Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 996

Chapter 996 Selling boxing scores (first change)
After the little guy walked a distance, he laughed loudly.

"Sister is so smart."

"Of course."

Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees!
The two little guys threw away their hoods and smiled at each other.

Shui Lao walked back and forth for a minute, only to realize that something was wrong, his face turned black!

"Sister, sister..." The little guy was anxious and excited when he saw Shui Lao running over.

She also thought it was fun, almost like hide-and-seek.

Beibei's eyes rolled round, and then she and the little guy disappeared together.



Shui Lao was dumbfounded, he saw them just now, how could they disappear in the blink of an eye.

The little guy poked Shui Lao's back with a branch on the ground, he was naughty.

"Come out, the old man won't play anymore." Shui Lao was really speechless, obviously the two of them were around him, but he just couldn't catch them, and was very angry.

"A little bit!"


After the laughter was over, Mr. Shui couldn't feel the two little guys anymore. He was so anxious that he immediately contacted Mr. Huo, who told him to go to the Shengshi Auction to look for it.

Beibei brought the little guy to the vicinity of the Shengshi Auction.

Just curious about these places, Shui Lao arrived, this time blocking the little ones.

"Bad old man, go away..."

"Go away!"

Old Shui's mouth twitched, and he immediately replied: "I am a good old man, look, I have a good word in my hand."

As he spoke, he wrote a good word in his hand.

When Beibei saw it, he was really embarrassed. This child was led astray.

Shui is so old...

The little guy immediately pulled Shui Lao's robe, and said in a childlike voice, "Grandpa, I want the Resurrection Grass."

Reviving Grass?Shui Lao frowned, he seemed to remember that the Resurrection Grass was bought by the Shengshi Auction, and this season in the underworld is gone.

"Okay, the old man will accompany you to take a look."

Immediately, Shui Lao took the two of them into the Shengshi Auction.


Seeing so many items placed on the first floor, the little guy stared wide-eyed.

"A lot of pills." Beibei was lying on a certain counter, staring at the pills in front of her, ranging from five to imperial grades.

"Aha, this is a sword..." The little guy pointed at a sharp sword stored on a certain counter, and shouted in a childish voice.

The first floor was filled with the laughter of the two of them. All the underworld people who came here frowned first, and then they didn't care when they saw Shui Lao.

"Son, don't make noise, it needs to be quiet here." Shui Lao taught.

Beibei and the little guy lowered their heads, feeling that the two of them were going too far, forgetting that this is a public place.

"Hi girl, how many reviving grasses do you have here?"

"Hello, the price of our Shengshi Auction is fair. A Resurrection Grass only needs [-] gold coins!"


The corner of Shui Lao's mouth twitched, it's too expensive!

"Usually it should be five hundred gold, girl, don't bully me, old man doesn't understand."

Shui Lao's tone became bad, what price is fair, what amount is [-] gold, which is equivalent to the annual income of an ordinary family.

Why did the price of the Resurrection Grass soar after it was monopolized?

"It's different now. Many people want the Resurrection Grass. Now our Shengshi Auction's inventory in the Underworld is in short supply."

Shui Lao's face was ugly, and his spiritual sense swept his storage ring, he was so embarrassed, he didn't have enough Ming coins in his hand.

"Baby, what should I do if I don't have enough money?"

Beibei said: "No, here it is!"

What she took out was the best spirit stone, but in the underworld, spirit stones are not very common.

"Is it enough?"

The little guy blinked his eyes, he was so cute, and the Shengshi maid who was working next to him was turned into cuteness by their two expressions.

Shui Lao patiently explained the problem, Beibei curled his lips, and muttered in a childish voice: "Nothing is accepted, what kind of auction is held!"

The middle-aged man in charge of the Prosperous Age Auction in the Underworld is very helpless. He must obey the instructions above.

Shui Lao's face is also big enough, many people in the underworld have come up with some ghost coins.

Beibei is angry, don't...

The little guy curled his lips and said, "We earn it ourselves!"

Shui Lao looked at them at the door outside, and didn't know what they were going to do. In short, he paid the money and took the rejuvenation grass first.

Beibei took out the drawing tools and started to draw. The little guy threw the kitten that Qin Lan gave her from the palm of his hand, just to draw it, and the little guy would help tap a few times from time to time.


"Okay, you can change it for money." Beibei happily put away the painting tools.

Shui Lao came out and looked at it, he was speechless, there were three big characters written on that painting, the characters were not bad, and it was quite like a master.

Pictures of beasts!
The onlookers were all laughing from ear to ear, where is the picture of a hundred beasts?I just drew a cat, still in different shapes, and I don’t know what it is with its teeth and claws.

"Baby, let's go, shame on you!" Shui Lao couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Beibei pursed her lips, shook her head, and shouted: "Meeting is fate, don't miss it when you pass by."

The little guy laughed loudly, showing his tiny teeth, cute and charming.

"What the hell."

"Just a painting, how much is it for the sake of how cute they are? I want it."

"The painting is beautiful."

"Why do these two babies look so familiar?"

"Hmm... It seems to be the two princesses from the God Realm. Do you look carefully?"

"Yeah? They really look alike, are they the same?"

People around started talking about the little guy and Beibei.

The corner of Shui Lao's mouth twitched, they belonged to the God Realm, so he shouted: "Be quiet, it's auction time, don't make noise."

The people around are dumbfounded, Mr. Shui is still helping them to talk, cheating money together?
Beibei laughed loudly and said, "Do you want it?"

The little guy said in a low voice: "Sister, why don't they know the goods."

Although the sound was small, they all heard it, and many people were shocked by the thunder.

Beibei pouted and said, "I don't know the goods, so I won't sell them, hehe."

The little guy laughed: "If you don't sell it, how can you get money if you don't sell it?"


There are several pairs of sharp eyes in the crowd, with murderous intent in their pupils.

Shui Lao still felt very strong, and immediately looked around, looking very vigilantly.

These are the killers of the Demon Gu Sect, and their reputation has been much lower due to three failed assassinations.

However, the task was terminated, and the Munan family was paid ten times the spirit stones. This was also made fun of by the monks of the twelve domains in the industry.


A certain master of boxing stared wide-eyed, and said, "How much is this painting, I want it."

He could see it, it's not a painting, it's boxing!
Every cat is a movement, seemingly chaotic, but in fact it is deliberate, so profound, at least a god-level boxing technique.

Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees: "Uncle, did you see it?"

"Yes, how much is the price?"

Shui Lao also knew this fist master, it was Sanxiu Zhenshan!
In recent years, his aura has recovered, and Zhenshan's cultivation base has broken through to the fifteenth of the Immortal Emperor. In close combat, Tongjie rarely has opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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