Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 950

Chapter 950 All Dead (Fourth)

Looking up and down!
None of the four protectors could see anything special about Ling Yun, so he just killed three protectors?They didn't believe it at first, until Ling Yun spoke up.

One word will make people angry!
"I didn't say that, you guys are really rubbish!" Ling Yun laughed arrogantly, his eyes full of disdain, how lonely Wudi is.

"Why are you looking at me? You treat me like trash? An ant!" The bull monster sage was displeased, and his tone was as if he had eaten gunpowder.

"No, I'm not targeting you, but all of you... people!" Ling Yun smiled evilly, and no one dared to look directly at those eyes, which were full of death.

A certain immortal emperor looked at it and died suddenly!He couldn't bear it, and the line of defense in his heart was weak.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are ready to die, bet on the dignity of the god of death." Qingfeng gritted his teeth, wishing he could blow Lingyun up at this moment.

"My dear son, listen to my password, come, feast." The cow monster saint summoning method appeared again, and monsters appeared in the surrounding void immediately.

"Ah, kill..." the faceless man gave an order, and all the people went up to beat Ling Yun.

Ling Yun laughed loudly, there is no one else here, he intends to start the first demon form and end everything!

After dodging a few fierce attacks without haste, flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead...

Babe is here!


This child suddenly appeared, still hugging Ling Yun's leg, is this a hindrance!
"Handsome, I'm afraid, what are they?" Beibei didn't dare to look at those demons.

Ling Yun said: "Bei Bei, go back quickly!"

"No, I want to help you. Beibei has grown up." Beibei shook her head, but she refused.

grow up!

Ling Yun: "..."

"Okay?" Beibei acted like a baby!
Ling Yun thought for a while: "Okay, if you kill all those immortal emperors, it will be of great help."

Beibei nodded immediately, it's not enough to deal with monsters.


She was thrown to the group of immortal emperors by Ling Yun, they were dumbfounded.


Before they regained their composure, a group of immortal emperors died with a dazzling punch, and Beibei shook his fist: "Hmph, it hurts."

Ling Yun's wings appeared, and with a flash, the saint bull monster was photographed in the river, and his life and death were unknown!


The three protectors shuddered, and immediately started to move. They really were capable men.

Qingfeng's ultimate illusion is useless to Ling Yun at all, he still has to be nervous, but he doesn't know that Ling Yun doesn't move because he dismisses it.

The group of immortal emperors that Beibei was playing with was running around, because she kept running, just like learning Lingbo microsteps, making their teeth itch with hatred and at the same time helpless, and a few brothers died from time to time.

"Kill him quickly! He's got an illusion and can't get out!" Qingfeng shouted in an arrogant tone.

The faceless man nodded, actually wearing the same ice mask as Ling Yun.


With one move of his, he didn't hold back his hand, the ground trembled continuously, and the ground collapsed severely.

The terrifying aftermath swept across the world, and Zi Ran had to hold the boat steady. She, Qixian and Peipei, who inspired the blood of hell, resisted this force together.

"This little pervert is too powerful, it's hateful."



Immortal emperors fell into the river one by one, very unwilling, killed countless enemies in their life, and died in the hands of a little baby in the end, how could they be reconciled.

Qingfeng was taken aback, the move of the faceless man clearly hit Ling Yun, but the latter was fine, nothing.

Ling Yun smiled: "Ants! Despair."

He disappeared quickly again, only to return to the west when he suddenly appeared.

Qingfeng spurted blood with his back to the sky, unable to say a word, his eyes widened, looking incredible, it could be said that he would not rest in peace.


Tai Tan was furious, he and the faceless man made moves at the same time, the situation changed suddenly, and a terrifying black energy ball was shot down from the sky.

"Huh?" Ling Yun frowned!This move is not bad, it is worth seeing, but it is a pity that I met him.

"Desperate?" Ling Yun spoke again, holding their terrifying energy ball in his hand.


Crush it in front of the two of them!


The faceless man was sweating profusely, his heart was terrified, and his feet began to tremble...

Tai Tan immediately faltered, the four guardians and a group of men that the immortal emperor couldn't do anything about, and two guardians were killed, won't he leave?
Do you stay and wait to die together?

After he turned around and ran, he saw the summoning method of the bull monster saint and paused!
In an instant!
The demons gathered around the world again, and the darkness covered a large area, quite like the feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

Ling Yun laughed loudly, the bull monster saint's physical skills are not bad, and he was a little surprised that he survived that shot.

"The thief!"

The faceless man was afraid and angry, but he couldn't run away, he would die at worst, it's nothing, just bet on the dignity of the god of death.

If it weren't for the little guy and the others being nearby, Ling Yun's big move could destroy more than half of the death domain.

"Accept the baptism of death."

Ling Yun's words fell!

The sky was once again covered by billowing dark clouds. It was as black as ink and as thick as a mountain. The entire sky seemed to have fallen into a dark and deep abyss.

The end is coming!

Beibei stopped playing, and after another magical punch, she couldn't take it anymore, she was exhausted, and her head was covered with sweat.

After she returned to the boat!

Qixian and Peipei are delicious, serving her delicious food, she will enjoy it, lying on the couch, Pepe massages her.

Thousands of miles around, the sword energy of heaven and earth is coming, like welcoming the supreme sword!

As far as the eye can see, the top of the sky and the sea of ​​clouds is shining brilliantly, Wan Feng is ascending, and countless sword qi are rushing around.

"No! I...!"

The sword energy pierced through the body of the bull monster sage, and he was shattered, and blood was scattered all over the sky.

None of those immortal emperors were spared, they all died under the terrifying sword energy, escape was impossible.


Surrounded by sword energy, his body as hard as iron is not vegetarian.

Ling Yun stepped forward, lifted him up with one hand, and let him struggle in pain. The faceless man punched Ling Yun's body from behind.

"Haha, I'll make you crazy!" The faceless man laughed, and the smile lasted for three seconds!

Ling Yun's entire body was covered in terrifying thunder and lightning, and in just an instant, the scumbag Protector of the Faceless Man turned into black carbon.

Titan's so-called hard body?It was crushed by Ling Yun.

"Death... Lord God, minister... minister... retreat!"

The last words are so funny, Ling Yun really laughed, death?It is necessary to give it a ride, so they can get together!

With Ling Yun's big move, those sword qi flew everywhere, extremely destructive, the surroundings were horrible, the ground was potholed, and affected one-sixth of the Death God's domain.


Ling Yun is dressed in black clothes and black hair, with a tall and straight figure, in this scene of earth-shattering, it is like a god descending.

That face hidden under the ice mask, even if you can't see it, you can't stop the handsomeness in it!

There is an extremely strong aura lingering around him, and those wings are even more enviable to others. In this scene full of crashes and the sky collapsed caused by him, he is alone and without waves!
(End of this chapter)

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