Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 990 Rescue

Chapter 990 Rescue (first update)
The Gate of Thunder appeared at Ling Yun's feet, the lightning was full of chill, a bit cold.

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he wondered why the Thunder Gate was different this time?
"Some people live a long time, it's time to give him away."

Ling Yun is so funny, there are so many things, a self-righteous ancient demon god, really thinks he is invincible?

There is also a generation of sword masters who dare to divide the underworld?Hehe, death is not a pity!
"Papa, it's different!" The little guy shook his head, but it was impossible to step into the Thunder Gate, which was obviously made by herself.

Beibei frowned slightly and replied, "Come in quickly, I won't wait for you."

"Sister, hurry up." Little Irene rubbed her eyes, feeling impatient.

Ling Yun said: "Come in, I'll tell you when I come in."


The little guy ran over and got into Ling Yun's arms all at once.

"This is the Ice Soul Bead, which has a strong cold attribute and can be attached to any power." Ling Yun explained.

The little guy didn't know if he understood, scratching his head, he was so cute.

Beibei was slightly naughty again, she said: "My sister doesn't want it, I want it!"

The little guy shook his head, she is not stupid, the Ice Soul Divine Orb must be a good thing, otherwise those people in the cave would snatch it all.

Now the Ice Soul Pearl has slipped into the center of her eyebrows, it is hers, don't give it, don't give it, the little mouth pouted.

Endless sea!
In the seal deep in a certain sea area, the Emperor of the Sea was downcast.

The princess was speechless: "Father, don't walk around, it hurts my eyes!"

"Father, you should sit down and rest." Sea King said very calmly.

The Neptune brothers on one side were silent, and the other clansmen were imprisoned not far away.

The Emperor of the Sea was very angry and said: "Hmph, you husband and wife still have the face to say that the Emperor will settle the matter with you sooner or later."

He was really angry, when the Qin Demon broke out, he was completely dumbfounded, and the three guardian clan uncles died tragically.

After questioning, it turned out that the Dinghai Shenzhu was no longer in the Endless Sea.

Sea King didn't know about this either, his wife even gave the Dinghai God Pearl to the little princess, and he only found out after Qin Demon broke the seal.

The princess is leisurely, she knows what Ling Yun's identity is, and little Irene follows him, as long as she lives, she just haha ​​about the fall of Endless Sea.

Haiwang said: "Father, calm down, we still have hope if we don't die, you haven't seen little Irene, I heard that Du Xiandi has cultivated, how many years do you think about it?"

The Emperor of the Sea was startled when he heard this, and then said: "Yes, I hope she can endure the humiliation for a few years, and come to save us when the time comes."

Bei Hailong sighed: "I just don't know if the Qin Demon will be wiped out."

Nan Hailong said bitterly: "Let's worry about ourselves, who knows if we will survive until little Irene comes to save us."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I'm so annoying." Haihuang waved his hand, not wanting to listen anymore, maybe the brothers quarreled again.

Neptune looked at the ground, in a daze...

Thunder Gate?

Only the little guy flew out of it. She blinked at the Sea Emperor and the others, so cute.

The princess stood up and smiled, walked up to the little guy, pinched her pink face, and asked, "Where did the little princess go to play?"

At the same time, the concubine was still looking at the Gate of Thunder, and hadn't seen little Irene and Ling Yun for a long time.

The little guy looked back and scratched his head. Her father and sister, where is little Irene?

This is the sealed land, Ling Yun's Thunder Gate cannot come, only she can ignore all formations!
"Aha, what's behind!"


The Thunder Gates are all gone, and there's more to come!
The Emperor of the Sea hurriedly said: "Where is my Irene, why don't you come, where is the Supreme God?"

The little guy lowered his head, but she didn't understand, so he raised his head and smiled.

The princess is not in a hurry, as long as the little princess is here, the emperor will come.

"Little princess, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"Is this a new hairstyle? It's so beautiful."

"Well, it was my dad who made it."

The little guy replied very arrogantly.

"Here, is there any treasure here?" The little guy secretly asked.

The princess shook her head, this is the sealed land, where did the treasure come from.

The Emperor of the Sea came over and said calmly, "Little Princess, do you still remember the Emperor?"

The little guy stared at the Neptune for a while, then nodded, a little impressed, not deep!


The Emperor of the Sea was overjoyed, and then asked again: "Little princess, can you return the Dinghai God Orb to the Emperor, it is the treasure of endless seas and seas!"



Bei Hailong's mouth twitched!
Nan Hailong felt ashamed, and asked for the things he gave away!

When the little guy heard it, he shook his head, what Dinghaishenzhu?She didn't know that if the treasure was in her hands, it would be gone!

The Emperor of the Sea was anxious immediately, knelt down, and changed his address: "My king, please be merciful, the endless sea cannot lack the Dinghai Shenzhu."

The little guy stood still, scratching his head, suddenly speechless, why is this old man so shameless!
The princess said: "Father, don't embarrass her."

King Hai also persuaded: "Forget it, father, this... this... shameful!"

"It's not your fault that you lost anything." Haihuang's face immediately darkened, and he still stared at Haiwang and his wife.

Maybe he was too excited, he even released Long Wei!

The little guy's eyebrows flashed!
The terrifying Longwei radiated out, and the Sea King spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, and the Sea King brothers were also affected, suffering unspeakably.

The members of the nearby Hai Long clan knelt down tremblingly, their faces pale.

"Forgive me, forgive me... my king..." The King of the North Sea and the King of the South Sea knelt down together and kowtowed to the little guy!
The princess's face was terribly pale...

Haihuang was guilty again, his heart was pounding, he seemed to be in trouble, this time Longwei almost killed him!

The little guy covered his eyebrows, his eyes rolled and turned, and then Long Wei disappeared.


Sea King is covered in cold sweat, the Longwei just now is too terrifying, it is not comparable to before.

It is indeed true, only half of the dragon's power emitted by the blood dragon element, if all of it is released in an instant, without accident, the Sea Emperor and the others will die on the spot!

This time, the Sea Emperor suffered a great loss, and fell to the ground in pain. Without any pills, he had to run his own exercises to heal his injuries.

"Little princess, don't be angry." The princess thought she was angry!

"Don't be angry."

The little guy curled his lips and shook his head, and when he saw Ling Yun coming from a distance, he ran over with short legs.

"Aha, Papa is so slow!"

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked, just now he sensed Long Wei, it was really scary!
With the evil dragon element between Beibei's eyebrows, she knew it was Qian Qian who did it.

Poor little Irene, she needs Ling Yun to protect her, otherwise she can't bear it, the little guy is too messy.

The little guy lowered his head, a little too much, she sensed that the Sea Emperor released Longwei, she thought it was a competition with her!
(End of this chapter)

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