Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 989

Chapter 989 All Heroes Rise Together (Third Change)

Ling Yun looked at the sky, half-closed his eyes, and then asked: "How long has it been since the Emperor left?"

Rex said: "Going back to Lord Dijun, it's been 12 years."

"12 years?" Ling Yun smiled wryly.

Lan Xing doesn't know how long it has been and whether it has been affected. Fortunately, An Qing is here, otherwise I really can't explain it.

The group of them went to the death spot back and forth, but within a month, the Twelve Domains had been 12 years old, it should be the masterpiece of the evil Buddha, which disturbed the time.

According to Ling Yun's conjecture, the evil Buddha must have fought a battle, with whom?

"Papa, I can't even see where Mama is." The little guy frowned slightly and ran over. She scanned the entire shrine with her consciousness, and there was An Qing's shadow there.

"She may have gone out, you go and play, don't run around if you have nothing to do." Ling Yun waved his hand, dismissing the three pestering little guys.

"All right…"

The little guy curled his lips and happily slipped into the bedroom. Beibei and little Irene followed, laughing all the time, thinking of the treasure in his hand.

"Master Dijun, the Empress and the Empress are not in the God Realm." Rex said.

"Understood, your hand?" Ling Yun frowned and asked.

"It's okay, it's just an arm, it's good to get a life back." Rex felt flattered.

"Rex, you know what this emperor hates, especially at this time, this emperor is in a bad mood." Ling Yun's eyes were radiant, and the black eyes were very scary.

Rex slapped him fiercely, and he replied: "It's a lone cultivator Hongyan Supreme. He suddenly killed himself in the God Realm a year ago, and our divine guards tried their best to stop him."

"But his strength is still not as good as others. He is the eighteenth emperor of the Immortal Emperor. Everyone in the God Realm agrees, lives up to expectations, and defeats him."

"I was also smashed by him at that time."

After Rex finished speaking, his eyes dimmed and he became listless.

"How much is the loss?" Ling Yun asked back.

"There are only a dozen or so god guards left, and the gods respected the wounded, and many family members died tragically." Rex, an old man, had red eyes again.

"Let's talk about it, what happened during the time the emperor left."

When Ling Yun walked to the edge of the shrine, some changes in the lower realm were too great. In 12 years, a lot has changed.

Rex didn't know where to start, and when he was organizing his words, Ling Yun shook his head and came up to him, pointing his finger at the center of his brow.

Ten seconds later!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, and in Rex's eyes, he didn't know whether it was anger or indifference.

Not only Hongyan Supreme came to the God Realm, but many people were thinking about the fat of the God Realm. In the past 12 years, many people tried to capture the God Realm, but failed one by one.

Hongyan Supreme was an accident, he was an immortal emperor who came out of his death hole, and he was inherited by a certain true god!
Eight months ago!

The God Realm was once captured, thanks to An Qing and the others who came back in time, otherwise the God Realm would have changed hands.

Most of them are casual cultivators, I don't know what to say!
From Rex's memory, there was also the great war ten years ago, and it was the evil Buddha who caused the time change to speed up.

At that time, the evil Buddha was born out of nowhere and swept away the Twelve Realms. Many immortal emperors who went out with him all attacked one after another, and died under his devilish energy.

That battle!
Xin Zhao, Ji Wushuang and Ji Wuxue, the Ghost Emperor of Ghost Island, several domain masters of the Twelve Regions, and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, all joined forces to kill the evil Buddha.

Although the arrogant evil Buddha was suppressed by the Twelve Realms and cultivated as the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, he was still so powerful. The battle between the two sides resulted in the destruction of half of the Aries Star Realm.

The immortal emperors who got the chance at the dead end still waited for the opportunity, occupied many planets, and some became the overlord of one side, the former Jiuchongtian?Now the eighteen heavens are here!

The Evil Buddha fights against the heroes, and it is still easy. On the way, the Eastern God Venerable also joined, and the First and Second Heavens joined. Zhao Xin temporarily broke through the Immortal Emperor Seventeen. In the end, the Evil Buddha was defeated and fled in desperation.

The general situation of the twelve domains now is that the twelve domains are no longer the twelve domains, but three more domains, the underworld domain, the sword domain and the sword domain.

Jianyu is a master of swords, separated half of the Sagittarius Starfield, and formed a world of its own!
This sword master is named Yijian Jianzun. He has received the inheritance of Jianzong in the death spot, and he has cultivated to be the eighteenth immortal emperor.

He also invites others to join the sword field, and every time a person joins, he can get a fairy sword.

Those swords were all obtained by him in the Inheritance Secret Realm. He is really a person with good opportunities.

The Sword Realm was divided into half of the Nether Realm. Huo Lao and Lan Wuyue couldn't fight each other, so they could only cede the land for peace. With the Wangchuan River as the boundary, the Nether Realm was divided into two.

Occupying half of the Nether Realm is a middle-aged man who uses a sword. He obtained the inheritance of the sword in the Inheritance Secret Realm.

If he hadn't taken other considerations into consideration, he would have wanted everything in the Nether Realm, so crazy.

Half of the Aries Starfield was left, and their domain master Baili Gusu was nowhere to be found. Baili mocked and took charge of the remaining Aries Starfield and completely blocked it.

The other half was taken over by other casual cultivators and became the overlord.


An Qing and the others went to Jiuchongtian, and they were invited by Xin Zhao. Rex didn't know the specifics.

Ling Yun has a headache, this evil Buddha really makes him hate it.

Little Irene cried and ran over: "Brother, woo... woo... brother!"

Ling Yun comforted: "Don't cry, your parents are fine, we will go to the Endless Sea later, don't worry."

When something happened to Endless Sea, Ling Yun got it from Rex's memory. At that time, God Realm couldn't protect itself and had no time to take care of Endless Sea.

At the beginning, the little guy took the Dinghai God Orb and sealed the place where the ancient demon god was sealed. After many years, the Qin Demon finally broke out.


He ruled the endless sea with blood, and imprisoned the whole family of the sea emperor into the sealed land.

"Wow... woo woo, brother... they are good or bad, while the baby is not here, otherwise... woo woo... or he will burn him with fire." Little Irene cried spasmodically, with tears all over her face.

Beibei ran over, wiped her tears and comforted her, "Don't cry, I'll burn his hair off later and make him bald!"

"Aha, good!" The little guy ran over with a smile.

Little Aileen teased Ling Yun again, crying: "Brother, brother, let's go now, okay? Okay."

She hasn't watched Aquaman for a long time, and there is that child who doesn't miss their parents.

Ling Yun glanced at the lower realm, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

Little Irene barely squeezed out a smile.

Rex said: "My lord, my subordinates will arrange the manpower immediately."

He knew that the Qin Demon in Endless Sea was powerful, if he hadn't had no intention of God Realm, it would have been another disaster.

So he was also worried that it would be dangerous for Ling Yun to go alone, and planned to arrange some divine guards to go with him.

Ling Yun waved his hand and said: "No need, you can go to work, I can handle it."


Rex wanted to say something else, but Ling Yun stared back, and he shut up obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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