Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 985 Frozen Man

Chapter 985 Frozen Man (Second Change)
Ling Yun laughed out loud...

"Yes, Tang Seng Rou is also right."

Beibei shook her head and said, "We don't want to eat them, they are so cute."

The little guy nodded, also thinking that they shouldn't be eaten.

Little Irene scratched her head, blinked her eyes, and asked puzzledly: "Why, the baby is hungry, and I haven't eaten Tang's monk meat."

The corner of the gray old man's mouth twitched, what are they talking about?Ancient ice cicadas used to eat?Hematemesis!
"Half fried?" Ling Yun opened his mouth to ask.

The little guy looked at Man Dongfei, a little afraid of their Bing Chan, and nodded hesitantly.

Little Ailin was overjoyed, her mind was full of images of Bing Chan being made into delicious food by Ling Yun.

Beibei curled her lips and said, "Then... okay."

The ice cicadas in the hole trembled and started to fly around. They were very afraid of Ling Yun. The gray old man flattered him again and again: "Senior is amazing."

Ling Yun waved his hand, at least half of the ice cicadas screamed, and then he put them away, intending to fry them.

What was left, the little guy couldn't bear it, so he took it into her palm space and made it a pet. It's a pity that there is no Ice Cicada King.

Ling Yun looked into the depths and asked, "The Ice Soul Pearl is inside."

"Yes, senior, it should be." The gray old man nodded uncertainly, he had never been here before, and the Ice Soul Divine Orb used to hover in the outermost layer.

Even this place, he has never been to, following his answer, Ling Yun took the three little guys to go deep.

In front of an ice building!

The little guy opened his mouth wide and looked at the statue in front of him!
Ling Yun shook his head, he said, these are all frozen people, not ice sculptures.

The gray old man stared wide-eyed, what kind of place is this, he seems to have never heard of it.

"This is... this is the Great Mitian, this is the Wufan Sword Master, the devil!"

"My God, all the famous people are here." The gray old man was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, the people frozen in front of him were all such powerful people, and there were still five or six of them after counting.

The little guy frowned, pulled Ling Yun and said, "Papa, they can still move."

She sensed that those people still had a breath of life!

Beibei patted a certain iceman lightly, and the latter shattered into ice slag. Unfortunately, the devil died before he appeared on the stage.

The corner of the gray old man's mouth twitched, he was not dead just now, but now he is completely dead.

Ling Yun said, "Don't move, I'll take a look."

Word down!

He absorbed Mi Tian Great Emperor with one hand, and then made a few handprints. Everything that happened in this frozen land was presented before his eyes like a movie.

The ice cave still has a history. It used to be an ordinary cave, a dilapidated attic.

One day, an old man with a white beard invited Emperor Mitian, Wufan Sword Master, Demon Man and many other friends to come!
Judging from the screen, they are going to be the referee together. The son of the white-bearded old man and the most proud apprentice will have a showdown, and the one who wins will take over as his head.


After fighting for half a day, his son lost half of his strokes, but his apprentice won without any accidents.

At this time, the old man with white beard felt compassionate and became selfish, not wanting the fact of his son's defeat to be spread.

Not wanting anyone else to take his place, he looked up to his son and murmured about his apprentice's strength.

For a while!

He used the Ice Soul Divine Orb in his body to freeze the entire cave in an instant, except for his son and apprentice, everyone else was frozen, and this formed the ice cave at this moment.

The moment before the white-bearded old man was frozen, he gave his son a sword book and asked him to take it out to carry forward the sect.

Beibei's eyes are getting bigger, isn't that sword manual the one in her hand!

After reading it, Ling Yun sneered: "Ignorance, since you don't want to pass on the headship to others, why bother pretending to compete?"

"He is the head of the Sword Sect, and he is back with one sword!"

The gray old man replied, he was so shocked that he was numb, secretly wondering what method Ling Yun used just now?Being able to see what happened before, he had met Emperor Mitian and the others once.

The little guy said curiously: "Papa, they are all sealed up by the bad old man, so pitiful."

Beibei pointed at a sword and returned, and said in a childish voice, "This, it's him, necrotic."

She glared angrily at the old man with white beard, although she didn't understand why the sword manual flowed out of his hand.

Ling Yun shrugged and smiled, "Maybe, who knows."

The little guy pouted, she saw something good, the Ice Soul Pearl was on the top of the cave, the top of the ice building, she was staring at it.

"Huh? Where's my sister!" Beibei blinked and looked around, but couldn't see her.

Little Eileen said: "Aha, it's up there."

Several people looked up, and saw the little guy lightly preparing to take the Ice Soul Pearl.

The gray old man shouted: "It's the Ice Soul Pearl! How could it be on it?"

That expression is shocking...

The little guy covered his mouth and smiled, just as he was about to reach out to take it, but the Ice Soul Pearl gave off a chill and flew away immediately.

Beibei also flew to chase!

Little Irene also breathed fire to stop the Ice Soul Pearl from flying around.

In an instant!
A gust of cold wind radiated from the Ice Soul Pearl, the little guy and Beibei were fine, but little Irene and the gray old man were instantly frozen.

The little guy laughed and said, "Little Irene is so stupid."

Beibei flew down and touched little Irene's ice sculpture lightly, then she scratched her head, expressing that she couldn't help it.

Ling Yun stamped his foot, and little Irene and old man Huabai were saved. The Ice Soul Bead panicked and began to swim quickly.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, and he said, "Fly? It's too late! It doesn't matter if it's on purpose or what."

All the ways to go out are set up by Ling Yun as heaven and earth cages. The Ice Soul Divine Orb is very sensitive, and will never be foolish enough to get in.

This surprised Ling Yun a lot, it could actually know the danger.

The Ice Soul Divine Orb couldn't get out, and began to stay on the top of the cave. It seemed to be angry, and the cold air in the cave was getting more and more.

The little guy asked curiously: "Papa, why doesn't it go out?"

"Yes, yes!" Beibei nodded, she was also curious.

Little Eileen said: "Is it playing with us?"

Ling Yun nodded, half-closed his eyes, and smiled wryly: "Yes, it played with us."

Following Ling Yun's words, the gray old man obviously realized that the Ice Soul Divine Orb could escape from the ground, and now that he is so well-behaved, there must be something wrong.

The chill in the ice cave disappeared for a while, and the little guys stared wide-eyed, looking at the ice sculptures in disbelief, they began to melt!

The gray old man swallowed his saliva, and the corners of his mouth kept muttering, "I'm alive, I'm alive!"
Ling Yun glanced at Emperor Mitian who opened his eyes first, and then looked back at the Ice Soul Divine Orb, it was gone.

Emperor Mitian shouted angrily: "Brother Yijian, thanks to the fact that I treat you as a friend, you actually..."

talking, talking...

He stopped talking, and was looking at Ling Yun and the others vigilantly. The little guy and Bei Bei hid behind Ling Yun, and the three of them poked out their little heads together.

As soon as he released his momentum with a sword return, the broken ice on his body immediately broke, and he replied: "I'm sorry, the old man has no choice."

(End of this chapter)

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