Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 995 Dispatched

Chapter 995 Deployment (Third Change)

Ling Yun didn't want Sissy and Beibei to scare them when they saw him talking to himself like a madman.

The little guy and Beibei curled their lips, then they were very obedient and went outside to play.

After watching the little guy leave, Ling Yun's whole person changed.

Ling Yun: "Ye Lingyun, come out."

30+ seconds later...

Ye Lingyun: "Hehe, look at yourself, you can't guard anything."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I didn't ask you to come out to chat with me."

"Don't be so crazy, you really keep your word, you said that next time you see me, you will end me, hehe, you don't see me now...hehe!"

"What are you proud of?"

"It's nothing, the outside world is so good, the spiritual energy has recovered, tsk tsk... Haha, Ling Yun, I tell you, you can't guard anything!"

Ling Yun was very angry, and he slapped himself on the heart. Ye Lingyun let out a painful cry, and stopped talking completely.

"Put away your tricks, what idea do you have, I don't know?" Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, very bewitching.

Ye Lingyun, who was at the seal, covered his painful body, and complained fiercely: "Lingyun, you are cruel!"

Regarding Ye Lingyun's words just now, Ling Yun didn't care at all, he came whenever he had anything, and he was never afraid of destroying the world.

All intrigues and tricks will be buried under his invincible strength.

Ling Yun sat in mid-air, on that ice chair that looked like a status symbol, his eyes exuded a cold murderous intent.

He snapped his fingers lightly, not playing like this for a long time.

In an instant!
Traces of black air appeared on the ground, slowly forming demons one by one, densely packed, all appearing on the bank of the Wangchuan River.

The leader is the undead crawling out from the void, the red sickle on the back is very eye-catching.

"My king!"

"Kill to the sword domain, this king wants you to capture a generation of sword masters alive."

"Jie Jie..."

Following Ling Yun's order, the demon began to howl and marched into the opposite knife field.

The sky was gloomy for a while, with patches of black cumulus thunderclouds, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun looked at the little guy and Beibei who came out, they were frightened, and he remembered.

Isn't this the daughter of Taishenjun?
Why is it Pluto's daughter again?Stupidly can't figure it out.


"Grandpa, grandpa..." The little guy stared blankly at Mr. Huo!
Lan Jiajun also remembered it, he was terrified and had many questions in his mind.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "What treasures are there?"

Huo Lao swallowed his saliva, ignoring the relationship between Taishenjun and Pluto and the two little guys, he said: "Treasure? No."

"Is there any resurrection grass?" Beibei asked.

Lord Lan said: "Yes!"

Huo Lao also nodded, "Resurrection Grass, yes, there are quite a lot of Resurrection Grass in the underworld."

When Beibei and the little guy heard this, they started to frown!
The little guy whispered to Beibei: "Sister, is this a bad old man?"

The Resurrection Grass lasts for ten thousand years, but there are only so many of them in their mouths, it has to make Beibei and the little guy suspicious.

Beibei whispered: "Hush..."


She yelled at Huo Lao: "Quickly tell me, are you a bad old man?"

Ling Yun was paying attention to every move here, and now hearing Bei Bei's question, he was drinking tea and spraying the sky.

Huo Lao was stunned, speechless.

The little guy looked at the silent Huo Lao, and said in a childlike voice: "It really is a bad old man, woo woo, Aunt Lan must have been beaten to death by him, woo woo, papa..."

Beibei's head was covered with black lines, while stroking the little guy's head, he comforted him: "Stop crying, we'll beat the bad old man to death later."


Huo Lao was in a cold sweat, and quickly said, "It's not the old man, I didn't do anything, you saw it just now, and I cried too."

Thinking of Huo Lao crying like a child just now, the little guy covered his mouth and laughed.

Beibei nodded: "Okay! Where is the Resurrection Grass?"

Lan Jiajun pointed to Mr. Huo, who was so angry that he could only force a smile, pointed to the east and said, "The Prosperous Age Auction over there!"

The little guy scratched his head, where did he hear this name?

Beibei exclaimed: "Is it the auction building under the moon?"

Huo Lao shook his head: "No, Shengshi Auction entered the Nether Realm two years ago, and it is the top three auction houses in the Twelve Realms. It is not comparable to the junk auction house!"

Word down!

He was punched by Beibei, and his right eye socket was blackened, which made the little guy laugh out loud.



Huo Lao was startled, how could his physical skills be so painful?
Beibei curled her lips, dare to say that the garbage of the building will be auctioned next month?If you don't hit him, hit anyone!
Huo Lao and Lan Jiajun both took a few steps back to distance themselves from Beibei.

Beibei's fierce milk looks so cute, Ling Yun laughed, if she is so cute, she will heal all the bad moods of the day.

The little guy dragged the angry Beibei away, and the two children walked eastward.

"Huo Lao, should we follow? What if something happens to them?" Lan Jiajun asked worriedly.

Huo Lao shuddered violently, he blinked his dark circles, and shook his head, he didn't want to follow Beibei, what if he couldn't keep the other eye.

"No, let the water go!"

"Okay, I'll let you know."

As soon as Lan Jiajun moved a step, Shui Lao rushed over with a smile on his face.

"Brother Huo, Xiaolan, Pluto's demon army has set off."


Huo Lao was so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

The Lord of the Lan family said: "This is inevitable, May Moonless rest in peace."

Huo Lao immediately grabbed Shui Lao, who was also excited, and said, "Go to the east and look at those two babies. Don't let them have any accidents."

Old Shui nodded foolishly: "Hey, that's fine! I know, it's all right."

He had a question in his mind, what happened to his Brother Huo's eyes?Did Pluto fight?
Huo Lao turned around and still smirked, there was no one else, Lan Jiajun's mouth twitched, praying for Shui Lao's good luck.

After spending a lot of time, Mr. Shui finally caught up with the two little guys who were playing and walking.

Hearing footsteps, the little guy looked back, and immediately dragged Beibei to run: "Sister, there is a bad old man."

Beibei protected the little guy and stared at Shui Lao: "The bad old man is here, run..."

The two little guys ran into a cave, only to find that there was no way out.

The old Shui in the back was confused, why did he run away when he saw him, why did he enter that cave?
Looking at the cave carefully, he didn't recognize it, it should have been left by a fight not long ago.

Just as Shui Lao wanted to go in, he saw two babies with their heads covered in cloth coming out.

He also said, "Have you seen two little babies in floral skirts?"

The little guy shook his head vigorously, and stammered in a milky voice, "No,'t see it."

Beibei snickered, then pulled the little guy away quickly.

Shui Lao is enough... He is probably blind, and he is still standing there thinking, should he go in?

Two children are really stupid, and an old one is even more stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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