Chapter 138 Demon Dao War ([-])

Hearing Luo Hu's words, both Hong Jun and Di Jun's expressions changed, especially Luo Hu's last sentence, accompanied by the strange smile on his face, both of them had a bad feeling in their hearts, and the feeling became more and more serious. The stronger it gets, Luo Hu is definitely planning something, otherwise he wouldn't just sit back and watch the four great demon generals under his command fall into danger and ignore it.

Hongjun and Dijun's expressions changed, while Luo Hu smiled lightly and stood in front of Hongjun and Dijun. This time it was his turn to stop Hongjun and Dijun from rescuing the Yin-Yang Patriarch and the others. Stepping on Hei Lian, holding the God-killing Spear in one hand and the Nine Demon Tower in the other, said with murderous intent: "Don't waste your efforts, it's too late."

On the other side, Patriarch Yin Yang and others looked at the four major demon generals who were already seriously injured, and their faces showed excitement. The movements of their hands couldn't help being a little faster, and they kept attacking the four major demon generals, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity. Killing them in one fell swoop, once the Tathagata came, Luo Hu would be invincible. At that time, they would join hands with Hongjun, Luo Hu would be defeated, and the demons would die.

Seeing the attack of Patriarch Yin Yang and others, the faces of the four great demon generals showed madness. They looked at each other, and they had already made a decision in their hearts. The five ancestors of Yin Yang rushed forward and shouted in unison: "The way of the devil is eternal, the demon of the sky is disintegrated, hahaha... you are going to die, everyone die together, explode!"

The four great demon generals blew themselves up collectively. This was the self-destruction of four quasi-sage masters. The power was unimaginable. As expected, he still had that indifferent smile on his face, and he didn't care at all about the death of the Four Great Demon Generals.

The four loud bangs between the heaven and the earth can be described as truly earth-shattering. The four great demon generals rushed in front of the five ancestors of Yin-Yang recklessly, not only blew up their bodies and primordial spirits, but also blew up the innate spirit treasure in their hands. The self-destruction is so complete that there is no room for it. The power of such self-destruction is really unimaginable.

During the explosion, Patriarch Yinyang, Patriarch Dinghai, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu directly received the most positive impact. Most of the almost self-explosive power came towards them. The five of them did not hesitate at all. The self-explosive attack is absolutely unavoidable, and the five of them can only use their magic weapons with all their strength to resist together.

Not far away, Dijun and Hongjun were also impacted by the aftermath, but both of them had innate treasures to protect them, even if the aftermath impact did not affect them at all. In terms of people's situation, Luo Hu still has the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, if something happens to the five ancestors of Yin Yang, it will be really troublesome.

Although the explosion has not dissipated, Hongjun and Dijun can still feel the presence of the ancestors of Yin and Yang. They should not have died directly because of the self-explosion of the four major demon generals, but they are probably seriously injured, but it doesn't matter, Hongjun Both Dijun and Dijun can make them recover quickly, whether it is the physical body or the primordial spirit, as long as they are not dead, they can be saved.

At this time, a smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, and he said lightly: "These five guys are really lucky, so they didn't die, it's a pity for my four great demon generals, but it's okay, fortunately, I have prepared for it. , Aren’t you wondering why I haven’t used the Jade Immortal Sword Formation? Let me tell you now, because the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is not on me now.”

As soon as Luohu's voice fell, I saw a strong and extreme murderous aura suddenly rising from the western land, and all the evil spirits of heaven and earth poured into it. Rising from the earth, the power is earth-shattering, just appearing, it has already changed the situation of the world, the sun and the moon are pale, and it is extremely terrifying.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

After Hongjun and Dijun looked at it, they couldn't help but screamed in unison. They didn't expect that Luo Hu didn't carry the Zhuxian Sword Formation with him, but hid it in the western land. Now the three clans are fighting against the devil. , The murderous intent is everywhere, and the evil spirit is all over the sky, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation absorbs these murderous and evil spirits to continuously increase the power of the formation. Although it is not a permanent increase, it is enough to be used in this battle.

Seeing this, Hong Jun and Di Jun couldn't help but make a move immediately. Luo Hu made the Zhuxian Sword Formation appear at this time, obviously it was impossible just for fun. His target was definitely the five ancestors of Yin and Yang who were seriously injured by the self-destruct of the Four Great Demon Generals just now. Naturally, Hongjun and Dijun couldn't just stand by and watch. If Patriarch Yinyang and the others died, then the two of them would appear to be weak.

However, Luo Hui seemed to have expected that Hongjun and Dijun would make a move, and he had already made preparations. Facing the oncoming Chaos Sword Qi and Chaos Clock, Luo Hui urged the attack with the God Killing Spear with one hand, and sacrificed nine swords with the other. The Demon Tower resisted the Chaos Clock and did not give Hongjun and Dijun a chance at all. The Nine Demon Tower even released thousands of demon soldiers to delay the pace of Hongjun and Dijun.

At the same time, I saw that the evil spirit in the Zhuxian sword formation was pervasive, shaking the sky and the earth. With the transformation of the evil spirit in the sword formation, four chaotic sword energy that was the same as the Pangu Banner's attack were brewed. The five ancestors of Yin-Yang in the middle of the battle really had a wave of ups and downs, and another wave rose again. The power of the chaotic sword energy was astonishing, and it was controlled by a master like Luo Hu. How could the five ancestors of Yin-Yang, who were seriously injured, be able to resist it? .

Do not! ! ! !

Accompanied by four unwilling roars, the ancestors of Yinyang, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu all fell, leaving only their wounded magic weapons, while the ancestor Dinghai was seriously injured and was directly killed by Yu Bo. He flew out and stopped near Hongjun and Dijun. At this moment, he was covered in blood, his face was pale, and all the magic weapons in his hands were dimmed. Obviously, it was extremely bad.

Seeing this, Hongjun and Dijun's expressions were constantly changing. Unexpectedly, Luo Hu would exchange the lives of the four great demon generals for the lives of the ancestors of Yin and Yang, Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu. With the self-destruction ahead, the four of them would not be killed in one blow in the face of the chaotic sword energy.

Now Hongjun, Dijun, and the seriously injured Dinghai Patriarch are left. Although it is three-on-one, he does not actually have any advantage. , Luo Hu's cultivation base is the highest, and he has the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, which is astonishingly powerful, and it seems that he is not at a disadvantage with one against three.

But at this time, the magic treasures left by Zulong, Phoenix Lord, and Linzu suddenly emitted a strange light, and there was even a trace of the breath of soul in them.

(End of this chapter)

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