Chapter 143 Counting
Taiyangxing, in Huangji Palace, after many years, Dijun and Taiyi returned here, and there was a look of nostalgia on their faces. They thought that they were still in the two eggs back then, but now they are both. The well-known great powers in the prehistoric world, time really flies, and in a blink of an eye, they have already passed through two prehistoric calamities.

Di Jun looked at Tai Yi beside him, and with a wave of his hand, the Chaos Clock and 24 Dinghai God Beads appeared in front of them. , In addition, I got these 24 Dinghai God Beads from Dinghai Patriarch, and I gave them to you as well."

Seeing this, Tai Yi beckoned, and the Chaos Clock flew into his hand. Di Jun's soul imprint in the Chaos Clock had been taken back by Di Jun, and Tai Yi easily re-imprinted his own soul, but he did not have the Dinghai Shenzhu. Instead, with a wave of his hand, the four magic weapons appeared in front of the two of them.

They are all magic weapons given to Taiyi by Emperor Jun, the Qiankun Map, Qiankun Ruler, Lihuo Shenjian and Zhenyue Seal. Taiyi said to Dijun, "Brother, I have a Chaos Clock, and it is useless for me to keep these magic weapons. Take it back!"

Seeing this, Di Jun couldn't help but smile. If an ordinary person saw so many innate treasures, he might have been tempted long ago, but Tai Yi was able to return them to him without hesitation. This brother really didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, Only the Lihuo Shenjian and Zhenyue Seal were taken back, while the Qiankun Map, Qiankun Ruler and Dinghai Shenzhu remained in front of Taiyi.

Di Jun said: "This map of the universe is infinitely useful, so you can keep it. As for the Qiankun ruler and the Dinghai God Orb, you are so enlightened. You can use these two treasures to evolve for 24 weeks and improve your cultivation. In order to exert its power, mana must be powerful, and my elder brother has a lot of magic weapons, so you don't have to be polite to me."

After Tai Yi heard it, he didn't say anything more, he put away the three magic weapons, and then went to retreat by himself. The magic weapons need to be refined again, and although Tai Yi has cultivated to the peak of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, he has not yet reached the Great Principle Golden Immortal The ultimate, naturally requires retreat and practice, not to mention, Daluo Jinxian is not the limit of practice.

Taiyi chose to retreat, and Emperor Jun naturally also has to retreat. Now Wanling Pavilion is placed on Ziwei Star, with Fuxi, Nuwa and Wanling sitting in the town, and now that the calamity is over, there will be no major events in a short time If it happened, Di Jun didn't have to worry about it, he could go into retreat with peace of mind, after all, his time is still very tight.

Although Dijun didn't participate too much in the Long Han's calamity, he gained a lot. First, the growth of the Hall of All Souls, although it can't compare with the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans, at least he reserved for the rise of the monster clan. With a background, the Hall of All Souls has gone through two calamities and has continued to grow, basically without any major damage. In the future, when the monster clan is established, the current creatures of the Hall of All Souls will surely become the mainstay.

Secondly, that is the harvest of Emperor Jun. He snatched the innate treasure Qiankun Ding from the ancestor of Qiankun, and in the final battle of the magic way, he also harvested the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag and Dinghai Shenzhu, and even pulled out his teeth. Luo Hu took away the innate treasure Zhuxian Sword Formation, and finally got half of the kalpa's merits, which can be described as a bumper harvest.

Di Jun is also very thankful that he got out early in the final battle, otherwise it would be a tragedy. There is still half of the merits of heaven and virtue to be obtained there. Luo Hu's final self-destruction almost destroyed the West. The spiritual vein was severely damaged. Originally, Di Jun was still curious about how the Western poverty in the myth came about. The emotion was a big hand of Luo Hu.

And Luo Hu still saved a hand before the temporary, using the essence and magic energy of thousands of demons to gather the Nine Demon Towers and the merits of the heavenly way to form a world of its own, which must be the Demon World. Pin Mie Shi Hei Lian has all entered the demon world, probably the inheritance of the magic way left by Luo Hu, but it seems that it is not the time for the magic way to appear in the world. After the birth of the demon world, it has completely disappeared. It should be covered by the way of heaven.

And since the West suffered such a heavy blow, this karma was naturally attributed to Hongjun and Luohu, and now that Luohu sacrificed himself to the Tao, it has disappeared, so naturally Hongjun was in great trouble. It is really a tragedy to bear such a large amount of karma, and the opportunity he got to prove the Tao is probably not the way of Hunyuan, but the way of a saint.

There is still a difference between a saint and a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. A saint entrusts the Dao of Heaven with his primordial spirit. Being independent from the Dao of Heaven, you can completely ignore the Dao of Heaven. Of course, if you want to confront the Dao of Heaven, you must at least have the strength not to be afraid of the Dao of Heaven.

Now that Hongjun's three corpses are all beheaded, the next step is probably to comprehend the way of a saint. The three corpses are united into one, and the Tao is sanctified. The time required for this is unpredictable. What you have to do is to perfect your Zhoutian Good Fortune Kung Fu quasi-sage realm as soon as possible, and then break through to the quasi-sage cultivation base.

With Dijun's current cultivation base, apart from Hongjun in the prehistoric world, I am afraid that no one can be his opponent, but this is only temporary. Now that the Longhan's calamity has passed, the Wu Clan will appear next, making Dijun Surprisingly, he didn't seem to have found any traces of the Wu Clan in the wilderness. Could it be that they were hidden somewhere unknown in the wilderness?Or was it hidden by Heaven?

Di Jun couldn't make a conclusion about this, but with his current cultivation base, why would he be afraid of the Wu Clan? Huge, it is one of the three prehistoric formations that are as famous as the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and it is also the place where Di Jun is most afraid of the witch clan.

To be honest, if the witch clan was born now, Di Jun would definitely wish to kill them immediately, but the Twelve Ancestral Witches were transformed by the blood of Pangu. The best among them, just like Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin, practiced asceticism in seclusion.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches with the Da Luo Jinxian cultivation level arranged the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons to summon Pangu's real body, and the strength they could display was at least quasi-sage level. What's more, even if Di Jun has the strength and the opportunity to eliminate the Wu Clan, I'm afraid Tiandao will not let it go.

If the witch clan is destroyed, who will complete the six reincarnations, who will compete with the monster clan to complete the next calamity, and more importantly, the monster clan dominates the prehistoric world, which is of no benefit to the way of heaven and saints. not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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