Chapter 147

The development of the Wu Clan is not rapid. They have only a few million people. Compared with the hundreds of tribes in the wild, they are too few. After the Wu Clan walked out of the millions of mountains, they did not expand very quickly. Step by step to encroach on the surrounding territory, of course, the method is indeed a bit brutal, the creatures in the occupied territory will either be slaughtered or expelled, which is completely exclusive expansion.

This is the beginning of the hatred between the monster clan and the witch clan. Although practitioners can not eat or drink, sometimes the way of body training can be assisted by eating things that contain the spiritual power of heaven and earth. In the eyes of the witch clan, The prehistoric tribes are good food. They take shape all the year round, and their bodies contain a strong aura of heaven and earth, so the Wu tribe will naturally not be polite.

However, due to the slow development of the Wu Clan, for a while, the prehistoric tribes did not notice the threat posed by the Wu Clan to them. They are still concentrating on recuperating and recovering as soon as possible, especially the lack of inheritance. , that is the most fatal to the recuperation of the prehistoric people, and everything will take time to heal.

The reproduction of the Wu Clan is slightly different from that of the Hundred Clans. The fertility of the Wu Clan is not as good as that of the Hundred Clans. It is completely impossible to catch up with the Hundred Clans in numbers. A new tribe was born in a very special way, and the secret existed in the Pangu Temple.

The Pangu Temple doesn't look that big, but there is indeed a hole in it, and somewhere in the Pangu Temple, there is a huge pool of blood. It is shocking that the blood in the pool keeps churning, and slowly Witch tribes popped up one after another at an extremely fast speed, and the blood pool didn't seem to be worn out, which was very scary.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches attach great importance to the blood pool, not only because it will give birth to clan members one after another, but more importantly, sometimes, some powerful great witches will be born from it. The Great Witch is the end point of the cultivation of all clansmen. As for the Zu Wu, it was conceived by Pan Gu's blood, and it was not achieved through deliberate cultivation.

As the Wu Clan born in these blood pools continued to integrate into the Wu Clan, the growth of the Wu Clan was naturally much faster. In a million years, the Wu Clan already had hundreds of millions of people. It is much less than the prehistoric hundred clans, but the individual Wu clan is strong, and the whole clan is fighting. Even some newborns also have not weak strength.

At this time, the hundreds of prehistoric tribes also gradually realized the power and threat of the Wu Clan, but the hundreds of tribes fought on their own, unable to resist the expansion of the Wu Clan, so some races began to form alliances to jointly resist the Wu Clan, but the Twelve Ancestral Witches It's true that the power of the witches is somewhat beyond their imagination, and even the great witches of the Wu clan are equally powerful.

While the witch clan was expanding, Di Jun's practice has reached a critical moment. His deduction has been completed. He has successfully deduced the quasi-sage exercises of the Burning Emperor Jue and Xuanyin Heart Sutra. Now he is making a breakthrough, although it is only The breakthrough of the Zhoutian acupoints corresponding to the two stars of the sun and the moon, but if there is one, there are two. As long as they break through successfully, the next step will be much easier.

Dijun sat cross-legged on the side of the two stars of the sun and the moon. Two forces, one yin and one yang, were introduced into Dijun's body at the same time, continuously transformed into mana, and injected into the mana stars in the sun and moon acupoints. The original aura of the sun and the moon contained in it also slowly began to become stronger, and the aura became more and more powerful.

With a powerful aura erupting from Di Jun, Di Jun finally succeeded in breaking through, and now he can be regarded as truly possessing quasi-holy-level mana cultivation. The power of his body has also been improved, and the cultivation of his physical body has begun to improve again, and the powerful power of Zhou Tian and stars is constantly tempering Di Jun's physical body.

Dijun's current practice has always been interlocking. The increase in the mana of Zhou Tian's acupoints has led to the increase in the power of the Inner Zhou Tianxing Dou array, and the increase in the power of the array will lead to the improvement of the body's cultivation. The improvement of mana and body cultivation will urge Di Jun to improve the realm of Yuanshen. I am afraid that there is no one in this way of practice.

It didn't take long before Di Jun's breakthrough was completed. He was not in vain for a million years. Millions of years in the world, but he has passed millions of years under the acceleration of the law of time. These millions of years have passed. For more than a year, Di Jun has been putting his mind on comprehending the laws of heaven, hoping to see through the mystery of the quasi-sage realm as soon as possible.

Now that he is successful, Di Jun is naturally happy in his heart. Now he has only just broken through two Zhoutianzhu acupoints, and there are still 360 three Zhoutian acupoints that need to be broken through. This is a big project, but with With the previous experience, it will be much easier to handle later, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

Of course, at the same time as the power breakthrough, there is another more important issue that has been surrounding Dijun, and that is the realm of Yuanshen. If the state cannot keep up, it is also a trouble. Although it will not cause the state to be unstable, it may not be able to exert its strongest power.

If you can't control all your own power, you won't be able to exert the strongest combat power in the battle, and it will also make the attack have obvious flaws. This is indeed very likely to cause some adverse consequences, but Di Jun has no choice. The improvement of the divine realm is much slower than the improvement of the cultivation base. If Di Jun hadn't mastered the law of time, it would have been even slower.

Di Jun felt the mana and stars in the sun and moon acupoints. Now they are all in the early stage of quasi-sage, and the mana in them is different from the mana in Da Luo's period. They seem to have been sublimated and have a unique charm. , This is the difference between the quasi-sage and the Da Luo Jinxian, which makes Di Jun look forward to the Hunyuan realm even more.

In addition to the breakthrough in strength, there is another thing that makes Di Jun also happy, and that is about the chaotic dantian. During the millions of years under the acceleration of the law of time, although Di Jun did not improve the cultivation base of Zhou Tian's acupoints, but But he didn't stop practicing. The power of Zhou Tianxing, innate aura and mana from cultivation were all supplied to Chaos Dantian for absorption.

If things go on like this, the chaotic dantian will be fully formed in a short time. At that time, Dijun's physical body cultivation will no longer rely on body training, and he will officially embark on the way of gods and demons. This is very much looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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