the bull monster sage summoned with one move, and the three water dragons were beaten by those demons, and it took only two to three minutes.

Ling Yun frowned!
To die!If they all come, kill them all.

Holding Wang Zai in his arms, the little guy sucked in his mouth and said, "Papa, there are many people behind."

Beibei is so excited, this kid is addicted to playing.

Empress Yaoyue was so cute by her expression of drinking Wangzai, the smiling face of the little guy was in her beautiful eyes, she couldn't wait to pounce on her for a few mouthfuls.

For the latter, huh?How would the little one know someone?Queen Yaoyue couldn't figure it out, her spiritual sense didn't work here.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and he also thought of it, what a little guy, he broke his seal again, and his face turned black.

Zi Ran panicked, but she still came, and a big battle was inevitable.

Ling Yun said: "Keep sailing, don't stop, it's just a few ants."


Qi Xian swallowed his saliva, there was nothing wrong with his words, recalling the scene of Ling Yun in Zhaixing City, he still has lingering fears in his heart.

Empress Yaoyue smiled, and said in response: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, and I'll go to sleep."

After she finished speaking, she pulled the little guy away. The latter yawned, rubbed his eyes, and then went to sleep.

Long Yanran is also asleep, it's none of her business.

Peipei and Ziran looked at each other. They couldn't sleep. The former's hell blood was boiling. Yesterday's battle made her improve a lot, and she knew how to play better with hell blood.

Zi Ran accelerated forward, as long as they reached the blood field, the crisis for their group would be halved, and the god of death would not dare to mess around.

Ling Yun told them not to panic, he would come back as soon as he went, Qixian felt sorry for them, it must have caused a real killing god.

Beibei's eyes were round and round, and she kept staring at the back. She also ran to the stern to look, and Pepe followed, although she knew that Beibei was very powerful.

Ling Yun stepped on the torrent of the river, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting to bring the four guardians to die.

The Tai Tan in the distance has sharp eyes, and he can see it at a glance, and he is the first to punch!
Ling Yun opened his eyes, and a splash of water floated up from the river, breaking through Tai Tan's fist with the momentum of thunder.

For a while!

The four guardians all surrounded Lingyun, and in the distance were all the subordinates of the god of death, densely packed.

A bloody storm is about to start again...

(End of this chapter)

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