Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 981

Chapter 981 Strength cheats (first update)

He took the century clock by virtue of his strength, give it!What does it mean!
Seeing that Ling Yun was angry, his eyes were full of anger, Emperor Yanchi's heart trembled.

"Senior, tell me, how can you let me go?"

Ling Yun shook his head, let him go?Impossible, want to marry An Qing?It caused him to have several nightmares, and he still wanted to live, his brain is broken.

"Hmph, then you won't be able to get the century clock." Seeing Ling Yun shaking his head, Emperor Yanchi turned cold and hardened.

"That's right, then I'll show you what power is." Ling Yun stretched out his right hand and gently placed it on the century clock.


A terrifying wave pierced through the century clock, and Emperor Yanchi inside spewed out several mouthfuls of blood.

That force was like beating a cow across a mountain, the remaining power pierced through the century clock, and even blasted the void on the other side with a loud bang.

Emperor Yanchi's face was ashen. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak because of the pain.

Beibei looked curiously, how did she do it, why she couldn't do it, the child tried a few times but was bounced back.

"Century Clock? The strongest defense? Ask it, if it knows me." Ling Yun slapped down again, and the terrifying power exploded inside the Century Clock.

Emperor Yanchi's face was ashen, struggling in pain, and within three seconds, he completely received the boxed lunch.

Ling Yun probed the century clock back and forth with his true energy, and found that it was alive, but seemed to be asleep.

Emperor Yanchi died, the power of the century clock was recovered, and it floated quietly in the air. Ling Yun stretched out his hand and it floated over by itself.

The little guy's eyes widened like water, and his face was filled with excitement. It was the second ancient magic weapon.

The Lady Qin of the Yaoyue Queen flashed across her mind for an instant, and she nodded secretly in her heart, if she got it, she would be the third one.


Before he knew it, the little guy was giggling on the spot.

"No, here you are." Ling Yun was very conscious, took a look, and gave it to the little guy to play with.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, the century clock, an ancient artifact, just let a child play casually like this, don't you want to be so capricious.

Ling Yun put on the ice mask, and then pulled the three little guys back to An Qing's side. The latter's eyes turned red, and he hugged him, saying nothing.

Queen Yaoyue curled her lips and turned her head away, feeling sour in her heart.

The gray old man didn't dare to look at Ling Yun, he knelt down and kowtowed to Ling Yun to express his gratitude.


He started to be Beibei's apprentice again with a lazy face.

Su Kuangshi ecstatically said: "Hi senior! Thank you for helping me regain my freedom."

He has long recognized that Ling Yun without a mask is the ancient Pluto, a frightening figure. When he saw it today, he did not disappoint him. He deservedly number one in the Twelve Regions.

He was freed, Emperor Yanchi died, and finally he no longer mentioned that he worked hard, and the contract was invalidated.

Thanks to his daughter, Queen Yaoyue, otherwise... tsk tsk, he might have received a lunch box like the other supreme beings.


Ling Yun doesn't care about him!
Qianye's eyes were red from crying. After she opened her mouth several times, she hesitated to speak, but she just didn't know what to call Ling Yun?Pluto?Still too godly!
Finally, she couldn't bear it any longer, so she cried and asked, "Dijun, give me a pill."

Ling Yun shook his head, not because he didn't want to give it, but because Zi Ran was out of breath.

"Let her rest in peace."

"No..." Qianye shook her head, Zi Ran was her guardian, but she died to save her, she felt ashamed.

Qixian and Peipei felt bad too. No matter what Ziran said, she had fought shoulder to shoulder with them, and now she was lying on the cold ground, how could they accept it.

The little guy frowned: "Papa is lying..."

Ling Yun secretly thought, is it possible that this daughter is going to trick him again.

Beibei shook her head. She also learned from the TV series, putting her hands in front of Ziran's nostrils to test if she was breathing.

"No." Ling Yun retorted.

"Hmph, Aunt Zi is just sleeping, and she slept soundly."


She secretly whispered to Beibei, mysteriously, after a while, the two of them looked at each other and giggled.

Beibei ran over and sucked up Ziran's Nascent Soul with one hand, the little guy also ran over, touched the Nascent Soul, under a burst of golden light, it was divine power!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he saw it. Isn't Zi Ran's Nascent Soul broken?
How could it be still there, and Beibei sucked it out, how could she!

While Ling Yun was in a daze, the little guy ran over and tugged at Ling Yun, the meaning was obvious.

"Ahem... Qianye, come with me." Ling Yun said as he walked.

Chiba was dumbfounded just now, and still doesn't understand what's going on.


"You have also seen that the Ziran Nascent Soul was not destroyed, but it was almost dead. If you want to save it, you have to pay a price." Ling Yun said in a deep voice, frowning tightly during the period.

Qianye blushed, seeing Ling Yun's most handsome appearance, her heart was pounding, and she said softly: "The Lun family, the Lun family is willing to make a promise with your body..."

"Cough cough..."

Ling Yun was embarrassed... What was Qianye thinking!

"What promise! Let's talk about business. I need your blood essence. If you drop another blood essence now, your cultivation will drop. You have to make a clear decision."

"It's that simple?" Joy appeared on Chiba's face.


"I am willing, as long as I can save Ziran." Qianye said resolutely.

Ling Yun nodded, and stripped a drop of blood essence from Qianye's body. The latter became weak instantly, and his hair turned white and then turned black again.

"Thank you, Dijun..."


Back to Zi Ran, Ling Yun was stunned, Zi Ran alive?

"This this!!"

Ling Yun, who has always been calm, hesitated when speaking.

Beibei laughed out loud, she ran over and kept saying, "Handsome, praise me, praise me!"

Everyone pointed at Beibei with frightened expressions on their faces, she did it! !

After Ling Yun left!

Beibei used little Irene's blood, as well as a lot of medicinal materials, such as the fairy grass that restores vitality.

There is also the yellow spring water obtained from the Wuhun Continent, coupled with the little guy's divine power, and the Ziran Yuanying was successfully restored. Although it was so-so, she really did it.

last step!
The two of them stole Ling Yun's healing elixir and gave it to Zi Ran to swallow.

An Qing and Queen Yaoyue looked foolishly, so awesome!

Peipei and Qixian opened their eyes with incredible expressions.

Su Kuangshi was shocked and thoughtful at the same time.

The gray old man was still on his knees, flattering him all the time, saying that this was his master, and he was complacent.

this old man...

Everyone despises and is speechless, he is a half-step true god in ancient times, he is too shameless.

Ling Yun checked the space, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Sure enough, a heaven-defying elixir was missing, the kind that was sold at a sky-high price in the Yuexia Auction Building.

"Cough cough..."


Just now I told Qianye that there was a price to pay, but the little guy was in trouble, and he also learned how to detect objects in the void, so he had to set up several invisible formations.

"You take the blood back, it's unnecessary." Ling Yun pretended to be fine, and didn't even look at Qianye's eyes.

Qianye said: "Keep it, the spirit stone I borrowed from you last time, I think it's not enough, let's offset it."

Ling Yun is also not polite, the strength of the extracted blood will not be as good as before if it is swallowed back, it is better to keep it.

After Zi Ran woke up, she immediately thanked Ling Yun for saving her.

(End of this chapter)

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