Chapter 135 Demon Dao War ([-])

Everyone looked around, and saw a black-robed Taoist stepping on a black lotus, standing with his hands behind his back, and flying towards them quickly, the aura of a quasi-sage peak slowly subsided, and the strong devilish energy and killing spirit emanating from his body Qi is enough to make people feel frightened, people have not arrived, but the momentum has been achieved, which caused great pressure on Zulong and others.

Hongjun looked at Luo Hui, straightened his expression, and said, "Luo Hui, if you don't say that, how could you show up so soon? It's just that Pindao didn't expect that you have broken through to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and you are ahead of the poor." Take a step forward, if it wasn't for fellow daoists causing disasters, the poor daoist really doesn't want to be your enemy, but God's will tricks people!"

After Luo Hu heard this, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha... Hongjun, you are still those hypocrites, what disasters and floods are just excuses, when the three clans were fighting, the floods were in chaos, why didn't you take action to stop it? You I understand what we are fighting for in this calamity, why are you so hypocritical!"

These words fell into the ears of Zulong, Fengzhu, Linzu, Yinyang Patriarch, and Dinghai Patriarch, and they had other meanings. After hearing this, the faces of Zulong, Fengzhu, and Linzu suddenly changed. , the demons want to compete with the three races for the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and from what Luo Hu said just now, it seems that Hongjun is also competing for the same thing again, which makes them not panic.

But the ancestors of Yinyang and Dinghai are different. They are not interested in the position of the master of the prehistoric world. Witnessing that the Dao opportunity is in this calamity, Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai are naturally a little moved.

However, with Hongjun and Luo Hui here, Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai also knew that their chances were slim. After all, with their strength, it was obviously impossible to compete with Hongjun and Luo Hui for the chance to prove the Dao. If they join forces, they may not necessarily be their opponents, but the two of them obviously did not give up, and they made up their minds to play by ear.

Seeing this, Luo Hu showed a smile on his face, and with a single word, the five Zulong, Fengzhu, Linzu, Yinyang Patriarch, and Dinghai Patriarch each had their own thoughts. This is naturally what Luo Hu would like to see the most. In this way, his pressure will be much less.

Hongjun is so smart, he naturally understood what Luo Hu said just now, looked at Luo Hu, and said, "Luo Hu, don't get complacent too early, my helpers haven't arrived yet!"

Hearing this, Luo Hu's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Who else did you invite? Raised eyebrows, or Di Jun?"

Hongjun smiled lightly and said, "The last helper has arrived."

I saw a long rainbow cut through the sky and landed beside Hongjun. After seeing who was coming, Luo Hu said in a cold voice, "Dijun, I didn't expect it to be you. It seems that you have broken through to the middle stage of quasi-sage, but you think that's the way to go?" Can you fight with me? It's so ridiculous, don't be fooled by someone else and you won't even know."

After hearing this, Di Jun smiled faintly: "Luo Hu, you have plotted against me twice, and this time I came here just to settle karma with you. As for other matters, I have nothing to do with it."

When Hongjun heard what Dijun said, he also frowned slightly. The cause and effect can be big or small. It doesn't have to be life and death. If Dijun withdraws in the middle of the fight, it will be embarrassing. Except for Dijun, they Although one side has one more quasi-sage than Luo Hu, Luo Hu is now the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and he still has the Immortal Execution Sword Formation in his hand.

Hongjun and Luo Hui had fought against each other before, and he had seen the power of the Immortal Jade Formation. The Immortal Jade Formation had four immortal swords and a formation diagram. The picture can be used to arrange the Zhuxian Sword Formation. If the saints form the formation, it is not the four saints that cannot be broken, but the number one killing method in the prehistoric world.

Hearing Di Jun's words, Luo Hu said, "Di Jun, it seems that you have discovered my whereabouts long ago, so you didn't participate in the prehistoric hegemony, but do you think you can get out of the chaos by doing this? Wait until My demon clan dominates the wilderness, even if you hide in the ancient starry sky, it is useless, not to mention you have taken the initiative to enter the game now."

After hearing this, Di Jun was not moved at all, but said: "Luo Hu, if you want to rule the prehistoric world, you must at least break the situation in front of you, otherwise it will be empty talk. Defeating Pindao is not an easy task, let alone Hongjun Daoist friend, Pindao will not think that we will lose."

Luo Hu took a look at the current situation. There are seven quasi-sages including Hongjun, Dijun and others, and there are only five on his side. It seems that the situation is indeed a bit unfavorable for him, but don't forget that he, Luo Hu, is the pinnacle of quasi-sages. , still has Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, why should he be afraid of it, so Luo Hu smiled coldly: "Okay, since that's the case, let us see the real chapter under our hands!"

I saw that the twelfth-grade black lotus on the soles of Luohu's feet released infinite black energy, protecting his whole body. When he stretched out his hand, a long spear appeared directly in his hand. A nine-story demonic tower also rose above the head, releasing infinite demonic energy, and the demonic energy of the four major demon generals on the side entered the body, and the aura in the whole body immediately returned to its peak state.

Di Jun looked at the two newly-appeared magic weapons in Luohu, and frowned. The nine-story magic tower should be the top-grade innate spiritual treasure nine magic tower that Hongjun said. On the nine magic tower, Di Jun felt the pure magic way Breath, and it seems that the Nine Demon Tower is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a magic weapon of luck. The luck of the demons seems to be gathered on it, and its power should not be underestimated.

However, compared to the Nine Demon Pagoda, what Dijun cared more about was the long spear in Luo Hu's hand, which had the aura of an innate treasure, but Hongjun didn't say anything about it, so it can be seen that Luo Hu and Hongjun didn't use this treasure last time. , or Luo Hu did not get the treasure at that time, Hongjun would not deliberately conceal the existence of the treasure, that is meaningless.

This gun should be the innate treasure of killing gods. It is rumored that when the chaotic green lotus is broken, the lotus stem gathers the most ferocious energy in the chaos. Although it cannot suppress luck, it has supreme killing power , The attack power is extremely astonishing, it can break the human body and hurt the soul. I didn't expect that Luo Hu would have such a treasure in addition to the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Looking at Luo Hu's fully armed appearance, Hongjun, Di Jun and others did not dare to be careless. After all, Luo Hu's cultivation base was astonishing, the highest among all the people present, and he had many magic weapons in his hand, but the God Killing Spear The murderous aura emanating from above is already shocking, not to mention that there is a Zhuxian Sword Formation in Luo Hu's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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