Chapter 136 Demon Dao War ([-])

I saw a cauldron of universe rising above Dijun's head, hanging down the endless energy of universe, turning into a wall of universe energy, firmly protecting Dijun in the middle, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Taiyi's chaotic clock appeared in his palm , When the bell rang, the monstrous demon energy released by the Nine Demon Tower was dissipated immediately, and the sky and the earth were immediately clear.

And Hongjun did not hesitate, and also revealed his own magic weapon. He saw a golden bridge suddenly appearing between heaven and earth. On the golden bridge, there were thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors. Hongjun fell on the golden bridge. The yellow banner was held in Hongjun's hand, and the banner was entwined with the spirit of gods and gods, as if it wanted to destroy the world, majestic and domineering, incomparable.

As soon as Hongjun's two magic weapons appeared, Di Jun could feel a different reaction from the Chaos Clock in his hand, as if he had found his relatives, ready to move. No wonder, the magic weapon Hongjun took out was exactly the same as that of Chaos The clock belongs to the other two three treasures of the same origin, the Tai Chi Diagram and the Pangu Banner. They were both transformed when the Pangu ax was broken, and they are indeed the same origin magic weapon.

Tai Chi Diagram, the innate treasure, one of the three treasures that open the sky, has the power of calming the earth, water, fire and wind, the power of transforming yin and yang and the five elements, the power of separating the mysteries of heaven and the way, and the ability to encompass all phenomena. As soon as the picture appeared, the sky and the earth moved, the sun and the moon changed color, and the power of the supreme treasure was undoubtedly revealed.

Pangu Banner, the innate treasure, one of the three treasures of opening the sky, has the power to tear apart the chaotic world, smash the heavens and time, the power to control the myriad laws, the power to open up the world, and the power to control the world. Attacking the treasure, showing the time when the sun shines through the blue sky, and the auspicious color covers the sky, exuding the domineering arrogance of the only one, showing the incomparable majesty.

Hongjun got two of the three treasures of Kaitian alone. With such a lucky opportunity, anyone who saw it would be jealous. Although Dijun had the Chaos Clock in his hand, which was also the Three Jewels of Kaitian, it was borrowed from Taiyi, and Dijun But he also knew that apart from these two treasures, Hongjun also had another treasure, which was the fragment of the Jade Butterfly Creation.

Compared with Hongjun and Dijun, the ancestors of Yinyang and the others seemed a bit 'poor'. The ancestors of Yinyang held a mirror of Yinyang in one hand and a sword of Yinyang in the other, and ancestors of Dinghai held 24 Dinghaishen Zhu, holding a black flag in one hand, made Dijun slightly moved. It should be one of the five innate flags, the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag.

Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, the ultimate innate spiritual treasure, is transformed from a lotus leaf of chaotic green lotus. It obscures the universe, covers the sky and blocks the sun, avoids all evils and retreats, and prevents all magic from invading. It can control all waters in the world, and has supreme defense Power, together with the green lotus color flag in Nuwa's hands, the Lidiyan flame flag in Fengzhu's hand, and the unborn Wuji apricot-yellow flag and the plain cloud world flag, are the same innate five-party flags, which can spread the innate five elements Great formation, infinite power.

Three of the congenital five-square flags have been released, and Di Jun doesn't know where the remaining two are, but he guesses that the last two are in Hongjun's hands. After all, Hongjun is really rich, and he will know from his future distribution , In contrast, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu, in addition to the companion spirit treasure, also took out some other magic weapons, but Di Jun didn't like them.

The war was about to break out, Hongjun looked at the enemy and us, pondered for a moment, and said: "Friends Yinyang and Dinghai, you, together with the three fellows Zulong, Fengzhu, and Linzu, first killed the four great masters. Demon General, this Rahu will be handed over to fellow Daoists Pindao and Dijun first, and when you are successful, come and help us two."

After hearing this, Di Jun, Yin Yang Patriarch, Ding Hai Patriarch, Zu Long, Feng Zhu and Lin Zu all nodded slightly. Di Jun naturally had no objection to Hongjun's arrangement, but when he saw Yin Yang Patriarch When they were with Patriarch Dinghai, they couldn't help feeling a murderous intent in their hearts. After all, these two were with Patriarch Qiankun, especially Patriarch Yinyang, who had once attacked Tai Yi.

But the most important thing now is to deal with Luo Hu, and the overall situation is the most important thing. At worst, after this battle, Dijun will settle with them again, and the 24 Dinghai God Orbs in the hands of the ancestor Dinghai are also treasures that Dijun wants. , Taiyi will be able to combine with the Qiankun Ruler to evolve into 24 heavens, and his strength will definitely increase greatly by then.

As soon as Hongjun and Dijun separated, Patriarch Yinyang, Patriarch Dinghai, Zulong, Fengzhu, and Linzu went straight to kill the four demon generals. The four demon generals didn't have any fear and went straight to meet them. Rushing forward, as for Hongjun and Dijun, they stood in front of Luo Hu, and murderous intent filled the air between the three.

Luo Hui looked at Hongjun and Dijun standing in front of him, his face turned cold, and his whole body was full of murderous aura. He saw the God-killing Spear in his hand tremble, and the spear directly stabbed at Hongjun, and the God-killing Spear exploded. A powerful killing aura condensed into a cold light, and stabbed straight at Hongjun. It was really a shot of cold light, the world turned pale, and the murderous intent was infinite.

When Luo Hu attacked Hongjun, he didn't let Di Jun go. He saw his Nine Demon Tower fly up and rise in the wind. After a few breaths, it became the size of a mountain, and the Nine Demon Tower was surrounded by infinite magic energy. , with the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai, they came directly to suppress Emperor Jun, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if the end of the world was coming, with a huge momentum.

Facing Luo Hu's attack, Hongjun and Dijun didn't panic at all. They saw Hongjun standing on the golden bridge transformed by the Taiji Diagram, slightly shaking the Pangu banner in his hand, and a dark yellow chaotic sword energy shot out directly. The power of the chaotic sword energy is much more terrifying than when Hongjun killed the fierce beast Qiongqi.

The chaotic sword energy collided with Luohu's gun light, and there was only a loud noise between the heaven and the earth. The sound shook the universe, and the huge impact spread. The others were also attacked, and Dijun was protected by the Qiankun Cauldron, so he was fine, but it was different for the others, who could only avoid it from a distance.

And Di Jun faced Rahu's Nine Demon Pagoda with a solemn look on his face. Although the Nine Demon Pagoda is only a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it carries the luck of the demon clan, let alone a quasi-sage peak like Luo Hu. The power displayed by the masters of the master is really amazing, and it seems to have completely exceeded the limit of the innate spirit treasure.

Di Jun threw the Chaos Clock in his hand into the air, and the Chaos Clock immediately became the size of a large ancient bronze clock, and then saw Di Jun slapped the Chaos Clock with his palm, the bell sounded mighty, the universe was brilliant, the sky and the earth paled, and the universe shook, accompanied by As the bell rang, the Chaos Clock unleashed endless power and headed straight for the Nine Demon Tower, forcibly fixing the Nine Demon Tower in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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