Chapter 139 Demon Dao War ([-])

The three magic weapons seem to be related to the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes. Zulong's is his companion spirit treasure, the Dragon Ball, and Linzu's is his companion spirit treasure, the Qilin Seal. Phoenix Lord's is rather special, it is not Lidiyan The light flag was a crimson bead, and the three treasures showed a strange light, and the afterimages of Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu appeared in front of everyone.

Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu looked down at the prehistoric land and the four seas, with sad expressions on their faces. No wonder, the three clans tried their best to compete for the position of the prehistoric world master, but the vitality of the scales, beasts, and birds was seriously injured. , more than [-]% to [-]% of the masters in the clan have fallen, and now the luck of the three clans is weak, and the karma of heaven and earth explodes, and the three clans are afraid of being wiped out.

Because of this, the faces of Zulong, Fengzhu and Linzu all showed a look of determination, and then the three of them prayed to the sky in unison:

"My ancestral dragon has sinned deeply, and I would like to thank the common people with death. From then on, the dragon clan will live forever in the world to atone for the sins."

"My phoenix lord has sinned deeply, and I am willing to die to thank the common people. From now on, the phoenix clan will forever guard the immortal volcano to atone for their sins."

"My lin ancestors have sinned deeply, and I am willing to die to thank the common people. From then on, the Qilin clan will forever conquer the wild land to atone for their sins."

As soon as the oath of the three people came out, the three treasures immediately flew towards the land of the three clans, and at this time, thunder roared from the nine heavens, obviously confirming the oath of the three people. The remnant souls also dissipated directly between the heaven and the earth. Originally, they had every chance to be reborn with the only remnants of their souls, but for the future of the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans, they had no choice but to give up.

At this time, countless merits descended from the nine heavens, and they came straight to the dragon, phoenix and kylin tribes, but before they landed, these merits dispelled themselves in the air, of course they did not disappear out of thin air. Bearing shocking karma, all these merits are naturally used to resolve their karma, but this is not enough.

After offsetting all the merits, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans still bear a large amount of karma, which needs to be repaid slowly in the future. Before the karma is repaid, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans will probably not flourish Possibly, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans will also withdraw from the prehistoric stage from now on, and they can only take one side, while the scale armor, birds, and beasts will also disintegrate and return to the state of the prehistoric hundred clans.

But once the ancestor dragon, phoenix master and linzu died, the morale of the three clans would naturally be unstable. With the departure of the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans, the scale armor, birds, and beast clans also retreated one after another. The once glorious three clans will also come to an end. Seeing that the three tribes had left, the demons did not choose to continue the pursuit, but stayed in the west. It is meaningless to pursue them now.

Now it is not the battle between the demons and the three tribes that determines the future of the prehistoric world, but only the decisive battle between Hongjun, Di Jun and Luo Hu. If Luo Hu wins, wherever the demons go, all the prehistoric creatures will submit, and Luo Hu loses. The demon clan will completely disappear, which is why the dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans did not dare to attack the Hall of All Souls.

With a move by Luo Hui, the Zhuxian sword formation gradually shrank, and finally turned into a huge mural and stopped behind Luo Hu. Looking at Hongjun, Di Jun and the seriously injured Dinghai Patriarch, Luo Hui smiled coldly: "How, Hongjun, Dijun, you two can't defeat me even if you join forces, now that my Immortal Jade Formation has appeared, let's see how you deal with it!"

Hongjun looked at Luo Hui, his expression changed, but he didn't seem to show any anxiety. Obviously, he still had cards that he hadn't used yet, but the appearance of the Zhuxian Sword Formation did make him feel some pressure, especially the Zhuxian Sword Formation at this moment. The formation has absorbed endless evil spirits from heaven and earth, and its power has greatly increased, making it really difficult to deal with.

And Di Jun looked at Luo Hu's Jade Immortal Sword Formation, and his expression became extremely dignified. He knew the name of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation. Among the Conferred Gods, Master Tongtian established this formation, but it was only when the four saints fought together that they broke it. Now they only have Hongjun, himself, and Patriarch Dinghai here, and Patriarch Dinghai is almost useless.

However, Di Jun thought of one thing, and couldn't help but glance at Hongjun next to him. He knew that Hongjun's self-created method of beheading three corpses, with Hongjun Zhunsheng's cultivation level close to the peak in the later stage, I am afraid it should have been at least Cut out two corpses, if both corpses have quasi-sage cultivation, then it shouldn't be a big problem for them to join hands to break through the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

As for Patriarch Dinghai, Di Jun didn't care about it. He was already very good if he didn't take the opportunity to destroy Patriarch Dinghai. Taste Sanguang Shenshui and Qi of Good Fortune, but he is not interested in saving someone who once joined forces with the ancestors of Yinyang and Qiankun.

Seeing the chilling killing intent permeated by the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, Di Jun stretched out his hand, and the Zhoutian Star Map appeared in his hand. Although the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is powerful, it is only a quasi-sage who controls it, and it is impossible to exert its strongest power. With the power of the Zhoutian Star Map in hand, Di Jun can arrange the Zhoutian Star Dou array at any time, and use the array to face each other, which can at least make up some of the gap.

When Luo Hui saw Di Jun take out the Zhou Tianxing map, his complexion changed slightly. He immediately thought of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array that Di Jun had arranged when he killed the ancestor of Qiankun. I feel emotional, if the power of the formation can be exerted to the extreme, I am afraid it can be compared with the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Seeing this, Luo Hu's mind was moved, and he attacked suddenly. With a flick of the god-killing spear in his hand, he stabbed directly at Hongjun. This time he shot with all his strength, and the power was obviously much stronger than the attack just now, which also surprised Hongjun. He didn't expect that Luo Hu would give up Di Jun and Patriarch Dinghai on the side, and chose to deal with him with all his strength.

This made Hongjun suddenly vigilant, and Di Jun was the same, but their reaction was too late. When Luo Hu attacked Hongjun with all his strength, the Immortal Jade Formation also moved, but its target was not Hongjun, but Dijun and Patriarch Dinghai at the side, the Immortal Jade Sword Formation spread out, enveloping the two of them directly.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help being shocked. Although he still had his hole cards, if something happened to Dijun in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the situation would really be against him, so he didn't hold back any more. Three flowers appeared on the top of the head, and two people jumped out of it. It was the two corpses of good and evil that Hongjun cut out.

Hongjun teamed up with the good and evil two corpses to break through Luo Hu and break into the Zhuxian Sword Formation. As long as they and Di Jun break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation first, then Luo Hu will naturally be nothing to be afraid of. Hongjun got his wish, and while desperately resisting Hongjun and his good and evil corpses, he manipulated the Zhuxian Sword Formation to launch an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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