Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 983 Ice Cave

Chapter 983 Ice Cave (Third)

The Guapi Emperor first said that Beibei was a little pervert, and then started to fool her.

Probably just to ask her, what kind of awesome skills are there?And what is the secret of the Thunder Gate, and how did the punch just now be done.

Beibei is not stupid, she said in a childlike voice, "Shoot, you are too stupid, I am smart, you can't learn."

"Okay, let's go out quickly, it's a mess outside." Ling Yun said.

Everyone nodded, and many Immortal Emperors of the Twelve Regions who had recovered from their coma and recovered from their injuries thanked Ling Yun and left.

At this moment!
The white old man said: "Senior, there is an Ice Soul Bead in the Ice and Snow Domain, are you not interested in taking it away?"

"Huh..." Beibei pricked up her ears!

The little guy immediately ran from An Qing to Ling Yun. He was familiar with the road, and it would be different if he had a baby.

Beibei and little Irene started hitting Ling Yun's thigh, arching like a little sheep, killing everyone else.

"Ice Soul Bead? It's interesting." Ling Yun smiled. He didn't expect there to be something good. The weather in the Ice and Snow Domain is probably influenced by its image. It's a world of ice and snow.

"That's an incredible treasure." The old man Huabai thought that Ling Yun didn't know, so he explained.

The Ice Soul Bead is in the Ice and Snow Domain but no one has ever obtained it, including the Snow Prince and the evil dragon. That Ice Soul Bead is very spiritual.

Once there is an irresistible force, it will flee, and it will burst into a terrifying cold, and no one can do anything about it.

An Qing and Qianye said one after another: "We will go too."

Ling Yun shook his head and replied: "Don't make trouble, you guys go back first."

The little guy imitated Ling Yun and shook his head, and said in a milky voice, "Don't make trouble, Ma Ma, go back quickly."

"Ling Yun..." An Qing reluctantly hugged Ling Yun, the little guy was among them, and the latter smiled.

Empress Yaoyue and Qianye instantly felt sour!

"Okay, let's go back first, the power of the Thunder Gate is about to disappear." Ling Yun said, and she also said a few words to Zi Ran, breaking her mark and letting her go out after nothing.

"You come back soon."

An Qing and Qianye Qiqi said that they did not forget to look back when they set foot on the Thunder Gate, their eyes were full of affection.

Bei Shenzun also learned to be affectionate: "Dijun, don't forget us, come back quickly, God Realm needs you."

Ling Yun: "..."

Emperor Guapi: "Dijun, I also hate you."

Ling Yun healed the Thunder Gate with one punch, really long-winded, sensational!
Beibei laughed out loud!

"Papa, I didn't even say goodbye to Mama." The little guy muttered dissatisfied.

There were only three little guys left, Ling Yun and the old man Huabai, and even Long Yanran followed An Qing out.

The gray old man was stunned at why Ziran could go out?She is not afraid of death?Or is there a way?

Ling Yun opened his mouth and replied: "Dad told you for you."

Beibei laughed loudly and said: "You lie to the children, don't believe it, don't believe it."

"Aha." Little Irene smirked!
The little guy immediately rolled his eyes at her father!
Ling Yun thought to himself, they are getting harder and harder to fool around.

The white old man smiled and said: "Master and seniors, are you going to the ice and snow field now? I can lead the way."

"Lead the way." Ling Yun nodded, not rejecting his kindness.

The gray old man said to the people behind him: "You stay here and take a good rest, I will go to the ice and snow field."


Many people nodded and bowed, respecting the gray old man very much, his status is not bad.

After he gave Ling Yun a direction, the latter followed him for a certain distance, and went directly to the black hole, leaving the old man speechless in shock.

The field of ice and snow is a land of ice and snow, like the North Pole of Blue Star.

A hole!
Outside the entrance of the cave sat three experts in the field of ice and snow guarding it.

three people!
Each one has demigod strength, and every shot is a joint move, which makes people hard to guard against, and there is a formation outside the entire cave.

As soon as Lingyun and the others arrived, Beibei was the first to rush in, and the result was like hitting the glass.

Little Beibei covered her forehead, it hurts!
The little guy laughed aha from behind, and kept saying that her sister was stupid, and then she entered, it's okay.

The gray old man's mouth was wide open in shock, not only him, but also the three guards were taken aback for a while.

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly: "Aha!"

Beibei hit it twice angrily, but still couldn't get in.

The cold wind looked at Qianqian, his eyes narrowed, and his expression returned to his composure: "What is the origin of this baby?"

The cold wind and evil eyes on one side were unbelievable, and he replied: "No matter what the situation is, drive them out."

"Yes, I guess it's also for it." Hanfeng Sansha said coldly.

"Children, this is not the place for you to come, leave quickly."

The three demigods said in unison, while urging the surrounding snowflakes to float into the air.

The little guy was very polite, nodded to them and ran out.

Snowflakes scattered!

The thick ice on the ground exploded layer by layer. Fortunately, the little guy left, otherwise...!
The white old man said: "Haha, you three, come out quickly."

The tone is so crazy?
who is it?

The three demigods frowned and remained silent, with traces of anger welling up in their hearts.

The Cold Wind Shuangsha suddenly remembered that they were the half-step true gods of the endless sea of ​​flames, the evil heads!
"It's you, the sinner, who is trying to seize the orb without knowing life or death."

"Well, I thought about it too, heh heh, you go back, the Ice Soul Divine Orb has nothing to do with you." Hanfeng Sansha shook his head and said, a trace of impatience flashed under his eyes.

"You just asked us to come out? Are you looking for death!!" Han Feng was not in a good temper, recalling what the gray old man said just now, his face was full of anger.

The gray old man curled his lips, with Ling Yun and the others around, he wasn't afraid of the three demigods at all.

He opened his mouth and replied: "Yes, you guys come out, my master and the others want the Ice Soul Pearl."

"Looking for death!" Hanfeng Sansha was furious, his eyes full of murderous intent.

at the same time!

He bounced lightly with energy!
The icy air crazily swept towards Ling Yun and the others like a flood that broke a bank, and Ling Yun was the first to be attacked.

In the blink of an eye!

His body was completely frozen by the terrifying icy air.


The gray old man sucked in a breath of air, the killing gods were offended, and the three demigods seemed hopeless.

The little guy blinked and cried all of a sudden: "Wow, Papa."

Ling Yun became an iceman, but...

He said, "It's okay."


The murderous intent in the eyes of the three demigods became even stronger for a moment!
"Death, anyone who wants to take it will die!" Han Feng said with a shackles, and waved out his hand.

"Tell me, who are you?" the three cold winds said angrily, but he didn't hit as hard as the cold wind one.

The surrounding ice and snow exploded!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled into a smile, and he waved his hand!
In an instant, the three demigods were frozen together.

Seeing this scene, the little guy and the others all looked dull and shocked.

The gray old man's eyes widened, showing a look of disbelief, and his heart was even more shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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