Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 963 Robbery

Chapter 963 Robbery

Ten seconds later, a certain immortal emperor said: "Everyone relax, the opposite is the Twelve Domains."

"Really, then I'm going out, I'm done with it here."

"It's finally time to go out, thank God."

1 minutes later...

All the immortal emperors of the Twelve Realms chose to get into that opening, and the opposite was the Twelve Realms.

The Inheritance Secret Realm returned to its original appearance, and the people in the endless sea of ​​flames were in a commotion.

Qixian sneakily prepares to take Beibei and Pepe away, but they are stopped.

"Want to leave? Impossible."

A certain immortal emperor laughed, he liked the game of cat and mouse, he was so good just now, now it's all right, there are only three of them left.

"what do you want?"

Qi Xian stared coldly, protecting Pepe and the others!
Beibei recovers her strength, the Supreme Suppression and Bai Yan will finish them off, only Immortal Emperor Seventeen, what a fool!The child covered his eyes and kept saying that it was none of her business.

Ling Yun here!

Just now, Beibei knew that Ling Yun was the one who did the sword. She is the only one with such a strong power, and Ling Yun also knows this sword technique, which is called Sky Burial!

When the hell three-headed dog came out, Ling Yun planned to go over and have a look to prevent Bei Bei from messing around.


A person appeared on his side and stopped Ling Yun, this person was long-haired, he was seriously injured and was about to die.

He told Ling Yun about all the conspiracies of inheriting the secret realm.

There are two major characters sealed in the Inheritance Secret Realm, one is an evil Buddha who is full of evil and full of morality, and he is guarded by a hell three-headed dog.

The other one is the blood demon who seriously injured him. The ancient god blood in Ling Yun's hand belongs to him. This is a site of an ancient battlefield, and the entire secret realm was thrown into the deathbed.

Both the evil Buddha and the blood demon were unsealed by Master Xuanji. Beibei killed the hell three-headed dog, causing the evil Buddha to escape to the twelve realms.

Ling Yun is going to have a headache...

Long-haired Ah Piao said before his death that the blood demon had a grudge against Ling Yun, which is why Ling Yun felt that he had the power to guide him.

The meaning of inheriting the secret realm is gone, and it will naturally die out, and the whole space begins to fall apart.

"He's here!" Ling Yun half-closed his eyes, and he gave the little guy on his back to Long Yanran.

Queen Yaoyue just couldn't bear to see the red light all over the sky.

A black hole appears!

He doesn't care about Ling Yun's status as the Pluto, as long as the Yaoyue Queen knows about it.

"Dijun, I guessed right, you are the Hades."

"Let's go, he's here, or I'll protect you too."

Ling Yun didn't have time to talk to her, the ice mask disappeared, and his true face was imprinted in their eyes, still shockingly handsome.


"Go to your sister, don't lose your temper if you have nothing to do."


The black hole disappeared, and they immediately joined the lost Beibei. The latter laughed, and she showed off the three-headed hellhound to the little guy.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect you to be alive, what should I call you? God?"

The sky in the distance was filled with blood, and sounds seemed to come from all directions.

"Oh, whatever you want." Ling Yun smiled indifferently, and hit him if he wanted to, anyway, he wouldn't be the one who died, and what surprised him was that the blood demon didn't call him the god of the underworld! !
"It's still the same attitude... We've heard about the outside world, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the ancient times are gone, we are still alive, I should thank you."

"You want to thank me? I can't see sincerity."

"You will see, I didn't expect that we would meet here, haha, it really surprised me."

"You are too ugly, I don't want to see you." Ling Yun scorned.

"Haha, I have more important things to do, and the matter between us will be settled later."

Ling Yun punched out, but was dodged by the Gorefiend, who laughed and disappeared immediately.

The surrounding aura became less and less, Ling Yun knew it must be the work of the blood demon.

After Ling Yun returned to the little guy, Queen Yaoyue frowned slightly and asked, "Why so fast?"

"He's gone, it's okay, we will meet again."

The tone of the Gorefiend seemed ordinary, but Ling Yun knew that the Gorefiend hated him very much, and was furious inside, so he just held back.

Pepe asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Just now her hell blood turned cold, as if it was suppressed by something, and almost lost control.

"Where is the dragon burial pile? Give me a direction." Ling Yun asked Zi Ran.

"Ah... oh! oh!"

Zi Ran was in a trance just now, and now she pointed to the northernmost point.

Ling Yun has no time to waste any more time, let's stop here for the Blood Domain.

He planned to end everything at the Dragon Burial Pile, and then he was going to the endless sea of ​​flames. An Qing must have had an accident and was always restless.

The Twelve Domains are in chaos, and he has to go back. He really has no skills at all.

"Papa, I want to sleep!" The little guy was sleepy and kept yawning.

Ling Yun sighed, and he said: "You guys rest here for a while, and I will make arrangements."

He had planned everything, the Blood Demon must have known the Bloodthirsty Maniac, otherwise Long Hair Piao couldn't have known so many things.

After Ling Yun left...

The group of them was surrounded, they were the remaining nine subordinates of the Bloodthirsty Maniac, and one was as strong as a cow.

They all saw it from far away just now, the hell three-headed dog died, the evil Buddha escaped to nowhere, and the blood demon was born out of nowhere.

They were shocked by all this. Since the inheritance secret realm was destroyed, those who survived should have treasures.

This is not!

Queen Yaoyue and the others were being targeted. It was rare for nine people to get together. The bloodthirsty maniac ordered them to track down the person who killed his subordinates, that is, Ling Yun.

The little guy doesn't care, she just sleeps in Long Yanran's arms.

Qixian said: "Little Beibei, don't do anything, they have treasures on them."

Pepe said: "Let me see your strength."

Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched, they were so embarrassed to let a little baby take the lead, really, she was pissed off.

Zi Ran was stunned and said: "Seniors, what are you doing?"

There are nine of them, equal in strength, five with swords and four with knives, almost all of them are old men.

Hong Le took a step forward, and he said, "Hand over everything in your hands."

Zi Ran said: "Senior, I am the person of the God of Death, the Lord of Star Picking City!"

Bai Yiyi smiled and said, "Death? I don't know where death went."

They know everything that happened in the realm of the god of death, but they don't know that the god of death is dead.

Queen Yaoyue smiled and said, "Why do you ask us to hand it over?"

"Haha, why? Brothers, don't you think it's funny?" Luzhi looked up to the sky and laughed, he was a middle-aged man.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, just kill them," said an old man with a knife.

The nine people nodded. They had just teamed up for a round, and the atmosphere around them was a bit wrong.

Depend on!
Bai Yiyi saw the hell three-headed dog alive!


That pair of eyes, dark but not autumnal, stared straight at Bai Yiyi!


The hell three-headed dog sprayed black flames, and Bai Yi died one by one, there is no comparison.

Beibei laughed out loud. She controlled the three-headed hell dog. It was enough to create a soul. It was not resurrection, but temporarily used the five elements technique to command the three-headed hell dog.

(End of this chapter)

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