Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 984

Chapter 984 Ice Cicada (first update)
The dignified three demigods were seriously injured by Ling Yun's icy air, which they are best at.

This is incredible.

boom! ! !
Ling Yun punched out.

A fist shadow made of condensed ice blasted towards this cold wind.

Immediately, the face of the demigod changed, and he felt the aura contained in the shadow of the icy fist.

He hastily waved his hand, and the endless icy air gathered and collided with Ling Yun, the icy fist shadow.

There was a piercing explosion sound, and as a result, Hanfeng Yisha's attack was instantly destroyed.

The icy fist directly hit his chest.

puff! ! !
On the spot, the cold wind blew out a mouthful of blood, and he flew upside down.


The Cold Wind Shuangsha also pinched the secret method with both hands, and a large amount of icy air burst out from his body to resist, even worse than before.

Ling Yun's Frost Air Fist crushes the Ice Air of the Cold Wind Shuangsha.

puff! ! !
Immediately, Hanfeng Shuangsha spat out a mouthful of blood, and retreated repeatedly, his face pale.

Seeing that both of them were injured, Hanfeng Sansha's expression was extremely ugly.

"Are you really going to fight us forever?" Hanfeng Sansha looked at Lingyun and shouted loudly.

"Bad brains? You don't have the qualifications yet!" The gray old man shook his head and laughed.

He looked at these people with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Undead? Just you three trash?" Ling Yun said calmly, with no interest in his eyes.

"You, an outsider? You got the inheritance of our Bingzu, right? Then we are a family, so there is no need to fight." The three evil spirits of the cold wind looked Ling Yun up and down and said, just now Ling Yun's hand was exactly the same as theirs, and it was even better than theirs. Use it even better.

Moreover, Ling Yun is like an iceman at this moment, his whole body has become a frozen humanoid state.

"Trash, if you don't want to die, get out." Ling Yun dismissed them and killed them.

Han Feng Sansha was a little afraid of Ling Yun, he said: "We are also the disciples of Bingzu, so we are also a sect."

"Get out!" Ling Yun stomped his foot on the ground, and the three evil spirits of the cold wind took a few steps back again and again, their eyes were full of shock, this martial skill was much more advanced than his.

Hanfeng Shuangsha swallowed a elixir, and immediately came to Lingyun, wanting to knock Lingyun to the ground with one palm.


Ling Yun's whole body was covered with lightning, and he was electrocuted all at once, and the latter couldn't use any of his true energy.


The sound was horrible, the three little guys covered their ears.

Ling Yun squeezed his big hands, and Han Feng Shuangsha went to get the boxed lunch. Ling Yun hates disobedient people the most.

The hands and feet of Hanfeng Sansha were trembling, Ling Yun stared at him and Hanfeng Yisha, and the latter knelt down directly.

"Senior, senior, please forgive me."

"My lord, please forgive me, the little one has eyes but no pearls, eyes but no pearls."

As he spoke, he kowtowed. In the ice and snow, his forehead was pierced and blood oozes out.

Ling Yun snorted coldly, and didn't intend to do anything to them, then he led the little ones into the ice cave.

The gray old man smiled and said, "You are lucky."

Just when Ling Yun passed by the cold wind, a murderous look flashed in the latter's eyes, and he immediately took out a bottle and opened it.

Ling Yun chopped off his sky cap with a palm, and said: "Ant, show!"

Han Feng knelt on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his whole body was shattered by Ling Yun's palm, and he died completely.

The little guy pinched his nose, and the bottle emitted skyrocketing gas. This purple gas was the kind that flowed into the Twelve Realms and caused chaos among the monster clans. Unexpectedly, it was in the Ice and Snow Realm.

For a while!

The snow wolves near the ice cave came violently, densely packed!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, without turning his head, he stepped into the ice cave, and the gray old man followed.

Because Ling Yun broke the formation outside the ice cave, the extremely irritable Snow Wolf rushed into the ice cave shortly after they entered.

In such a cold weather, thinking of Ling Yun's cruelty, he immediately sweated profusely, and then he made a decision to put down the black ice stone behind the cave and lock Ling Yun and the others.

Ling Yun and the others went directly to the depths of the ice cave, where there was a huge and incomparably large space.

Inside this deep ice cave, it was abnormally icy cold, the cold air was so heavy that the little guy shouted cold.

Without the strength of a demigod to step into the deepest place, there is only one dead end.

And in this ice cave, there are a bunch of apple-sized ice cicadas, which are completely enveloped and sealed by the cold air of the ice cave.


"Papa, what is this?" The little guy pointed to the ice cicadas on the ice wall and asked!

"It's so beautiful." Beibei stared at her eyes as wide as water.

"Eat." Little Irene asked, licking her mouth.

Ling Yun shook his head, just about to answer what the three little guys said!
tread! !

A group of violent snow wolves who are not afraid of the cold rushed forward.

The gray old man loosened his muscles and bones, and he said: "Senior, let me come, these beasts don't care about life and death, let me clean them up."

Ling Yun nodded, no objection, then he half-closed his eyes, looked at the Bing Chan, and shook his head lightly, he had never seen this thing before, it was an ancient monster.

He pinched Yinfa and blasted into the ice wall.

Boom! ! !
Immediately there was a roaring explosion from this huge ice cave, and the ice cicada moved.

A monstrous cold air swept out from the iceberg, like a flaming mountain erupting and releasing terrifying flames.

The ice cicada fanned its wings and the endless cold air spread, sweeping towards the entire ice cave.

In an instant! !

The entire ice cave is covered by this biting cold air.

The snow wolf didn't even have a chance to react, and instantly turned into a group of ice sculptures with different expressions, lifeless, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

The gray old man's legs were trembling, he was frozen, Ling Yun burst into his body, and he was relieved immediately, no longer being forced by the cold.

The little ones hugged Ling Yun's thighs and rubbed them against each other to keep warm. Ling Yun released fire energy around his body to offset the terrifying cold air.

same time!
The ice cicadas on the ice wall began to fly, very beautiful.

The gray old man wiped off his cold sweat, and then came over, he smiled and flattered him and explained: "Senior is indeed a god, they are all ancient ice cicadas, they have existed for an unknown number of years, and they have been unsealed at this moment."

Ling Yun nodded, he probably guessed that the effect of Bing Chan is very worthwhile.

"Bing Chan is a good thing." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and his eyes looked at the flying ice cicadas in the hole.

Bei Bei rolled her eyes, looked at Ling Yun happily and asked, "Is it Tang Monk meat?"


"Really? Are you sure!"

One word awakened the dreamer, the little guy had a stunned expression and opened his mouth wide.

Little Irene nodded, feeling overjoyed, secretly thinking that it was food, she knew it was right, and her saliva was not up to snuff.

(End of this chapter)

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