Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 988

Chapter 988 The time is messed up (second update)


"You are……"


Emperor Mi Tian will not understand even after he dies, why did Ling Yun kill him just now?

Immortality is impossible, Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, what about the divine body of Emperor Mitian, what about the true strength of God, every move and every move is full of flaws.

Ling Yun knows the exercises practiced by Emperor Mi Tian, ​​so why bother?Therefore, the vital gate of the exercise was smashed by Ling Yun with one finger.

It's as simple as that, and they trembled when the sword returned from this scene, and they killed the true god Mitian with one finger.

at the same time!

The funeral is here!

Ling Yun killed the conceited Emperor Mi Tian and returned to the original place to protect them. A giant sword broke through the ice hole, and everything around them was destroyed.

The ice cave has collapsed!
Ling Yun led them out slowly, nothing happened, the gray old man was shocked to the point of numbness, for Bei Bei as a master, he must rely on it.

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth kept smiling, and he thought to himself, as expected of the true gods, under the sword technique of the sky burial, they were seriously injured when the sword came back, and none of them died, but their strength was not as good as before.

Who knows how they got it down, no matter how difficult it is to improve their cultivation in the future, one or two will fall into demigods, at this moment, any demigod powerhouse can kill them at random.

Ling Yun looked at a piece of snow, and said: "From now on, you should guard the dead spot."

This was said to the gray old man, who kept nodding his head, and dared not refuse to follow Ling Yun's words.

And Yijian returned to the sky and sprayed a mouthful of blood, knelt on a certain fast stone, and kowtowed to Ling Yun: "Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, patriarch?Call him?
"Enough, I'm not your ancestor, keep your eyes open in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Kowtowing back with a sword, he was bleeding from kowtow, he didn't care, and was ecstatic.

The person who can use sky burial is not their ancestor of Jianzong, who is it!
"Stay here and don't cause trouble."

Ling Yun finally warned them that none of them dared to move, they were more cowardly than Emperor Yanchi and Prince Xue.

Bei Bei shook Ling Yun's big hand and said, "Shuai Shuai, are we going back?"

"I'm going back, there's nothing else here." Ling Yun took out a piece of paper from his hand, on which were written a bunch of words, all medicinal materials, ingredients.

"This is..." The gray old man didn't understand what it meant.

"Stupid, don't understand? How about I destroy you all?" Ling Yun became displeased.

Returning with a sword, he immediately said: "I know, I know, collect all the things on the paper."

"Haha, not bad, not bad." Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, this is a smart person, he likes it.

The gray old man's eyes lit up, he immediately took Ling Yun's note, and vowed: "Don't worry, senior, I will definitely do my best."

"You know that... that..." Ling Yun said half of that, but he stopped!

"What?" Yijianhui asked rhetorically, he was at a loss, he didn't know how to play charades.

Ling Yun shook his head, it was useless to ask, just think about it.


He asked the gray old man: "Do you know the gas that made the monster go berserk just now?"

"Return to the predecessors, I know!"

"Check it out, this harmful thing is not allowed to appear on the Achilles' heel, is it clear?" Ling Yun frowned.

"Yes, the old man will definitely do it properly." The white old man patted his chest to assure, and volunteered to do his best when he returned with a sword on one side.

The others followed, although they didn't know what rage gas was, they just wanted to flatter first.

"Also, absolutely don't let this gas flow out of the acupoint, you know the consequences."

Ling Yun clenched his fists, and they all shivered!
"Understood, understood, we must strictly control the handle." The white old man said with a pale face, he was not sure about this matter, so he could only bite the bullet.

Returning with a sword, he said: "No problem, wrap it on me."

This remark made the gray old man happy. When something happened, he planned to push it to Yijianhuilai, and let him speak big words, so deadly.

"Senior, it might have leaked out before, so we can't blame us." The gray old man asked worriedly.

Ling Yun half-closed his eyes, what the old man said made sense.

There should be someone in the Twelve Domains who understands the gas refining method, not necessarily from here.

"Take care of you, don't worry about the rest." Ling Yun said.

"It's so good, it's so good." The old man Huabai heaved a sigh of relief, he was afraid that if something happened, Ling Yun would take the knife at the fatal point.


Ling Yun nodded, and a black hole appeared.

When the sword came back, the few of them who were not dead swallowed their saliva. This method is really cool, and it can shatter the void at any time.

The three cold winds in the distance rubbed their eyes with an incredulous expression, what did he see?

Ling Yun and the others came out alive, how many more?It seems to be a big man from ancient times, my God, what's the situation?
Just in his thoughts!
The moment Ling Yun and the others stepped into the black hole, he fell too.

"Congratulations to send the seniors!"

The gray old man and Yi Jianhui all knelt down and shouted in unison.

Ling Yun would not let the three evil spirits of the cold wind go, this person has too many eyes, keeping it is a disaster, and death is not a pity.

The other end of the cold wind sansha falling into the black hole is the Jiuyou Abyss. As soon as he made a move, Tiandao came immediately. There was a mark in his body, and Tiandao would not let him go.

Boom boom boom!
A few thunderstorms, a few screams, the cold wind three evil spirits died miserably, it can be said that they died in peace, they didn't know that it was all done by Ling Yun, they couldn't figure it out.

As soon as Ling Yun appears, return to the shrine!

The little guy ran out, aha smiled: "Ma Ma, I'm coming back."


Ling Yun's eyes widened, his face was shocked, time!What's the matter with time! !
Beibei looked around, feeling like she hadn't been here for a long time.

Rex rushed over immediately, he thought it was an enemy invasion.

"Di...Jun...Master Dijun!" Rex couldn't hide the joy in his heart, tears filled his eyes.

"Rex, what's going on?" Ling Yun frowned, he felt something was wrong since he came out!

Could something really happen?

And why does Rex have one hand left?
"It's good for the emperor to come back. The Twelve Realms are in total chaos. A group of Immortal Emperor Eighteen appeared more than a year ago. They occupied the planet and disrupted the Twelve Realms."

"God blocked the enchantment, and some of the twelve domains couldn't be blocked. They started killing, proclaimed themselves the emperor, and occupied one side."

When Rex said this in grief, Ling Yun's eyes widened. Why is it a year?The pit of real Nima! !
"A year ago you said, did the Empress come back?" Ling Yun asked back.

"No, the Empress and Bei Shenzun came back eight months ago." Rex replied truthfully.

eight months!
Ha ha!

He just went to the ice cave with the three little guys. It took less than half a day, and he and An Qing were separated by a full eight months. What happened, the time was so messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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