Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

When they argue...

A certain Immortal Emperor was startled, and he wiped his eyes to make sure he read it correctly, and then shouted: "Everyone, look quickly, the Lingquan is gone."

It really is!
Everyone stopped all voices and looked at the dry Lingquan, dumbfounded.

What about the water in the spiritual spring?

Where did it go?
Depend on…

Peipei frowned, she opened her eyes, and found that it was really gone, she was surprised, there was no aura around her.

Beibei secretly laughed... She did it all, the gourd sucked all the water from the Lingquan, without anyone noticing it.

"Let's look for it together..."

Someone suggested, and everyone did not object, they were all looking for the disappeared spiritual spring, and some waited for the spiritual spring to emerge.

Beibei and Pepe shared a watermelon, and each of them dug half with a spoon.

An old fairy emperor drooling, he found that the watermelon has a spiritual energy, it is the spiritual water that Beibei put, it is so sweet.

The old man sat next to Beibei and said, "Xiaowa, who are you, Taishen?"

Beibei replied in a childish voice, "Godfather."

"Oh... If you don't believe me, this old man is also very familiar with Taishenjun." The old man got close.

Beibei snorted and continued digging watermelons. Peipei rolled her eyes, secretly thinking that this old man is really shameless.

The old man was ignored by them, he smiled and continued: "You may not believe me if you say it, but my master's swordsmanship is even stronger than that of Taishenjun."

Beibei seemed to be interested, she asked childishly: "Does your teacher cut hair with scissors?"

"Oh..." The old man was speechless.

"Puchi!" Pepe was defeated by her!

The old man said: "Do you want to break ten thousand spells with one sword and learn the best swordsmanship? You don't need money."

"Beibei's sword is broken and can't be used anymore."

"Haven't you heard that it is better to have a sword than to have a sword in your hand? Just like the Supreme God, you use Qi as a sword, and everything is a sword."

"Grandpa, will you?"

"will not!"

"Then do you see cows flying in the sky?"

"I don't want to brag, baby, you and I have met each other for a while, and this old man has an awesome swordsmanship, which is the strongest swordsmanship."

"What about it?" Beibei blinked her big eyes.

"Cough cough cough... But do you still have the watermelon in your hand?"


"How about this, you invite me to eat one, and I'll hand over this untold swordsmanship to you."

"Yeah, yum."

Beibei nodded, and immediately gave it to an old man with a big watermelon. The latter took out a book of swordsmanship from the storage ring. The paper on it was very old, and it said Wanjian Guizong.

This book of swordsmanship is quite thick, and Beibei was stunned by her beautiful eyes when she casually flipped through it.

On the first page, it says that what the heaven and the earth are not right, what the sun and the moon cannot break, it reads very awesome.

The old man was stunned. In fact, he picked it up by accident in the Secret Realm of Inheritance. In a tree hole, when he was peeing, there was a skeleton with this sword art book in its arms.

When he took it away, the tree immediately ignited and burned completely.

He read this sword technique, but couldn't understand it, it was too messy, he just used a sword, and he gave up after trying a few moves.

Too fake!
Even his extremely clever Enlightenment Sword Intent can't comprehend this sword technique. There is only one possibility, and that is to fight all over the place, rubbish sword technique.

Swordsmanship Chapter 1, one stroke of Heavenly Sword!
Swordsmanship Chapter 2, borrow a sword from the sky!


Beibei watched with joy, and began to rehearse the first Chapter 2 in her mind!
There are too many swordsmanship in it, such as Thunder Half Moon Slash, Breaking Mountain Swordsmanship, Moon Breaking Wave, Ten Thousand Swords Guizong is the ultimate swordsmanship, Beibei can't see it, and Lingyun's one sword to transform Sanqing is also in it.

"What, baby, is it worth it? Did the old man brag about it?" the old man asked while gnawing on a watermelon.


He was wrong, Beibei could understand...

She closed the sword book, nodded, and said in a childish voice, "Thank you, grandpa."

"Well, not bad, very well-behaved." The old man nodded in relief. This kid is polite and will become a great talent in the future.

"They are here, kill!"

With a cry, it was actually people from the endless sea of ​​flames who discovered them.

As soon as Qi Xian released his momentum, he replied: "We fought with them."

For a moment, the two sides drew their swords and drew their swords to confront each other, and Beibei's eyes rolled round.

The sky suddenly changed color, and when the situation changed, the swords in everyone's hands began to tremble inexplicably, and the heaven and earth screamed.

A huge head appeared, and after the mist cleared, everyone could clearly see that it was a dog with three heads, the ancient fierce beast hell three-headed dog.

As soon as it appeared, it spewed out black flames towards Beibei. It was so terrifying that the ground seemed to be chewed off a layer.

Everyone retreated in unison. They were very afraid of the three-headed dog of hell, especially the endless sea of ​​flames. Knowing the strength of this monster, they simply dodged and did not attack.

Beibei was a little frightened. For a long time, the sky was filled with three-headed hell dogs with black bodies, which were as huge as Godzilla.


She thought about the swordsmanship just now, her eyes rolled round.

Heavenly Sword Style, break all demons!
A ray of battle star light shines in the sky, and a long sword in the void is suddenly formed, and the long sword is used to capture the aurora all over the sky.

When had everyone seen such a shocking swordsmanship, they all opened their mouths wide.

The hell three-headed dog panicked, and a black flame spewed out of its mouth again.

I saw the moment when black and white light and shadow interlaced, and the world was bright.

The hell three-headed dog just came out, where is Beibei's opponent?She is equivalent to Ling Yun.

a cry of pain...

The hell three-headed dog suffered a heart-breaking sword, and the heavenly sword came out again, and the demons left their souls, and the evil was overwhelming.

The figure of Master Xuanji appeared, and everyone seemed to see the savior, thinking that he saved them, and they almost kowtowed in thanks.

Only the old man felt that he had just made an earth-shattering sword, so why was he familiar with it?Why is it so similar to that in the book of swordsmanship?

"My Buddha is merciful!"

A ray of Buddha's light mixed with demon energy, with the power to break through the sky, drilled out from the depths of the ground, and a hole was opened in the void.

"What a powerful demon energy." Qixian's scalp was numb, he seemed to vaguely see that it was a person, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

Before dying, the three-headed hellhound exerted its last strength, trying to shatter the hole, but it melted away after a few bursts of devilish energy radiated from the opposite side.

The hell three-headed dog is unwilling to close its eyes, it is doom, doom.

Beibei accidentally killed a big guy, Peipei's eyes widened, she knew it was Beibei who did it, but from the people in the endless sea of ​​fire, it seemed that there was something wrong.

Shock appeared in everyone's hearts, the hell three-headed dog actually died.

Before the opening was closed, a huge force took everything.

"Steady, don't be absorbed in, I don't know where it is on the other side." A certain immortal emperor said.

Master Xuanji laughed loudly, his figure was smaller and smaller, and after recovering his original body, he got into the opening.

"Hold" A certain immortal emperor was sucked in!
The people in the endless sea of ​​flames are blocked for some reason and cannot be sucked in.

(End of this chapter)

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