Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 980 Slaughter God

Chapter 980 Slaughtering God (Third Change)

The evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin struggled in pain, and then heard Ling Yun's voice, this really trembled when he heard it.

"No...impossible...impossible!" Emperor Yanchi's trembling voice kept shaking his head desperately.

Snow Prince vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes did not lie to him, Ling Yun is back!

Depend on!
How could he come back after watching him enter reincarnation? He was confused, out of breath, and could not vomit blood.

"There's no need to play." Beibei curled her lips, she didn't get her baby yet.

"Century clock, sleep on me." Emperor Yanchi thought that the century clock would be effective for Ling Yun, and the dazzling golden light enveloped Ling Yun again.

Ling Yun came out of the black hole and appeared directly in front of Snow Prince, dodging the century clock, who screamed and changed beyond recognition.

His face was shattered by Ling Yun's punch, and the terrifying flames burned his ice and snow body.

"I want you to die!" The evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin twisted the dragon's body and rose into the air again.

"Hmph, like an ant, you know this sentence." Ling Yun said angrily.

The bloodthirsty cold devil said: "Aren't you reincarnated?"

"What reincarnation, you guys are too ridiculous, even a mere soul eater wants to kill me."

Ling Yun dismissively said, that vortex is full of soul devouring power, anyone who enters will be devoured soul, but he is immortal, and so is the soul.

The bloodthirsty cold demon was startled, and he knew it. He felt a gust of cold air go straight to the top of the sky, his chrysanthemum tightened, and there seemed to be a cold snake crawling on his back.

Ling Yun finished absorbing the soul-devouring power in the vortex, and then took a shower, his body was greasy from the battle just now.

The divine beast Flaming Tiger came back with many scars. It won and killed the Fire Beast successfully. It swallowed the inner alchemy.

"Beibei, stay away." Ling Yun held the sky with one hand, a black energy ball kept growing.

"Wow!!" Beibei's eyes widened, and she kept clapping her hands, feeling the huge and majestic power inside.

The evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin was trembling, it ran, dived into the ground and swam quickly to the west.

Emperor Yanchi summoned the century clock to defend himself, Prince Snow could almost get a box lunch.

The bloodthirsty cold demon was not reconciled, he absorbed the power of heaven and earth, refined it for his own use, and wanted to fight Ling Yun.

Lingyun's black energy ball covered the sky and the sun, it was so huge that people in the distance chose to take refuge under the Anqing tree.

Beibei came back with the Thunder Gate, and kept smirking and saying it was fun, fun, the kid was very excited and sweaty.

There was a loud thunder, the sky, the earth, and the void trembled, the endless sea of ​​fire domain was swept away, mountains and rivers collapsed, and a terrifying energy cloud rose.

The horrific blinding light covered everything.

The screams of the evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin echoed the roar, which was very shocking, and many people who witnessed it were stunned.

Only the place where Beibei was standing was safe and sound, and everyone was still grateful. The gray old man gave a thumbs up and kept praising Beibei as a cow!
Ling Yun's figure appeared, he waved his hand, and the thick smoke dissipated, revealing a terrifying doomsday scene.

Every inch of land in the Endless Sea of ​​Fire Domain is floating in suspension.

Outside is a piece of night sky, that is, the void has cracked, and a lot of wind is blowing in.

Ling Yun formed a few seals quickly. He wanted to repair the void that was blown away, so as not to be run out by others and cause disaster to the Twelve Realms, so he made the first seal one by one, and the void closed itself, so good.

The huge dragon body of the evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin was suspended in the air, without any breath of life.

The bloodthirsty cold demon and Snow Prince died long ago and couldn't die anymore, their broken and incomplete bodies were floating somewhere.

Everyone was stunned, some twitched the corners of their mouths violently, some slapped their faces, suspicious of dreaming.

Emperor Yanchi shuddered violently, and he hid in the century clock and could not come out.

Beibei had been staring at him beside him for a long time, and he still didn't dare to look at Beibei.

"Handsome Shushu, come here quickly." Beibei yelled, Ling Yun hadn't come yet, but the little guy was attracted by her.

The little guy said in a baby voice, "Sister, why is he hiding in there?"

Beibei patted the little guy's head, and replied: "Stupid, he is afraid of me, even if you look at him, he doesn't dare to look at me."

The little guy took a look and found that it was true.

None of An Qing and the others dared to wander around, some were very afraid of Ling Yun, and the ancient evil dragons had been slaughtered, so it really wasn't outrageous words, it was because of self-confidence.

What the ancient demon gods could not do, he did it. He defeated the four true gods alone and won.

Ling Yun pulled out the evil dragon tendon, took away its evil dragon seal, took out the dragon element, and took three important pieces of the dragon scale.

The remaining dragon blood!

He didn't let it go, Ling Yun took it all away, and nothing wasted.

The little guy clung to Lingyun, she wanted the evil dragon seal, Beibei wanted the dragon tendon, and they didn't know what was left.

The little guy imitated the evil dragon, and started to wave the golden light hey hey, and started playing.

Although the dragon yuan was not as powerful as the blood dragon yuan, it was still very powerful. Ling Yun put it between Beibei's eyebrows, and the latter was overjoyed.

Ling Yun called little Irene over, and gathered the dragon's blood into a drop of blood essence. Little Irene nodded, her strength has greatly increased, and the dragon's body is even stronger.

Long Yuan's own one grew in her body and was thriving.

The body and keel of the last evil dragon?
Ling Yun didn't think about it, just after taking the keel, the rest was swallowed by the blood dragon element between the brows of the little guy, and its blood was more vigorous.

It's a pity that the dragon soul was wiped out by Ling Yun's dark energy, otherwise it would be a good thing.

Beibei pointed to the century clock, and said in a childlike voice, "Handsome Shushu, this is a magic weapon, hurry up! Quick!"

This kid is getting more and more excited!

The little guy immediately hugged the century clock, for fear that it would run away.

The Emperor Yanchi inside was trembling, he was inexplicably flustered, feeling that the defense of the century clock might not be reliable in front of Ling Yun.

The little guy declared his sovereignty, and said in a childish voice, "This is mine."

"Yeah, yum."

Beibei tried, but she found that there was nothing she could do.

Ling Yun walked over, and he smiled strangely, that smile was full of death.

"My lord...Senior...I'll do your best for you, don't kill me." Emperor Yanchi's eyes were full of fear of Ling Yun, recalling that blow just now, he felt lingering fear in his heart.

"Ants, where's the arrogance just now?" The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up, laughing, the one who wanted to marry An Qing?Want to live?My brain is not working.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, my lord, I am a good boy." Emperor Yanchi was very shameless in order to survive.

"Good boy?" Beibei blinked her big eyes.

The little guy was dumbfounded, and he couldn't see that he was a good boy at all. It was just now that his hideous face penetrated into her heart.

"Haha, are you here to be funny?" Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"My lord, senior, as long as you don't kill me, I can give you the century clock."

Emperor Yanchi seemed to see the hope of living, the century clock?No more, as long as he can live, even if he is Ling Yun's dog, that's fine.

"Give me the century clock? Have you lost your mind!!"

Ling Yun's tone suddenly turned bad, and his eyes burst into anger.

(End of this chapter)

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