Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 994

Chapter 994 Disappointed (Second Update)

The little guy agrees with Beibei very much, he is still a big man.

"Shame... aha!"

Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun both wanted to ask who the little guy and Beibei were, but the matter in front of them was more important.

"My king has heard about the underworld, but who will tell me why there is so much death here?" Ling Yun was very angry, why is the underworld so smoky.

Mr. Huo wiped away his tears, and was laughed at by Beibei again. Mr. Lan let out a hey, and said, "That child Wuyue is too stubborn, he would rather die than follow, he committed suicide."

What not!
Ling Yun blinked, Lan Wuyue committed suicide?why?

"What's going on, it's so unclear." Ling Yun wanted to know the reason for the formation of death energy here, so why did he drag Lan Wuyue on him.

Beibei frowned slightly, and asked in a childish voice, "Who is Wuyue, is it Aunt Lan?"

"Huh? Where is Aunt Lan?"

The little guy turned his head to look at the bank of the Wangchuan River, where there was a woman lying quietly among the crowd, she was Lan Wuyue, her face had no trace of blood.

Ling Yun frowned, why did Lan Wuyue commit suicide?Did he hear wrong?

Then he put down the little guy and Beibei and asked them to go to the Wangchuan River.

"You don't have to worry about them."


Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun nodded in response.

Seeing Ling Yun put his hand between Lan Jiajun's eyebrows, he and Huo Lao were both dumbfounded, not knowing what Ling Yun was doing with this move.

In a moment!
Ling Yun read Lan Jiajun's memory, and he clenched his fist.

in memory!
A generation of Dao Zun in the Dao Domain wanted to marry Lan Wuyue. The latter couldn't beat him and would rather die than follow her. She said something that made Ling Yun very sad.

People who are born as Pluto will die as Pluto!
Then she chose to commit suicide by the Wangchuan River, and heard that there was a heavy rain that day.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

Ling Yun's eyes exuded a trace of murderous intent, no matter how Lan Wuyue regarded Qian Qian as her own daughter.

"Who can stop her temper!" Lan Jiajun was heartbroken, his face was very pale, he only had a daughter, so could he not be heartbroken.

Huo Lao sighed silently, all of this is settled, as long as Pluto comes back, he can take revenge and wash away his shame.

A generation of sword masters who tried to get their hands on the queen in their hearts in the underworld should die without regret.

And the death energy that Ling Yun felt was the result of the battle between the Sword Realm and the Underworld at the Wangchuan River, where countless people died.

"How long has she been dead?" Ling Yun walked over step by step, feeling that every step was heavy.

He wished that he could treat Lan Wuyue as asleep like the little guy, and he also knew that Lan Wuyue had been dead for two days.

"Two days!"

Hearing Huo Lao's answer, Ling Yun paused, wishing it was a fake, and the hope of resurrecting Lan Wuyue was slim.

"Papa, Papa, they won't let me in." The little guy came back and tugged at Ling Yun.

These words scared the little guy and Beibei's high-ranking officials into a cold sweat.

Especially Huo Lao, these two children are actually the daughters of Pluto?
How do you feel you've seen it there?
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ban Kun was sweating profusely on his forehead, and he was the first to stop the little guy.

"Next time they do this, you just send them away."

Ling Yun replied very tactfully, the meaning of the whole sentence was to let the little guy end them.

The little guy nodded innocently, and everyone knelt down.

Ling Yun was in a bad mood and yelled, "Get out!"

For a while!

Those high-level people surrounding Lan Wuyue's body, such as Zhong Wu'ai, Ban Kun, Shui Lao, etc... all retreated.

By the Wangchuan River, only Ling Yun, Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun were left.

Beibei stared at Lan Wuyue, her mouth was crooked, she was about to cry.

The little guy was still so naive, and even ran over to pick Lan Wuyue's face.

This is a very disrespectful behavior to the dead, Ling Yun is not happy.

"Sissy, don't make trouble, let her go quietly."

Ling Yun looked at Lan Wuyue indifferently, he found that the cost of resurrecting Lan Wuyue was too high, and he felt conflicted.

The little guy scratched his head, but when she ran back, she heard Beibei crying, feeling as if her relatives had left her.


"Wow woo woo..."

The little guy also cried, although he didn't understand why.

She is crying!
Ling Yun's heart hurts, it's uncomfortable!

"Why are you crying, Beibei?"

"Aunt Lan is dead, woo woo..."

This child is not as easy to fool as before, she is very clear that Lan Wuyue has no breath of life at all.

"Dead...dead...dead...huh..." The little guy opened his eyes full of tears, his voice choked and uncertain.

"Hey, she knows that Lord Pluto is watching her, she will be very happy."

Lan Jiajun stepped forward with a smile, and put the flowers in the storage ring on Lan Wuyue's body. Looking at the latter's pale face, his eyes were full of tears.

Huo always watched Lan Wuyue grow up, treating him like a granddaughter.

He choked with sobs and said, "Master Pluto give her a ride, let's go out first."


Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun left together, not daring to disturb Ling Yun.

Water burial is to put the body on a luxury boat and push the boat along the current, letting her go with the flow naturally.

Beibei ran over, her eyes were red with tears.

"Handsome... handsome... Mizu, if you pet her head, she won't... die."

The little guy also imitated Beibei, hugged Ling Yun's legs, and cried: "Touch, head... head!"

Ling Yun shook his head, he had been dead for two days, and the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill was useless, and it would take too much merit points to use, so he was worried that there would be accidents.

"You go out to play first, please, let me be quiet!"

Ling Yun sat directly by the river, subconsciously took out a cigarette and smoked it.

The little guy didn't respond when he saw it. He knew that Ling Yun was in a bad mood, so she and Beibei lay on Ling Yun's back and wept.

Right now there is only one way, that is to freeze Lan Wuyue's body, and wait for a chance to be resurrected in the future.

After Ling Yun smoked his cigarette, he waved his hand, and an ice coffin appeared by the river.

The little guy wiped away his tears, sniffed his nose, and blinked his eyes, probably thinking it was some kind of treasure.

This pair of ice coffins can also be regarded as a treasure, and the people lying in it will not rot for thousands of years.

Ling Yun put Lan Wuyue in, wiped away the wound on her neck, and sighed softly.

The little guy went to touch Lan Wuyue's head, there was a burst of golden light, it was divine power, it was useless, she cried again.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "No one will love you anymore, woo woo..."

Ling Yun has black lines all over her head, why no one loves them anymore.


After he took the little guy out, he closed the coffin board and put it away.

"Don't cry, don't cry, let her sleep, I promise to wake her up later." Ling Yun said helplessly, the crying of these two little guys really made him worry.


After coaxing for a long time, they took out two cans of Wangzai, and they stopped crying and drank quietly.

"I'm right here, you two go out and play casually."

Ling Yun knelt down and touched their heads laughingly. He had something to ask Ye Lingyun, but he just asked him to speak, instead of going to the seal in his body to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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