Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 964

Chapter 964

Because it took too much energy, Beibei also controlled it to release the black flame.

The remaining eight people worked together and knocked down the three-headed hellhound with one blow. They snarled and thought they really killed the big guy, but in fact it was Beibei who was tired and worked too hard.

"Scared to death, what happened to the hell three-headed dog, isn't it dead?" Hong Le asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, that guy is weird." Green Branch replied.

The remaining eight eyes were cold, and they looked at them with evil smiles. The sky was a bit gloomy. The strength of the eight of them, some of them exceeded eighteen weights, and they could be comparable to the god of death for a while.

Qi Xian said: "Not good, they seem to be able to form a joint formation."

as predicted!

Five of them radiate a five-star light, which is very dazzling.

Peipei said nervously: "Little Beibei, don't watch it, it will be over if you watch it again."

Beibei held her chin and opened the sword book. She was studying Chapter 2, borrowing a sword from the sky!

A tune played, and Qixian and Peipei temporarily cooperated with Queen Yaoyue, not waiting for Beibei.

The little guy was sleeping soundly, frowning tightly.

Layers of clouds appeared in the sky, and everyone's faces were solemn, as if something was wrong.

Queen Yaoyue was sweating from fright. Isn't this the great move of Taishenjun? She had seen it before in the battle of Endless Sea.

Depend on!
The seven strings shook the spirit fiercely, and three cloud eyes opened in the sky, and the thunder and lightning flashed inside, it was God's punishment!

Beibei scratched her head, she didn't do this, don't look at her, she also pointed to the sleeping little guy.

Long Yanran almost fell, the little guy did it, is Qianqian dreaming?

"God's punishment is coming soon, let's protect ourselves quickly and take out the defensive weapons in our hands."

Queen Yaoyue became frightened. When she thought of Endless Sea, her legs felt a little weak. Could it be that she was going to sacrifice her lady piano again?

Shall I wake her up?This is the entanglement in Long Yanran's heart.

"Not good, let's go quickly, there are masters nearby, with such a powerful force, who could it be?" Hong Le was secretly startled, and when he stopped, he immediately suggested running first.

Right now!

The sky and the earth cry, the sea of ​​clouds moves, thousands of rays of light follow ten thousand feet, and the sword energy of the nine heavens is conceived and born, gathering at the top of the sky.

The entire inheritance secret realm was hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it was all shrouded in terrifying power. Everyone in Hongle had no way to escape, and their faces were terrified.

Just the divine punishment from the sky gave them a headache, they never expected such overbearing swordsmanship.

Beibei laughed loudly. Although the bucket was half filled with water, she still tried to borrow a sword from the sky.

Queen Yaoyue pulled Beibei in when countless sword qi shook the earth, and then activated the attribute of Lady Qin Protector.

Thunder bang! ! !

The three gods punished Luoxia and Beibei's aurora sword energy crisscrossed the sky, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the endless land disappeared in an instant.

The sword radiated nine heavens, swept across the world for tens of thousands of miles, cut between the heaven and the earth, made the sound of thousands of horses galloping and rolling, followed by another loud bang, the sky exploded and turned into chaos.

Such terrifying power swept across the surroundings, it could be said to destroy the world, it was much stronger than Ling Yun's destructive power, and a large hole in the void exploded.


All the terrifying power was emitted, and Queen Yaoyue breathed a sigh of relief, Lady Qin was saved.

The little guy woke up, it was so noisy, she couldn't sleep, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, yawned again, and told Long Yanran that she had a nightmare.

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched after hearing this, Qianqian is really messed up, she must wake her up when she has nightmares in the future, otherwise tell Ling Yun and let him find a way.

Looking at the shattered ground, they only had a few inches below their feet to stand.

Beibei suddenly noticed a black and shiny thing floating in the sky, it was...

Zi Ran said in surprise: "Hold it quickly, it is the beast pill, the three-headed dog of hell."

Beibei took her time and learned from Lingyun Takong chasing beast pills. This is a good thing, and I already got two pills in my hand.

She also ran a few places to pick up the weapons of those people. It is good to have a few swords, and they can not be destroyed in this force.

There is so much commotion here, the bloodthirsty maniac can't sit still, he knows that, after all, all the fluctuations have swept over him, and the bloodthirsty demon is right beside him.

The blood demon told the bloodthirsty maniac that it was Ling Yun who did it. The latter became mad and threatened to kill Ling Yun, even if it took the entire blood domain.

The Gorefiend sniffed the air, and found that a large amount of spiritual energy came from the dragon burial pile. He needed a lot of spiritual energy, which was just opened in chaos.

Ling Yun knew it all, so he took out the chaotic spirit water, evaporated some of it, and lured the blood demon to come to die.

Taking advantage of the time when the bloodthirsty maniac and the blood demon were going to the dragon burial pile, Ling Yun took the little ones and the others, and let them loot the dragon burial pile while there was still time.

dragon's breath?

Little Irene was trembling, and she almost surrendered.

Ling Yun tapped the little guy's eyebrows to awaken the Blood Dragon Yuan, and when the dragon treasure came out, the world was eclipsed.

The ancient evil dragon in the center of the Achilles soared into the sky, and the eyes of the dragon were shining with excitement. After a few minutes, the blood dragon yuan swallowed all the breath of the dragon and returned to the point between the little guy's eyebrows.

The ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin roared, and the surrounding void exploded.

Empress Yaoyue and Qixian turned pale with fright, they even trembled from such a terrifying Longwei.

"A lot of bones." Beibei questioned, the dragon burial pile was full of dragon bones, all white.

She will also pick a few pieces and put them away, some pills need keel bones to be refined.

Little Irene's eyes were red, and she felt like they were all her relatives.

"Ha, mine."

Beibei found something good again, it was a sword blank, a very good material for refining swords.

Queen Yaoyue was speechless, why didn't she get any of the good things, it was for nothing.

After Lingyun saw it, he helped Beibei repair the Jingu sword, and it became a magical weapon. Since they knew that Lingyun was the king of Hades, they didn't take it seriously and became numb.


The remnant soul of the dragon?

Ling Yun was captured and twisted into a golden ball. He was swallowed by little Irene. The blood of the latter's ancestor dragon is very obvious. Once it is aroused, it will be very terrifying.

The current little Irene can't even beat Beishen Zun, she's amazing, this trip is worth it, and she got so many good things.

Ling Yun's only regret was that there was no dragon blood here, otherwise little Irene's dragon body would definitely be stronger.

The little guy was holding a stone in his hand, and she didn't know where it came from. She asked Ling Yun if it was a treasure, and the latter was stunned when he saw it.

baby shit...

That stone was the dragon's kidney stone. When the little guy heard about it, he threw it away immediately. He insisted on washing his hands, which made everyone laugh.

The remaining dragon bones are also good things. Ling Yun refined the three bone dragons. Although there is no flesh and blood, the bones are strong, and the strength has reached the late stage of the immortal emperor.

All the keel bones are integrated, there are not tens of thousands of keels, Ling Yun doesn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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