Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 987

Chapter 987 Obtained (first update)
The little guy rolled his eyes, pulled Ling Yun and asked, "Papa, how did you do it?"

If she learns it, all the treasures in the future will not be able to escape her palm. Thinking about it, I am a little excited.

Beibei pricked up her ears, waiting for Lingyun's answer.

Ling Yun smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you can learn it in the future."

Beibei suddenly punched the Ice Soul Divine Orb, and there was a rumble all around.

Ling Yun was speechless, and asked Beibei why he wanted to be beaten, and he was stunned, but Beibei said that he would be beaten up just now, so he couldn't break his promise.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, well, he admitted it.

"This is... the Ice Soul Stone?" The gray old man looked at a big stone in front of him and asked in disbelief.

Ling Yun nodded, probably as a response, thinking to himself that the grizzled old man understood quite well.

The little guy's eyes lit up, she pointed to the Bingpo God Stone and said, "Is this the baby?"


She ran over with short legs and stroked it quietly. She had been here for a long time just now, why didn't she see it, and suddenly blushed in embarrassment.

Beibei began to ask, why didn't she know this stone?Why is there no record in that material!
Ling Yun explained to them one by one, that the Ice Soul Divine Stone is a rare material, and the Six Protectors don't have that extensive knowledge.

One of the favorite of the craftsman, it is integrated into the artifact, the sword energy is accompanied by cold air, and the sword is made of high-grade cold material, very domineering.

The gray old man was too greedy, but in front of Ling Yun, he didn't dare to think badly.

Ling Yun accepted a piece of Ice Soul Divine Stone with great satisfaction, and the sound of footsteps coming from behind became more and more clear.

"Go away, the Ice Soul Divine Orb belongs to this old man."

A figure flew over quickly and grabbed the Ice Soul Bead on the ice wall.

He just came back with a sword, his body was shaking a little, his clothes were dirty, and he was slightly injured.

A few more figures came from behind, Ling Yun looked back and saw that they were all here. They should have resolved their conflicts and reached an agreement not to fight anymore.

The little guy was in a hurry, stomping his feet all the time, muttering: "Mine. My..."

"Bold, come back with one sword, the Ice Soul Divine Orb belongs to my master and the others..."

The gray old man immediately pointed to Yijianhui and said, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, although he was not the opponent of Yijianhui, but his momentum could not be lost, let alone cowardly.

"Haha, who are you old bastard, do you know the origin of the Ice Soul Divine Orb?" Returning with a sword fell from mid-air, he smiled back with anger, and a hint of evil flashed in his eyes.

Emperor Mi Tian said: "Leave them alone, let's take out the Ice Soul Divine Orb and go, the people outside don't know how old it is."

Wufan Sword Master ignored Ling Yun and the others, and said to Yijian Hui: "Don't forget, old man, you agreed to our terms."

Returning with a sword, he pursed his lips and said, "I know!"

Just when he happily put away the Ice Soul Bead...

Beibei was so angry that she punched him, but she couldn't defend herself with a sword. She sank into the ice wall and lost one of her teeth.


Everyone was startled, and then burst out laughing, Emperor Mitian joked: "Yijian, are you old?"

"It goes without saying, look, how long have you been fighting? Is it like this?" Wufan Sword Master shook his head with contempt on his face.

The other three were also speechless after a burst of laughter!
As soon as the sword came back and his momentum was released, he immediately fell from the wall.

The little guy ran up, and shouted in a childish voice: "Shenzhu, come to me quickly, the bad papa is so powerful, you will be caught, and sister, she can beat you to death with one punch."

The ice soul pearl flashed coldly, and immediately slipped to the little guy's side, and it ran into her eyebrows in an instant.

The space seemed to stop, and the audience was silent. Everyone looked at the little guy, who smiled and blinked again.

The Ice Soul Divine Orb is between the little guy's eyebrows, in the center of the Supreme Demon Lotus Seat, and the whole black lotus emits a cold light, which is very beautiful.

The child Beibei cried, such a treasure was coaxed away by Sissy with two or three words.

Emperor Mi Tian rubbed his eyes, then he was furious: "Hand it over immediately, no..."

Ling Yun gave a backhand slap, and Emperor Mitian flew to the side of the wall. The others were stunned and at a loss for a moment.

The sword came back full of sword energy, he was angry, completely enraged, the Ice Soul Divine Orb was his.


Handsome for less than three seconds, Ling Yun made another slap, and the sword returned and hung on the ice wall again.

This time, everyone regarded Ling Yun as an enemy, but the latter shook his head, he didn't want to demonize and waste an ant-like existence.

"Beibei don't cry, I will give you all the good things in the future, and you will make the most money this time."

Ling Yun laughed and hugged her up, the child's eyes were red, such a flamboyant Ice Soul Divine Orb didn't recognize her, she was sad.

The little guy covered his eyes and kept laughing, she said: "I told you to beat it..."

Little Irene: "..." She didn't fight, why didn't the Ice Soul Divine Orb follow her.

Beibei rubbed her eyes, and immediately smiled happily. With Ling Yun's guarantee, she was happy.

Ling Yun took them ready to go out, looked back at them, and said in a deep voice: "Don't mess with me, or... the consequences will be serious!"


He smashed the ice on the ground with one foot, Xiaoxiao showed his hands, and then took them back.

He refused to accept the return of a sword, so he took out a few swords, and the terrifying power came again.

Not only him, but also Mi Tian Dadi, he was blown away, his lungs exploded in anger.

"Stop, stop for me!"

Ling Yun sneered, reckless, he touched Beibei's head and said, "Beibei, show off your sword skills, that move will kill you!"


Beibei didn't understand, so she shook her head.

Ling Yun said: "Do you remember the hell three-headed dog?"


"That's the trick!"

Beibei suddenly realized, and laughed loudly: "No, that's the Heavenly Sword!"

"Almost, you can use it!" Ling Yun laughed, this kid is more serious.

The little guy scratched his head, and said in a milky voice, "Papa, do you need me? I'm also very good."

Ling Yun smiled wryly and shook his head, one Beibei can completely destroy the surrounding area, and one more Sissy?Incredible!Definitely can't let her mess around.

The little guy curled his lips, touched the center of his brows, and sensed the existence of the Ice Soul Pearl.

outside the ice cave...

Above the sky, a slanted giant sword immediately formed, surrounded by terrifying sword energy.

Cold Wind Sansha stared wide-eyed, and immediately chose to leave. He didn't want to die, this sword was too powerful, and his little junior demigod was no match for him.

Returning with a sword, he was restless, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

Others feel a little oppressed and don't know what it is.

Emperor Mi Tian didn't care, he rushed straight to kill, his eyes full of killing intent.

A sword came back and shouted, he felt it, it was his sword sect's profound swordsmanship, sky burial! !
"No, Mi Tian!! Come back quickly!!"

Word down!

Returning with One Sword combined with the others to protect the body, which is a tacit understanding.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up, and he flashed in front of him in an instant. Emperor Mi Tian's eyes widened, unbelievable, his divine body?Why is this so?
(End of this chapter)

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