Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 951 False Lingzhu

Chapter 951 False Lingzhu


Witnessing such destructive power throughout the whole process, Qixian's face turned pale, and he thought to himself, the strongest in the Twelve Domains should be Taishenjun.

Zi Ran was overjoyed, she hoped to get her memory back, as long as Ling Yun was willing to take action, it would not be a problem.

Beibei's eyes were full of admiration for Lingyun's destructive swordsmanship.

She wants to learn!
After Ling Yun came back, he acted as if nothing had happened, and said lightly, "When will you arrive in the Blood Realm?"

Zi Ran came back to her senses, and replied a little timidly: "I will be there at noon tomorrow."

Ling Yun nodded, and he stood at the bow of the boat thinking about something.

He guessed a possibility, that the fierce beasts and monster clan chaos in the Nine Nether Abyss were deliberately caused by someone. This person has been using knives behind his back all the time, and it is likely that he is in the deathbed.

The opponent's purpose?
Ling Yun couldn't think of it for the time being, but he was sure that it must have something to do with the Demon Emperor Golden Lion. They must know each other. As long as they help Ziran retrieve his memory, these secrets will be clear.

Longtou Mountain!
After knowing that all the seven protectors had fallen, the god of death was furious, and a black force shattered his domain!

Lingyun was very angry that the river was cut off, and the god of death offended him again.

The God of Reaper has also confirmed that the murderer is not a dead spot, and it and Ling Yun are destined to die either you or me.

The god of death sneered, it will not die, no one can kill it.

It turned into a cloud of black air and escaped into the ground. In its eyes, Ling Yun must die.

The god of death was crazy, and he killed all the way. Wherever he went, not a single blade of grass grew, and his anger was vented.

Zi Ran told Ling Yun that this river was left behind when the god of death fought with a certain power, and it was called the Immortal River.

The Immortal River was cut off by the god of death, little Irene poked her head out, and she said in a milky voice, "Hehe, do you need a baby?"

"Good job, little Irene, don't you really like shiny things?"

"Yeah, I like it."

"There is a false spirit bead under the river, it is of fire attribute, it will be of great help to you."

At a glance, Ling Yun saw a fire spirit bead under the dry riverbed. The origin of this spirit bead is unknown, it was seriously damaged, but it will be repaired slowly, and now it has become a fake spirit bead.

"Wow!" Little Irene became excited, Zi Ran opened her mouth wide, what did she hear?Lingzhu?
Could it be the one in the hand of a certain great power who died in battle?
However, I heard that it was destroyed by the god of death at that time.

Little Irene turned into a phoenix, she was a bit like Chiba, and then she flew down.

For a moment, Ziran's memory flashed through the fire phoenix, and this expression was also seen by Ling Yun. He secretly thought in his heart that it really had something to do with Qianye.

Little Irene picked up the red spirit bead smoothly, looking very excited.

Ling Yun said: "Little Irene, you should swallow it."

Little Irene shook her head and kept chirping, she meant, for sister, sister!

"It's a waste for them to ask for it, and it will be different if you swallow it." Ling Yun is very relieved, this child is still so humble.

Little Irene flew to the railing of the boat, holding the spirit bead in her mouth, blinking her eyes all the time.

Zi Ran is speechless, she wants it...

Qi Xian joked: "Little Irene doesn't want it, you can consider giving it to me."

Little Irene shook her head, she put the Lingzhu in Ling Yun's hands, and then transformed back into a human body.


"Pu Chi, do you want it?" Zi Ran smiled.

"Sister, sister!" Little Irene pointed to the cabin, where the little guy and Beibei were still asleep.

"Hush!" Ling Yun raised his index finger, if the little guy heard it, the Lingzhu really didn't belong to little Irene.

Little Irene felt that her elder sister liked this spirit bead more, so she couldn't have it.

Ling Yun held the fake Lingzhu, and after emitting a burst of golden light, the Lingyun became even more dazzling, and it was repaired by Lingyun.

Zi Ran was stunned, Tai Nima was abnormal, Qixian was speechless, and she was more angry than others.

In order to repair the Lingzhu, Lingyun also paid a lot of money and used some materials, not only Ziran, but Qixian thought it was so easy to repair it with just one grasp.

When little Irene opened her mouth wide, Ling Yun stuffed the Lingzhu into her mouth, and the latter just froze.

In a moment!
Little Irene blushed, feeling like she was going to breathe fire.

"Huh...ha! Woohoo!"

A huge pillar of fire spewed into the sky, straight into the sky.


She was too embarrassed to cover her mouth!
Zi Ran was surprised: "Are you a dragon and a phoenix? That's amazing."

Qixian stepped forward and touched little Irene's head, and found that she had grown a little dragon's horns, which was amazing.

"Brother, is it good-looking?" Little Irene asked with a blink of an eye.

"It's beautiful, Irene's dragon horn is the most beautiful." Ling Yun laughed.

"Well, the baby also thinks that it looks much better than the father's." Little Irene pouted, it was really cute, and she still hid it.

Ling Yun said: "Then you spray water and see if you can make the water propel the boat."

Little Irene tried it, the water sprayed out, but it ran out immediately, it was useless at all, Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly.

"What should I do?" Zi Ran looked worried!
Ling Yun shook his head, let the boat fly, Ziran and Qixian were stunned again, it is absurd to let the boat fly here.

The little guy and Beibei woke up hungry, and after a full meal, they were called to sleep by Ling Yun again.

Because Ling Yun is controlling the spaceship, the speed is extremely fast, and he can reach the blood field in no time.

Ling Yun had another nightmare while resting, he was woken up, the content of the dream was similar to last night, it was the third time, he had to pay attention to it.

Death strikes!

Ling Yun frowned tightly, death?It is the most powerful enemy he will face after restarting the era, Ye Lingyun does not count.

"Yaoyue, this ship depends on you, and take care of them."

Ling Yun's eyes stared down, the god of death was not far away.

"Where are you going?" The Yaoyue Queen doesn't know yet!

Zi Ran's face was pale. She wanted to stop Ling Yun, and she was about to reach the blood field, and the god of death dared not go there.

"It's useless! It's here, and it's very angry." Ling Yun smiled wryly, as if he had provoked a nest of hornets' nests.

Beibei nodded, and said in a milky voice, "It's so scary, Beibei's heartbeat is speeding up."

Like Ling Yun, she and the little guy could feel the enormous power of the god of death, and this battle was unavoidable.

Ling Yun also wants to fight, his blood is boiling, longing for it for a long time.

The little guy hugged Beibei: "My sister protects me, I'm afraid."

"Well, don't be afraid." Beibei waved her small fist, which means she has a magic fist!
Long Yanran grabbed one of them with each hand, and told them that this place is very dangerous, and they are not allowed to run or leave indiscriminately.

Queen Yaoyue said: " careful, I will watch them, come back."

Qi Xian was speechless, so he wasn't worried. Although he didn't know how strong the god of death was, he knew how strong Ling Yun was when he had wings on his back. He was invincible.

Ling Yun smiled, nodded, and told Beibei and the little guy again to go to the blood field to keep a low profile and wait for him to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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