The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 146 Concerns of all parties

Chapter 146 Concerns of all parties
Sun Star, in the Emperor's Palace, Di Jun was also awakened by the roar of the birth of the Wu Clan. He fixed his eyes and found the location of the Wu Clan in an instant. There was a look of enlightenment on his face. No wonder he didn't find the Wu Clan after two calamities. The traces of the clan were originally hidden in a certain small world, and they have not been integrated into the prehistoric world until now.

This should be Pangu's protection of the Wu Clan, not only the Wu Clan, but also Sanqing. At least Dijun has not discovered the location of Kunlun Mountain until now, and he will only appear in the world at a certain time, just like the Wu Clan is now. Generally speaking, but the current Wu clan is not too powerful, but the millions of clansmen are far from reaching their peak.

Although the witch clan is only a million clansmen, it seems that these million clansmen are not weak, and the aura emanating from the twelve ancestor witches is also extremely amazing. They also felt a hint of danger, and the Wu clan also had the blessing of Pan Gu's opening up the sky, and their luck was long.

Seeing the birth of the Witch Clan, Di Jun also had a killing intent in his heart. Since he knew that the Witch Clan would be the enemy of the Yao Clan in the future, he wished he could kill the Witch Clan and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but after careful consideration, Di Jun pressed Enduring the murderous intent in his heart, now is not a good time to kill the Wu Clan, and I am afraid that Di Jun will not succeed.

Once the Twelve Ancestral Witches in the later period of the Da Luo Jinxian form a large formation of the Twelve Capitals, the power of the gods can at least be comparable to that of a quasi-sage. If Pangu's real body is summoned, it will be even more amazing. There is also a gap between the saints, and Di Jun will not confidently think that he can match Pan Gu's real body, and this is not at the same level at all.

Of course, what makes Di Jun afraid is not only the Twelve Capitals of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, there is also one thing, that is a palace, located in the middle of a million mountains, a huge and simple palace stands in it, that On the plaque of the palace, there are three Daoist characters "Pangu Temple", exuding a unique charm.

Di Jun could feel the aura emanating from the Pangu Palace, which was exactly the same as the Pangu legacy on Buzhou Mountain. When he wanted to further explore the Pangu Palace, he suddenly felt a strong burst of will, which directly destroyed Dijun Di Jun immediately frowned for that divine sense. Losing a divine sense is nothing, but this Pangu Temple really made him a little startled.

That powerful will seems to be left over from Pangu. It has a pure Pangu aura on it, vast and powerful. Dijun's divine consciousness was destroyed without any resistance. There must be some hidden secrets of the Wu clan, or Pangu, such unknowns made Di Jun very afraid.

Such a Wu Clan will definitely become the enemy of the Monster Clan in the future. Unfortunately, Di Jun has no chance now, and he is not very sure to attack the Wu Clan. There is also the Pangu Palace, which is enough for Emperor Jun to be afraid of, so it can only be left for the future, and it is still unknown who will win the battle!

As for when the Hall of All Souls will be born, Di Jun already has a plan. He doesn't intend to annex the prehistoric tribes now. That will not only damage the strength of the monster race in the future, but also prevent them from truly returning to their hearts. Di Jun is waiting, When the prehistoric tribes felt the huge threat from the witch tribe, it was naturally the time when the monster tribe was established.

When the powerful will of Pangu broke out in the Pangu Temple, the expressions of the twelve ancestor witches all changed, and the expression of the ancestors changed immediately. It is the most important holy place of the witch clan, and now someone is spying on its existence, the Twelve Ancestral Witches naturally have a bad face.

Time Ancestor Wuzhu Jiuyin opened his mouth and said to the Space Ancestor Wu Dijiang who was headed by him: "Brother, I was born in the Wu Clan, and it has still attracted the attention of all parties. I am afraid there are some people here who cannot be easily dealt with by 12 brothers and sisters like you and me." , we’d better be careful, first grow the group slowly, and then plan other things.”

After hearing this, Di Jiang nodded: "Okay, then we will divide the tribe into twelve with the millions of mountains of my witch clan as the center, led by the great witch of each tribe, and develop outward together without expansion. It’s too fast, we try our best to be safe, and we are temporarily sitting in the millions of mountains to avoid any accidents, and I can handle it later.”

In Yujing Mountain, Hongjun, who was in retreat, was naturally shocked by the birth of the Wu Clan. When he saw the Wu Clan, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but then it dimmed again. How can he not see through the roots of the Wu clan, but when he found out that the Wu clan has no primordial spirit, he didn't have much interest.

However, there was something about the Twelve Patriarchal Witches that made Hongjun look at him with admiration. After seeing it, Hongjun murmured to himself: "Pangu, Pangu, I am really not as good as you. I didn't expect you to be dead for so many years, and you would still be like this!" The arrangement, the law and Taoism, is a big deal, but unfortunately, the Wu clan does not cultivate the primordial spirit, so I am afraid that your arrangement will be in vain."

Suddenly, Hongjun seemed to have sensed something, and a smile appeared on his face: "Interesting, it's really interesting that a newly born Wu clan can attract Dijun's attention so much, and it seems that there is still Pangu's will in the Pangu Temple. Guarding the witch clan? This is well-intentioned, hehe..."

In the Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing, who was practicing in retreat, was also shocked by the birth of the Wu Clan. At this moment, the Sanqings are all Daluo Jinxian's late stage cultivation base, which is lower than the peak of Daluo Jinxian of Taiyi, Fuxi, and Nuwa. Although Sanqing Possess great luck, but it is not as good as the huge luck of the Hall of All Souls, but with the ability of Yi Sanqing, I am afraid that it will not take long to catch up. After all, everyone will be stuck in front of the threshold of the quasi-sage.

After Sanqing felt the pure Pangu aura emanating from the birth of the Wu Clan, his reactions were mixed. Daoist Tongtian looked at the Wu Clan with a smile on his face. Lao Tzu looked at the Wu Clan meaningfully, wondering what he was thinking.

 Parents just left, take a nap, then get up in the afternoon to continue to update everyone, and add more in the evening!
(End of this chapter)

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